Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:45 AM

Chapter 166

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Sun Xiaoyue's righteous words, in return for the audience's collective disdain.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "ha ha, or the eyes of the audience are bright. However, from this point we can see that it is not easy to be an excellent host. At least you have to be able to tell lies with your eyes open. You can't be a good host if you don't tell the truth. "

Sun Xiaoyue was said by Xiao Yunhai. She begged for mercy and said, "brother Xiao, you are really my brother. Can't I take it?"

"Ha ha ha."

"Sister Xiaoyue also has this time."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "well, give you this face. To get to the point, my book Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu is mainly about a story of fighting for supremacy in the Wulin. Shaolin, Wudang, Huashan, Songshan, Riyue and other sects, in order to achieve the goal of unifying the rivers and lakes, colluded with each other and tried their best to achieve the goal of unifying the rivers and lakes. In the end, it was nothing. "

"I'm not bragging. This novel is full of twists and turns in plot, with strong contradictions and conflicts. The form of the river and lake is also complicated. The characters in the novel are like the hypocrite Yue buqun, who is a hypocrite with different appearances; The unruly leader of the sun moon Shinto cult, the so-called sunrise Oriental, the only invincible, and the unique pursuit of defeat, which is known as sunrise in the East and invincible only by myself, are very fresh and worth seeing. "

"Two days ago, I had a discussion with sunshine publishing house on the issue of publishing. As for the time of publishing, I think it should be before the Spring Festival. At that time, I will publish it on my homepage. Please support me a lot. "

He Feng said with a smile: "I will certainly support it. I can't help looking at the names you're talking about

"Yes, yes. For example, the Oriental invincible is really too overbearing. Sunrise in the East, only I am invincible. It's so amazing. " Wang Guorong said.

"And the one who can't win alone is even more powerful." Zhu Xiwu also joined in.

He Feng asked the audience, "do you want to buy it or not?"

"Buy it."

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "that's great. Mr. He, after the recording is finished, give me a list of the audience. At that time, if a person can't buy a hundred copies, I'll go to their house and settle accounts with him. "

"Ha ha ha."

"A hundred copies, that's too cruel."

In this way, for more than ten consecutive problems, Xiao Yunhai skillfully solved them with his humor and wisdom, and at the same time, he also won bursts of applause from the audience.

After answering the twelfth question, Xiao Yunhai finally couldn't stand it. He began to say, "listen to me first. I don't want to play like this, don't you? I'm here mainly to promote my "fairy tale" album. It seems that such a big deal we've talked about seems to be far from the theme, not even on the sidelines. "

The audience laughed again.

Sun Xiaoyue said with a smile, "does your fairy tale still need publicity? Can you ask, is there any song in the album that you can't sing? "

"No The audience said with one voice.

Xiao Yunhai spread out his hand and asked, "what am I doing here?"

"I don't know."

"Ha ha ha."

So far, although the program has only been recorded for half an hour, the audience has laughed more than ever before.

Xiao Yunhai's humor and wit have promoted the whole program's effect to a higher level. Even he Feng said that if Xiao Yunhai were to be the host, his job would surely be taken away by him.

In the next part of the game, Xiao Yunhai took care of the three newcomers on purpose. He mentioned their film "summer campus" more than once, which made them get a lot of shots by accident. Naturally, they are very grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

He Feng and other hosts saw this situation, and they were more fond of Xiao Yunhai.

Soon, the program will come to an end. Xiao Yunhai sang a song "the only one", and the high and confident voice again triggered everyone's chorus.

In a burst of laughter, the joy of this period came to an end on Sunday. And the audience has been laughing straight panting, obviously very satisfied with this program.

After the recording, under the guidance of the security personnel, the audience went to the stage one by one to ask for signatures and group photos from Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai was all comers and met their requirements. I've been busy working for an hour, and that's all.

He Feng came up and patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "how long is your brain? It's too powerful. Have you ever thought about eating the host's bowl of rice? "

After recording happy Sunday, the relationship between the two immediately became much closer, so he Feng spoke more casually than before.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't have time."

Sun Xiaoyue patted her chest and said happily, "that's good, that's good. If you really want to come, we'll have to abdicate. In order to thank you for not taking our job, we want to treat you to dinner? Changsha is absolutely unique. "

"Xiaoyue, I'm afraid you'll have to postpone your treat. The TV station has something important to discuss with Yunhai." Chen Zhan came over and said with a smile."Mr. Chen." When he Feng and sun Xiaoyue saw the boss, they said hello.

He Feng said with a smile: "Chen Taichang, won't you really ask Yunhai to be the host?"

Chen Zhan waved his hand and said with a smile, "of course not. Even if I want to, I don't think the boy will agree. They want to be a superstar. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes at Chen Zhan and said, "Chen Taichang, don't bury people here. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you have something to do, please tell me."

Chen Zhan frowned and said angrily, "dare to say such a thing to your uncle. Do you want to beat him up?"


He Feng and others know that Chen Taichang and Xiao Yunhai have such a close relationship. No wonder they just talked so casually.

"All right, uncle, what's the matter?"

"It's about the copyright of the voice of China."

It turns out that after Xiao Yunhai told Chen Zhan about the program idea of "the voice of China" in his previous life, Chen Zhan came back to make a detailed plan and submitted it to director Ouyang.

Director Ouyang thought it was very good, so he took it to the meeting and wanted to hear other people's opinions. Unexpectedly, such a good plan was strongly opposed by the other two vice directors.

Chen Zhan argued, but he was outnumbered.

Chen Zhan himself is also very clear that this is the crucial moment for the competition for the TV station leader. The two worried that he would make a variety show with super high ratings, and then increase his weight for promotion to the station director. Therefore, no matter whether they are optimistic about the program or not, they will try their best to block it. This is not surprising.

Seeing that things were going to be yellow, Chen Zhan was very anxious. After thinking about it, he still needed the strong support of director Ouyang to succeed.

Therefore, he called all the members of the planning department to make the most detailed plan for "the voice of China". He took it to Ouyang for half a month. When Ouyang saw Chen Zhan's persistence, and he really liked the program, he agreed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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