Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:14 AM

Chapter 1658

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Adams was a little confused. Before he said that he could eliminate all terrorists, there was such a big explosion outside that he was literally slapping him in the face.

Adams asked solemnly, "what is going on?"

Two minutes later, a staff member with a mobile phone rushed to the stage and said, "Mr. President, your emergency call."

Adams took it up and asked, "what happened?"

"Mr. President, the hotel not far from the police station was attacked by a terrorist attack, and the other party used eight rockets in a row, which razed the whole hotel to the ground."

"Hotel? Why did they attack the hotel? "

"Because Terence Bessie lives in the hotel."

Adams's body shook, the whole person was not well, his face was very bad, said: "why is he in that hotel? That's ridiculous. Is there anything wrong with him? "

"Mr. President, the specific information has not been confirmed. But at this point, Mr. Terence Bessie is unlikely to survive. "

Adams was furious. Xiao Yunhai's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind. He said, "seize Kung Fu Xiao immediately and take him to inquire. I suspect that this matter has something to do with him."

"Yes, Mr. President."

After hanging up, Lyle asked, "Mr. Adams, don't you say it's just another terrorist attack?"

Adams was speechless for a moment. After a while, he nodded his ugly face and said bitterly, "the hotel opposite the police station was attacked by eight rockets."

There was an uproar under the stage.

"No, what's going on in Washington? In just two or three days, there were three terrorist attacks. "

"I'm afraid it will be on the world news again. Oh, it's really bad luck for us in America. "

"Could it be Kung Fu Xiao?"

"Probably. Otherwise, why does Adams want people to catch Kung Fu Xiao? "

"Mr. Adams, I want to know why you want to arrest Mr. Shaw? His identity, his position in the world, you should be very clear. "

"I suspect that Mr. Xiao is behind this incident," Adams said

Lyle asked, "why? Mr. Xiao is lying in the hospital now. I'm surprised that you said he was the organizer. "

"Because this time it's Terrence Bessie, and it's also rocket," Adams said

Lyle was surprised and said, "how could it be? Isn't Terrence Bessie in the police station? Why in the hotel? Is that what the police department in Washington does? Well, no wonder the public order is not good. "

Adams changed his face and said, "I didn't expect the police would put Terrence Bessie in the hotel. Once this is verified, I will certainly not spare them. "

Although Adams said so, it was clear that no one paid much attention.

"It's not because Terence Bessie is the heir of the Bessie family. If you are an ordinary person, how can you be qualified to stay in a hotel

"The government talks about human rights every day. Now I know that the original scope of human rights is the rich, not us poor people. "

"Isn't he going to catch Kung Fu Xiao? I don't know where Mr. Xiao lives. "

Adams was not in the mood at this time. In charge of what the audience said, he said, "this is the end of today's debate. I need to be there. "

"Mr. Adams, you are the president of the country, and terrorist attacks like this should be the responsibility of the national security service," Lyle said immediately. I'm afraid it's useless for you to come to the scene. Or is it because the target of the attack is Terence Bessie that you are so nervous. Even if Mr. Xiao was hurt a few days ago, I didn't seem to see you visiting him

Lyle won't let go of the opportunity to be a wet dog.

There was another uproar under the stage.

"Yes. Even the president has divided people into three, six, nine, so we can see what the people below will do

"Kung Fu Xiao is so pitiful. People are lying in the hospital, and the president doesn't go to see them. And when Terence bessier has an accident, the president is going to be there in person. These two treatments are far from satisfactory. "

"It's the same with Kung Fu Xiao. We think it's over."

Adams said, "when Mr. Xiao had an accident, I was busy meeting with foreign guests, so I had to ask someone to take my place. Now we are debating. Does Mr. Lyle think this debate is more important than terrorist attacks

"I don't dare to wear this big hat," Lyle said

Adams gave him a hard look and left with his men.

In Bessie manor, Elvis Bessie, after hearing the loud noise, felt a strong uneasiness in his heart and immediately sent someone to investigate.

Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang.

"Mr. Bessie, there's something wrong with Terence."

A little, said Elsie, "shaking.""Mr. Bessie, Terence's hotel was attacked by eight rockets. There were 16 people in the hotel, including the police. No one survived. Terence was among them. "

Elvis Bessie's eyes were red, the whole person seemed to have been pulled out of the bone, collapsed on the sofa, the mobile phone also dropped to the ground.

There are several branches of the Bessie family. Elvis has only winnisa Bessie and Terence Bessie. Their abilities are very good, but there is a lack of heart. It needs experience.

Compared with the two, Elvis Bessie is naturally more inclined to Terence.

Foreign countries also have the idea of valuing men over women, especially in big families.

I didn't expect that now that Terence is dead, all of Elvis Bessie's plans are over.

Other branches will certainly take advantage of this opportunity to rise. The first successor who has been suppressed for so many years is likely to seize power. As a clan leader, no one dares to move, but other branches are hard to say.

At the thought of this, Elvis Bessie was sadder, and a torrent of hatred rose.

"Kung Fu Xiao, you are cruel. I promise I will never let you go. "

Today, he heard that someone had spent 20 billion on Terence's life. It was Xiao Yunhai, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Suddenly, he felt wrong again.

Kung Fu Xiao issued an order this morning. It's reasonable that no one should have this speed.

Can you say that someone wants to fish in troubled waters.

Elvis Bessie was a man who had experienced the storm, and his mind soon calmed down.

After careful analysis, he felt as if he and Kung Fu Xiao had been tricked.

Eight rockets, Kung Fu Xiao simply can't hide everyone, from the outside transport.

Unless, like their own Bessie family, they own stocks in Washington.

In Washington, the only people who have this inside story are the Anderson family.

Thinking of this, Elvis Bessie's face is hard to see the extreme, if it is really them, he will never let go of their people.

Of course, he couldn't let Xiao Yunhai go. He planned to pretend to be confused and let Xiao Yunhai bury Terence with him.

"Why haven't you started yet?" Elvis Bessie picked up the phone and dialed the mysterious number again.

"Kung Fu Xiao has many masters to protect him. I don't have a chance to do it."

"I think you should have read the news. Kung Fu Xiao will be taken to the police station, and his bodyguard will certainly not be around at that time. Do you know what to do? "

"I'm already preparing."

"I hope to hear good news." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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