Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:25 AM

Chapter 1651

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Under the protection of Gao Xiangfeng and others, Zhao Wanqing went outside to accept the reporters' interview.

"Miss Zhao, how is Mr. Xiao's injury?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a cold face, "thank you for your concern. His operation was quite successful and two bullets were removed. In addition, he has always been in a very good condition. He only needs a few days' rest to return to normal

"Miss Zhao, what do you think of the terrorist attack on Mr. Xiao?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "there are too many ideas. In the capital of the United States, one of the most powerful countries in the world, my husband was attacked by this kind of weapon that can only be seen in movies and TV works. It's unbelievable. The United States government, especially the security and police departments, should be fully responsible for this. "

"Miss Zhao, we still don't know the whole process of the incident. Can you tell us something about it?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course."

Zhao Wanqing clearly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

A reporter asked, "Miss Zhao, do you mean that Mr. Xiao and his bodyguards have noticed the danger, so why didn't you call the police?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "how to call the police? Tell the police, I feel that someone is going to hurt me. You send the police to protect me immediately. I don't think a normal person would do that, let alone my husband. He took the risk of arresting people in order to find evidence. I just didn't expect that although they got what they wanted from those three people, they chose to start at that place. It was already late. "

"Miss Zhao, do you know who the murderer is? Why did he do it? Is it a business dispute? "

Zhao Wanqing said solemnly, "all three people wrote on paper what my husband wanted to know. His life is worth 40 billion US dollars. The people he hired are the most famous mercenaries in Africa, which are composed of retired special forces from various countries. They are very powerful. As for who? It's not hard to guess. My husband has always been very humble and has not offended many people. There are not many rich people who have the ability to spend $50 billion, so we have basically locked in the suspects. "

"There are a lot of people who say that Mr. Terence Bessie did it? What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'm sorry, we won't make a blind guess if there is no evidence. The power of the other side is very strong in the United States. I just hope that the government and the national security agency can really play a role. The three stalkers my husband caught were all members of the U.S. Marine Corps. It should be easy to follow this line. "

"What? Are those three from our Marine Corps? "

"My God, it's unbelievable."

"It's the Marine Corps that made the terrorist attack. How can it be possible?"

"Miss Zhao, you just said that Mr. Xiao killed seventeen people. What are their identities?" A Chinese reporter asked.

Zhao Wanqing said: "their bodies were taken away by those people. Their identities need to be confirmed by the American government. With the three of them, I believe that the identity of each other's mercenaries should be ready to emerge. "

"Miss Zhao, it seems that you are not optimistic about the American government."

Zhao Wanqing said, "I don't mean that. I just hope that the United States government will not be afraid to investigate and collect evidence because the culprits behind the scenes are powerful. My husband and I are Chinese, but most of our industries are in the United States. Last year, we paid more than 300 billion dollars in taxes alone. We just want to get justice. "

"If the American government can't give it, we can only ask the Chinese government for help. Mr. Zhang Chengan, Chinese ambassador to Washington, said that our Interpol in China was ready to investigate, but my husband, believing that the American government would give him and the outside world a satisfactory account, refused. I hope the American government will not let us down. "

"Miss Zhao, the election of the president of the United States has entered a crucial time. What do you think of Mr. Adams and Mr. Lyle?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "since the two gentlemen have been able to get to this point, they must be extraordinary people, but I have never contacted them and do not know any of them. But I know that a rocket attack in the capital of the United States would be extremely detrimental to Mr. Adams. However, this kind of thing is too accidental to say anything. We're going to look at his follow-up. If he can exterminate the vicious criminals in three days and bring the people behind the scenes to justice, I think Mr. Adams can prove his ability through this incident

When Xiao Yunhai asked Zhao Wanqing to say such words to the media all over the world, he wanted to force Adams into a corner and put him in a dilemma.

Senior people all know that behind Adams is the Bessie family, and Lyle's is the Anderson family. Once Adams catches Terence Bessie, how will the Bessie family react?

But Terence Bessie is the second successor, and it seems that this situation is likely to surpass the first successor and become the head of the Bessie family. It is absolutely impossible for the Bessie family to sacrifice him to quell the incident.If Adams can't do it, Xiao Yunhai will never let him go. Although he would not explicitly support Lyle, he could attack Adams's talent and prestige from the side.

So no matter what kind of choice Adams made, he was in no better position.

Few journalists can think of this, but they can't hide it from the insiders.

Zhao Wanqing's press conference didn't last long, and soon appeared on the major network media.

After Adams saw it, he almost didn't die of anger. His beloved teacup was smashed into several pieces.

"Xiao, you son of a bitch."

Adams was ferocious and gnashing his teeth.

If Xiao Yunhai were in front of him, he would like to bite him to death like a tiger.

Kelly heard the news, came to his study and said, "Adams, what's the matter?"

Adams's eyes shot knife like eyes, said: "Kung Fu Xiao has made a choice, he suppressed me, want to let lair superior."

Kelly looked at the video and immediately frowned and said, "he is forcing you through Miss Zhao. Adams, is it really Terrence Bessie

Adams snorted and said, "who else but this bastard. This kid is so brave that he dares to do such stupid things. I'm in a dilemma now. I'm really angry

Kelly thought about it and said, "I think it's time you talked to Mr. Elvis Bessie."

Elvis Bessie is the current head of the Bessie family. He is definitely the person standing at the top of the pyramid of America. His life is full of legend. The rapid development of Bessie family in the past 20 years is closely related to his wisdom and wisdom.

Despite the fact that Winnie and Terence are outsider and have hundreds of billions of dollars in their hands, they are actually the result of Elvis Bessie's deliberate connivance, which is a test for them. It's just a matter of one word that he wants to take back his rights.

Adams pressed down his anger and nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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