Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:15 AM

Chapter 1657

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An hour later, in the presence of numerous journalists, Terence Bessie was taken to the police station.

Ronald personally interrogated, only 10 minutes, it was over.

Under the escort of Ronald, Terence Bessie came to the prison. Seeing that there was only one bed and only 1.6 meters, Terence Bessie was not happy.

"Director Ronald, can't you find me a better place? I'm not a criminal. "

Ronald said, "Mr. Bessie, you can take two nights."

Terence Bessie has never been in such a place since childhood, and said with displeasure: "chief, you can

arrange some guards to put me in the hotel opposite the police station. I will not run anyway. You can rest assured that Terence will never forget your kindness to me. "

Ronald thought about it and said, "OK. Mr. Bessie, I'll arrange for you to be picked up at four o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, so as not to attract the attention of the reporters. "

Terence Bessie nodded with satisfaction, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Ronald is indeed a director who can adapt to circumstances. I believe that in the future you will be able to move to a higher position. "

Naturally, Ronald could hear this as a promise from the other side, and his face was almost full of laughter. He said, "thank you. I'll ask Mr. Bessie for more help in the future."

Under the protection of several guards, Terence Bessie was taken to a hotel just 100 meters away from the police station. Although it was only a four-star hotel, it was much better than the police cell.

Not far from the police station, there was an ordinary car with a young man with a hat sitting in it. He had been playing with a camera to take pictures of Terence Bessie and his party.

"Boss, Terence Bessie has been taken to the hotel opposite. I'll go over and see which room he is in?"

"Good. You can do it for a million dollars, boy. Do you hear me clearly? "

"Yes, thank you, boss."

The man put his camera in the car, and half an hour later, he entered the hotel.

"I want to open a room and leave tomorrow."

The boss was a fat man in his forties. He said, "I'm sorry, our hotel has been contracted by guests. You'd better go to another place."

The young man pretended to be unhappy and said, "who is it? Money to burn. I think nine out of ten do something dirty. You have to be careful, boss

Fat boss hehe said with a smile: "you boy, don't talk nonsense here. They are... Forget it. What do I tell you. You must leave now. "

The young man had no choice but to go out.

However, instead of leaving, he was waiting.

He wanted to know which room Terence Bessie would sleep in.

Until twelve o'clock in the evening, the light in the middle of the second floor was on. The curtains were shadowy, and there were obviously many people.

The young man took several pictures in a hurry.

After a while, the lights were on in the surrounding rooms.

Young people can't understand the room where the target lives.

With a happy mood, the young man drove home, turned on the computer and sent the photos to the boss.

Five minutes later, the boss called and scolded, "who told you to come back? You go back now and keep a close eye on him for 24 hours. Do you understand

The young man was stunned and said, "OK, boss, I'll go back now."

On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged white man with a scar on his face looked at the three masked men and said respectfully, "my men have found the location of the target. Several eldest brothers, do you see if... "

the man with the transformer mask directly threw a box to the boss with the printed color photos, and his head would not leave.

The middle-aged old man was very happy. After seeing off the three pestilence gods, he came back to open the box. It was a whole box of dollars.

Walking to the password box, the middle-aged man put money in a stack. When he reached the penultimate floor, he suddenly heard a slight noise.

With a close eye, I saw a little thing flashing wildly.

The middle-aged man's face changed greatly. He didn't want any money and ran outside quickly.

Unfortunately, he is still late.

Only ten steps out, the bomb exploded. The strong shock wave directly blew him away, smashed the glass, fell down, "bang", hit the body of a car, the whole person died no longer.

Fortunately, the bomb's power is not big, otherwise, those residents upstairs may not be saved.

Three masked men left this time after seeing the middle-aged man's end.

"Boss, Terrence Bessie has been located on the second floor of a hotel. All the clues are clean. When will we start? "

Asked the man at the head.

"I see. Wait for the news."The next night, the two presidential candidates had a heated debate on television.

The first part is about his ruling philosophy. Lyle has never been president, but his wonderful degree is no less than Adams. It was a tie between the two.

The second link is free debate time, in which the two criticize each other's ruling ideas and tell their own reasons.

Both Lyle and Adams were eloquent people. They debated for half an hour without winning or losing.

Seeing that he couldn't win, Adams finally revealed his trump card: "no matter who is president, there must be a prerequisite. Do you know what that is, Mr. Lyle

"Mr. Adams, should there be more than one prerequisite for the election of a president?" Lyle asked, pretending to be unknown

Adams said: "all other conditions can be postponed, but the physical condition of the future president will bear the brunt of it. How are you, Mr. Lyle

There was a lot of noise under the stage.

"No, is there something wrong with Lyle's health?"

"If so, it would be a big deal. In any case, we can't let a person who is not in good health be president. "

"It seems that Adams has got Lyle's evidence, otherwise how could he have asked such a question."

Ignoring the whispers of the audience, Lyle laughed and said, "I'm in good health. Getting up in the morning and running five miles a day is much better than Mr. Adams. "

Adams shook his head and said, "why should Mr. Lyle deceive himself?"

He took out a receipt and said, "this is the problem that you found out when you were in the hospital. You have a very serious heart disease. It's not suitable to be a president. You are busy every day."

Lyle frowned and said, "Mr. Adams, I'm really surprised by your statement. How can I have a heart attack? Can you show me the diagnosis? "

Adams said, "let's watch it together."

A lens floated past, and the diagnosis was printed on the big screen. There was indeed Lyle's disease on it. It was undoubtedly a heart disease.

The audience exclaimed.

"Oh, it's true."

"It's really Lyle's confirmed case."

"Now Adams is going to win without a fight."

Adams was very proud in his heart. Everything was in his plan, but his face was still. He looked at Lyle with a frown and said, "Mr. Lyle, I think this diagnosis is true?"

Lyle thought for a moment, nodded and said, "it's true. However, although the name is mine, the diagnosis is not mine, but my father's

Adams frowned, feeling that something had gone wrong and said, "what do you mean?"

"Everybody knows my father died last year because of a heart attack," Lyle said. At the beginning, in order to make him feel at ease, I did not use his name, but used my own name. If I don't believe it, I can go to the hospital tomorrow for a comprehensive examination to prove that I have no problems at all. "

Adams was shocked, his face changed for the first time, and said, "that's not your case?"

Lyle said with a smile, "of course. If I had a heart attack, how could I still run for president? "

Adams was now aware that he had been cheated, and the smiling fellow in front of him had calculated him.

"Mr. Adams, I'd like to ask you a question about terrorist attacks. What's going on with the NSA? In Washington, our capital, Mr. Xiao was attacked by rockets, grenades, submachine guns and other heavy weapons. Even the planes in the airport were blown to pieces, and so many people were killed. Even the deputy director of the national security agency was killed yesterday. The NSA can't even protect its own people. I really can't believe how they can protect US citizens. As president of the United States, don't you think it's a dereliction of duty to do something about social security? "

"I admit it's my fault, and I've disgraced the American government in front of the world," Adams said. But I promise that what happened before will never happen again. Br >

, all of a sudden, the voice of terror of the United States of America exploded in eight minutes.

Everyone is stupid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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