Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:10 AM

Chapter 1662

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In fact, Adams is now in a dilemma.

If you don't take it away, you can't live up to your own face. Take it away, then the next thing will be a big trouble.

Lyle's side will never let go of this opportunity. It must be a big attack. By then, his presidency will be handed over to others.

It seems that Mr. Zhang's widows should not be captured by the police, but those who do not want to be arrested. What do you think? "

Mr. burns saw a wrong step and said, "there is no step down. Ronald, count the names of the police officers who died. I'm going to visit their homes in person tomorrow and preside over the funeral for them. They are real heroes. "

Ronald made a salute and said, "yes, Mr. President."

Under Xiao Yunhai's strong counterattack, no one expected that Adams would recognize the defeat like this, and the end of the storm was over.

But Xiao Yunhai knew that it was not over. When he left, Mr. Adams looked into his eyes, full of resentment and danger.

"Never let Adams continue to be president, or he will die." Xiao Yunhai said in his heart.

After Adams and others left, Xiao Yunhai was interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of this terrorist attack?"

Xiao Yun Haidao said: "it should be two groups of people. I suspect that there is a secret killing organization in Washington, and that the weapons are well-equipped. I am glad that the other side does not seem to have missiles. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave alive if I even have this

"Mr. Xiao, do you know what the president said about the 20 billion dollars?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I never knew there was such a dark organization in the world. That $20 billion has nothing to do with me. I just heard about the $40 billion that killed me before, but I didn't see it. Is there a price tag for people's lives? If this is true, I believe that the highest price is Adams, the president of the United States. "

the reporters laughed.

"Mr. Shaw, will you really sue the Washington police in court? "

Xiao Yunhai said:" of course. When my lawyer comes, I'll ask him to prepare this evening. There is also my plane, so far no one has told me, what should I do? No one gave me an answer, whether it was the aircraft manufacturer, the airport management or the Washington government. I hope to hear from them tomorrow, so as not to embarrass each other. "

"Mr. Shaw, have you made it clear that you do not support Mr. Adams's presidential election?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "No. I said I would not be involved in the political struggle of the United States. "

One reporter said, "but you do mean that Mr. Adams is not fit to be president, that he is now a politician."

With a suspicious look on his face, Xiao Yunhai said, "have you? I'm sorry, but I may have been angry. Thinking of those who died innocently because of me, I feel extremely guilty and remorse. Maybe I said something too much, and even seemed to swear. Here I apologize to you

With that, Xiao Yunhai bowed to the reporters and left under the escort of his bodyguards.

Half an hour later, Washington once again became the focus of the world. The fierce dialogue between Xiao Yunhai and Adams attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people.

Whether in the United States or other countries, most people support Xiao Yunhai.

"What is Adams doing? His behavior is more than a villain. "

"Police officers in Washington are just a bunch of crap. In just four days, three terrorist attacks have taken place, which is quite frightening. "

"Of the three attacks, two came against Kung Fu Xiao. Instead of finding the culprit, the police forced him out of the hospital. Is this still a country ruled by law? "

"Adams was very bad at dealing with terrorist attacks. What's even more disgusting is the Washington police department. It's rotten to the core. If Terrence Bessie was in a police station, not a hotel, let alone an eight rocket, even a missile might not have hurt him

"Under Adams' administration, the government has been completely rotten. I am ready to support Lyle as the next president, hoping that he can bring a different feeling to America. "

"Me too. Adams's performance was really unsatisfactory. What's more, he should treat my idol Kung Fu Xiao so rudely. It's a good thing I'm not at the scene, or I'll have to spit on Adams's face. "

Huaxia's side is even more fried.

"Cloud emperor, come back. Huaxia is your home. Other places are disgusting

"I was attacked by two rockets in Washington, which caused heavy casualties. Finally, I was taken by the police in Washington as a suspect for interrogation. I just want to ask America, are you sick

"The cloud emperor is domineering. In front of the media all over the world, he resented the president of the United States. This is the first time in history. ""It's so cool to see the picture of emperor Yun denouncing Adams and scolding his mother. This is the real man who dares to do what others dare not do. "

"The emperor of cloud cursed the president of a country this time, which was obviously completely out of anger. But I understand him very well. So many friends died because of him, no one can stand it

"Who knows what the Bessie family is? Why have I never heard of it before? And I feel that even the powerful people like emperor Yun are not able to deal with them

Chinese netizens have asked about the Bessie family.

How else to say that the power of netizens is infinite, the situation of Bessie family is really found by them.

Seeing the brief introduction of the Bessie family, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, no wonder the emperor yunhuang did it. But the Bessie family is so powerful."

"The world's largest oil company is theirs, general bank is theirs, STEL networks is theirs, arms are theirs, and there are even three mercenaries in Africa. God, is this still a family? It's better than some small countries. "

"Even the weapons used by the American army are made by the Bessie family, which is indeed a cow. Yunhuang, come back quickly. You can't do it. "

"I now very much doubt that these incidents have something to do with the Bessie family. Those rockets, grenades, submachine guns, the emperor can not get them. The only explanation is that they belong to the Bessie family. As for Terence Bessie, it's not Vanessa Bessie. You know, Terence Bessie had offered $10 billion to kill her

"Very likely. The emperor was so pitiful that he was attacked by two rockets in vain. Ah, China is still safe. "

In a hotel in Washington D.C., Lyle smoked a cigar and drank coffee with a pleasant look on his face.

After watching the video of Xiao Yunhai and ADAMS on the computer, Lyle smiles with satisfaction.

Although when he went to the hospital, he did not get an accurate reply from Xiao Yunhai, but out of the words, Xiao Yunhai has revealed his support.

To attack Adams and make him lose his prestige and face is undoubtedly the best support for himself.

just didn't expect this ally to be so awesome. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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