Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:17 AM

Chapter 1656

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The reporters in front were also affected and fell down a large area. Fortunately, it was a small bomb, otherwise, no one in the meeting room would want to live.

The police rushed in immediately. A middle-aged man in a baseball cap among the reporters glanced at the scene coldly and walked to the bathroom.

Unfortunately, he was noticed by the head of the police, Ronald.

"Mr. reporter with a baseball cap, please stop. I have something to ask you."

The middle-aged man turned a deaf ear and walked on.

Ronald's eyes turned sharply, took out his gun, aimed at him, and called out, "stop and raise your hand."

Looking around, the middle-aged man seemed to realize that the other side was talking about himself. He quickly put his hands on his head and said, "I'm a reporter. What do you want to do?"

The two policemen pointed the muzzle of the gun at him as they slowly walked past, looking highly nervous.

No way. This man is too suspicious.

When there was an explosion, everyone should be nervous and afraid. However, he didn't panic at all. On the contrary, he still wanted to go to the bathroom. This is unreasonable.

In everyone's attention, a policeman took out his handcuffs and wanted to be handcuffed, but he didn't want to be suddenly freed by him, and the gun fell into his hand.

This man is the head of the former mercenary. He was supposed to collect intelligence last night. He didn't want his brothers killed by the government.

So on that night, he made such a small bomb, which killed the deputy director of the United States Security Bureau, which was also regarded as revenge.

"Put the gun down."

"You're under arrest."

The middle-aged man didn't think about it. He shot another policeman walking in front of him, and it was a shot in the head, and blood was shed on the brow.

"Reporters, listen to me. I am Duke, the mercenary leader who attacked Mr. Xiao the night before yesterday. I come here with the determination to die and tell you the truth. There are 52 mercenaries in our country, more than half of them are retired American marines, and the rest are retired special forces from other countries. Just a few days ago, we received a $50 billion mission to kill Kung Fu Xiao and miss Winnie Bessie

"The news from Huaxia is right. Mr. Xiao's life is worth 40 billion dollars. At that time, we wanted to deal with Miss Vanessa first. Unfortunately, he and the president's wife had been shopping together all the time. However, they had no choice but to focus on Kung Fu Xiao. "

"That 40 billion dollars is enough for us to live for a lifetime. We wanted to quit after finishing this vote, so we had a big fight. But Mr. Xiao is really too powerful. He is worthy of being the number one expert in the world. Instead of killing him, we have killed more than 20 people with his marvelous Chinese Kung Fu. But we don't hate him. What we really hate is the man behind the scenes. The middleman has told us that the person who contacted him has disappeared. I think he has been killed. After my investigation, I can tell you clearly that we are hired by Terence Bessie, the second successor of the Bessie family. Whether you believe it or not, I must make it clear, so as not to let my brothers, who are living and dying, die unknowingly. "

"If you have any questions, you can ask now."

"Mr. Duke, do you have any evidence for that?" asked a sweet looking journalist boldly

Cook said: "of course not. Even his housekeeper is dead. There is no evidence. "

"Mr. cook, where are your rockets and submachine guns from? I don't think you can bring it by land, by sea or by air. "

They're hiding weapons in a villa. When we arrived, we chose our weapons according to our own habits. I thought I could succeed, but I didn't think it would turn out like this. These capitalists are really unbelievable. "

"Mr. cook, is that Mr. Shaw's plane also the bomb you sent to install?"

Cook shook his head and said, "absolutely not."

Seeing the reporters looking at themselves with suspicion, cook explained, "it's all at this point. Is there anything else I need to hide? As for who did it, I don't know. "

"Mr. cook, there is no death penalty in American law. I think you'd better take your hands off. Because no matter what, you can't escape. " A reporter pretended to have the courage to persuade.

No one expected cook to agree and said, "you're right. The reason why I came here this time is just to expose the plot of the incident and return justice to our brothers. Now I surrender, hoping that the American police can handle the case according to law. If I am killed by them, please release the video for me. Thank you

With that, cook threw the gun in his hand, let go of the policeman, held his head in both hands, squatted there, and was taken away by the police.

The cameras in the hands of reporters crackled, and the flash lights almost lost sight of people's eyes.

"I feel like I'm watching a play today. The key is that we are all actors."

"The terrorists set up bombs, killed senior officials, shot a policeman, and then surrendered. The script, it's definitely a script. ""It's unbelievable. What's going on here. I'm getting dizzy. "

"Whatever it is? Anyway, I've already photographed it, so please upload it. "

The reporters rushed out for fear that their actions were too slow, leading to the news headlines being preempted by others.

When the video appeared on the Internet, the world exploded.


"God. It's frightening that most of these terrorists are special combat members of the U.S. Marine Corps. "

"Is that cook stupid? Why did he come to surrender? "

"I adore this terrorist. If he wants to leave, I believe no one will stop him. But he chose to avenge his brothers in this way, which is really admirable

"Is Terrence Bessie the CEO of TMC energy? Is there any animosity between Kung Fu Xiao and him that led him to use this way?"

Hua Xia

"the truth of the facts is like this. The emperor of cloud is so poor. As a trillionaire, he is only worth 40 billion yuan outside. "

"No harm. Strongly demands that the United States government arrest Terrence Bessie. "

"Emperor Yun is now lying in the hospital, and more than ten people have died because of this terrorist incident. The culprit is this Terence Bessie. "

"America has always touted itself as a nation of human rights, and it's time for them to prove it."

"We strongly demand that the American government return justice to the emperor."

The whole world is crazy about cook, the head of the mercenary Corps.

Adams and Elvis Bessie are in big trouble.

The two soon called again.

"Mr. Elvis, we need to talk to Mr. Terence Bessie. Otherwise, there is no way to tell the outside world. " Said Adams.

Elvis Bessie said, "Mr. President, I want to know what you're going to do to Terence? You know, you don't have any evidence. I'm afraid it won't do any good with just one terrorist. "

Adams said, "Mr. Elvis, we're just doing business. After all, this matter has been known all over the world. It can't be done without some superficial work. At least the American people have a hard time. You know Kung Fu Xiao has hundreds of millions of fans. I can't offend them. You can rest assured that Mr. Terrence Bessie will be put back safely after the first debate between Lyle and me

Elvis Bessie thought about it and said, "OK. I hope you can keep Terence safe. "

"Don't worry," Adams said. I don't believe anyone dares to attack a police officer. "

Elvis Bessie said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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