Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:22 AM

Chapter 1653

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After 10 minutes of swearing, Elvis Bessie stopped, his chest still rolling.

Just then the housekeeper came in and said, "here comes winnissa, sir."

Elvis Bessie frowned, looked at Terence Bessie, and asked the butler to take him to a nearby room and hide.

After a while, Vanessa Bessie, dressed in a business suit and a pair of high heels, came in with an angry face.

Elvis Bessie, with a smile on her face, said, "Vanessa, you know how to come back to see me, an old man. Good, good. I'm really happy

Vanessa Bessie came to her father and bowed solemnly. When she raised her head, her face was already full of pear blossoms and rain, and tears as big as beans came out of her beautiful eyes.

"Father, I don't mind Terence competing with me. Really, if he can win me and let me lose, I will try my best to help him become the patriarch. Because he's my brother, he has the same father, and his blood relationship is much deeper than other brothers and sisters. "

"But before he beats me, I will target him in every way because he is my competitor. But in any case, I would never send someone to kill him. Do you know? When I learned from Kung Fu Xiao that those killers would kill me, I was shocked and unbelievable. I didn't expect that he would pay 10 billion dollars to buy my life. "

Elvis Bessie's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Vanessa, you don't believe Kung Fu Xiao's one-sided story. You and Terence are the most talented people in the Bessie family. He is trying to divide you and make your relationship more tense. Those three people have been killed by the explosion. Naturally, Kung Fu Xiao can say anything. What's more, Terence is not necessarily the one who attacks Kung Fu Xiao. "

Winnie Bessie wiped her tears and said, "father, don't explain it to him. The whole United States can afford 50 billion US dollars, and I hate Xiao Yunhai and my people. I can't think of a second person except Terence. I believe in Kung Fu Xiao, because he has never told a lie and has a good reputation for his promise. And I've noticed that someone is following me. No matter how much you say, I won't believe it. "

Elvis Bessie, with a sad look on her face, said, "it's very sad of you to say that, Vanessa. You know I'm your father. You don't believe me. You choose to trust Kung Fu Xiao as an outsider. "

"It's because you're the biological father of Terence and me that I'm 100 percent sure you're going to lie about this," said Vanessa Bessie. If I were you, I would make the same choice. Because no old man is willing to let his son and daughter hurt each other. Father, I know Terence is in here, whether he can hear it or not, I just want to tell him that I will make him pay for what he has done

With that, Vanessa Bessie left without looking back.

She knew that Elvis Bessie liked not herself, but Terence.

After winnissa Bessie left, Elvis Bessie reprimanded Terence and stripped him of his job at TMC energy for reflection at home. In fact, it's also about protecting him.

Who knows if Xiao Yunhai will secretly send someone to kill Terence Bessie. If the other party does, Terence will die without Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu.

Terence Bessie asked, "father, what about those mercenaries?"

There was a sharp flash in Elvis Bessie's eyes and said, "dead, of course. Otherwise, how to give Kung Fu Xiao an account? Terence, remember, don't do it without full assurance. Once you do it, you have to hit it with one shot and get rid of the roots. Even if you can kill Xiao Yunhai this time, do you think his family will let you go? At that time, our whole Bessie family will probably be assassinated because of you. I will meet this legendary young man in person tonight, and hope he will give me that face. "

Terence Bessie said, "father, he has no proof that I sent someone to do it?"

Elvis Bessie snorted and sneered, "stupid. What if there's no evidence? For him, the evidence doesn't matter. "

Terence Bessie did not speak any more and left with the housekeeper.

At noon, under the protection of more than 20 bodyguards, Lyle came out of Washington Airport.

There was a terrorist attack in Washington. He was also concerned about his own safety. He was afraid that someone would take advantage of Xiao Yunhai's affairs and give him a visit, and he would be dead.

On the bus, assistant al said with a smile: "Mr. Lyle, Miss Zhao took the reporter's questions instead of Mr. Xiao. Although he didn't say it directly, both inside and outside the story questioned Adams's ability. And she asked the American government to take out the mercenaries within three days, and to catch the people behind the scenes. "

Lyle listened, pondered for a moment, and said, "this Mr. Xiao is helping me. After lunch, we went to the hospital immediately. I really want to talk to him

Al nodded. O: "OK, I'll arrange it right away."At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai is leisurely eating the orange peeled by Zhao Wanqing.

Gao Xiangfeng came in and said, "Mr. Xiao, Terence Bessie has come to Washington and is hiding in the manor of his father Elvis Bessie."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Lao Gao, you are a bull fork. In just two hours, you can find Terence's address

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "it was Hongmen who helped us."

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized that it was my grandfather who made the move

In Hongmen, Chen Jiahong is the head of the Supreme Court. It's just a phone call to ask Hongmen to help.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you going to do? Do you want to...

GAO Xiangfeng made a gesture to wipe his neck.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't worry. I gave the American government three days. If they can't, we'll have to do it. Since Terence Bessie opened the Pandora's box and wanted to buckle it, it was impossible. What's more, if this terrorist event is passed in such a muddle headed way, who will be in awe of me in the future. So I'm going to make an example. Terence Bessie has to die. Otherwise, any cat and dog would dare to bully my head. I'm not afraid, but my parents, wife and children can't. What should I do in case the other party shoots at them. "

The Bessie family has been engaged in the arms business, from missiles to bullets. They also control three legions of mercenaries, up to tens of thousands.

Previously, outsiders regarded oil and banks as the two carriages of the Bessie family. In fact, the real core is arms, and the annual profits are as high as trillions of dollars.

Where there is war, they exist.

And the Anderson family is the same, the two compete in the world, which is the most important reason for their hostility.

Gao Xiangfeng showed a clear look and said: "Elvis Bessie's manor protection measures are extremely strict, it is said that even missiles can not be broken. I'm afraid it's hard to kill Terence Bessie in it

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't want you to do it. It's not worth it to threaten the lives of brothers for such an asshole. Isn't he looking for mercenaries to kill me? We'll pay him back in his own way and find some mercenaries to kill him. We don't care who killed Terence Bessie. I'll give him 20 billion dollars. This kid is worth the price at most. However, what you have to do is a little secret, so no one can know. As for the 20 billion dollars, it came from the investment company I founded in my mother's name. Wanqing, is that all right? "

Zhao Wanqing has been in charge of two investment companies. Wen Yan said, "let alone 20 billion US dollars. Even if it is 50 billion US dollars, we can transfer them out. It's just, you do it, it's too obvious. Isn't it obvious that you did it? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I just want them to know that I did it. Like Terence Bessie, I can't be taken by anyone without proof. "

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "sometimes, I really hope my family doesn't have so much money. The ancients are right when they say, "a little rich is an angel."

Xiao Yunhai said: "once you enter the lake, you can't help yourself. There is no way. Lao Gao, you go to contact. Three days later, if Terrence Bessie is arrested, then go ahead. By the way, tell them again, if anyone can launch a rocket, hit seven or eight guns, I will add 10 billion more. "

Gao Xiang said, "OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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