Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:08 AM

Chapter 1663

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Assistant al knocked on the door and went into Lyle's room and said, "Mr. Lyle, Adams is in a dilemma this evening. It's a great pleasure to be scolded by Mr. Shaw. I've asked my team to launch a publicity campaign against Adams online, and I believe that his approval rating will drop significantly soon. "

Lyle nodded and said, "do you think Mr. Xiao is acting or showing his true feelings

Al thought for a while, and said with a wry smile, "if it's ordinary people, I'll think it's true, because it's too real. There's nothing in that look that can deceive. But I'm not sure about Mr. Xiao. "

Lyle said with a smile, "yes. He's an actor, and he's one of the best actors on the planet. It's really hard to tell whether he's real or not. However, in any case, it is undoubtedly the best for us. Did you find out who did it for Terence Bessie's death? "

Al shook his head and said, "I don't know. But what can be sure is that Mr. Xiao did not do it. Because no one dares to accept his 20 billion dollars. It has to be said that the Bessie family's three mercenaries had a huge deterrent effect. Although Mr. Xiao has developed rapidly, he is far inferior to the Bessie family in the details. "

Lyle said, "of course. The power of the Bessie family is beyond your imagination. No one knows how much energy a large family has for hundreds of years. With the old gentleman's mind of Elvis Bessie, it is certain that Xiao Yunhai is not the murderer, but he just wants to make mistakes. "

Al thought about it and said, "Mr. Lyle, do you think that family did it?"

Lyle frowned and said, "it's hard to say. In any case, the death of the second in line successor of the Bessie family is absolutely a great event. There will be a lot of trouble for Mr. Xiao. "

In Elvis Bessie's manor, the lights are bright.

As the most powerful patriarch of the Bessie family, the security work of the whole manor can be said to be extremely tight. Don't talk about people. Even a fly doesn't want to fly in.

"What? Failed? How could it fail? " Elvis Bessie looked at the video on the computer, and there was something strange in his eyes.

Others don't know. He knows very well that the death team is powerful.

He believes that even the president of the United States of America has the ability to kill successfully.

Although he controls three mercenaries, in terms of his ability to assassinate, there is no doubt that the death squad is far stronger than his men.

Can be such a person, unexpectedly can not succeed, can say they are merciful.

After all, Xiao Yunhai is also a Chinese.

Just then, his satellite phone rings.

Pressing the answer button, Elvis Bessie said coldly, "I need a reasonable explanation."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Elvis. We don't have the ability to kill Mr. Shaw."

"Is he really so good?"

"Stronger than you think. Let's put it this way, except on some occasions where he must die, the assassination will not hurt him at all. His Kungfu has reached the point of supernatural, can foresee the danger, even the rocket is useless. If you want to kill him, you'd better send out weapons of mass destruction. "

Elvis Bessie frowned and said, "cold, since you have failed, why are you still alive?"

Lengao did not tell him the truth, just said: "we naturally have a set of life-saving methods. Mr. Elvis, from today on, our cooperation ends here. We will double the deposit you paid us. Goodbye. "

After hanging up, Elvis Bessie was lost in thought.

Terence Bessie's death, he can be 100% sure that Xiao Yunhai did not do it.

Apart from the Anderson family, he couldn't think of anyone who could fight such a big battle in Washington.

In the evening, a lot of people were saying that maybe it was Vanessa Bessie looking for, but Elvis Bessie knew that Vanessa didn't have the same ability.

Thinking of this, Elvis Bessie dialed a number.

The number was always there, and it was on the first, but he had never called it in ten years.

The phone went through quickly, but the people there didn't speak.

They were silent for about five minutes.

Elvis Bessie asked, "arene, are you?"

An old voice came from the opposite side, saying, "I'm still so boring. I will never open this Pandora's box. You should know that. Elvis, we've been fighting for a lifetime, and obviously you won because I'm not in good health, and you're going to live longer than me. If I do, I will try my best to kill you. In this way, you Bessies will be in disorder. A little Terence is of no use

"I see," said Elvis Bessie

Then Elvis Bessie was about to hang up. The man across the street said, "I think you'd better think about your own people. In the Bessie family, those who inherit are not fuel-efficient lampsElvis bessier stopped and thought of a possibility quickly in his mind and said, "thank you."

"Somebody." Elvis Bessie put down the phone and immediately called out.

The housekeeper came up to him and asked respectfully, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Elvis Bessie, with his eyes blazing, said, "immediately investigate for me what the first to sixth heirs of the family are doing these days. I want their daily work schedule and every phone call they make, without any omission. Do you know? "

With the strength of the Bessie family, it's just easy to do this.

The housekeeper nodded and said, "yes, sir."

The words of his old rival, Alan Anderson, made Elvis Bessie aware that he seemed to have been too indulgent with the heirs over the years, and when he thought about it, he couldn't even guarantee that they would not be able to do it.

As for Xiao Yunhai, Elvis Bessie does not intend to let him go, but the assassination is no longer possible. Let's face it.

On the other side, Xiao Yunhai returned to the hospital, thinking about what happened today, and said, "Laogao, what do you think we should do now?"

Gao Xiang said: "in any aspect, we are not on the same level with the Bessie family. However, they also have a weakness, that is, they have many children. Elvis Bessie doesn't dare to go too far with us, lest the younger members of the Bessie family be implicated. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you are right. But this is not a problem. The dozens of mercenaries and Terrence Bessie are dead, which is an account of those who died. Next, I'm going to see Mr. Bessie myself. The fight must be based on rules, or my family will be hurt by them. In my heart, the ten thousand heirs of the Bessie family are not worth a hair of my family

Gao Xiangfeng thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao, I think you should develop your own armed forces like the Bessie family."

Xiao Yunhai also discovered this problem through the 20 billion dollar purchase of Terence Bessie's life.

The mercenaries dare to kill him, but they dare not take Terence Bessie's list because they have a powerful army of mercenaries. Both weapons and personnel quality are first-class, so no one dares to provoke them.

Xiao Yunhai is now worth more than 10 trillion US dollars. Although he has Yunqing security company, it is obviously lack of deterrent power compared with mercenaries.

Gao Xiangfeng is right. He really needs armed forces.

"Lao Gao, you are an expert in this field. What do you think we should do?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Gao Xiangfeng said: "many of my comrades in arms have formed a mercenary group in Africa. There are about 1800 people in charge of guarding gold mines, oil fields and so on. Their weapons and equipment are very poor. However, personal quality is first-class. They control a 300 kilometer boundary. If you want to develop the armed forces, I think they are quite suitable. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "did they look for you?"

Gao Xiangfeng nodded, embarrassed to say: "at the end of last year, I had a drink with their leader Long Yi. He hoped I could introduce you."

Xiao Yunhai puzzled asked: "this matter, why does the army not come forward?"

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the Chinese army ranks first in the world. No matter where you go, you are invincible. How can you pay attention to such a small group of mercenaries. Long Yi told me that there is nothing he lacks, and the only thing he lacks is funds. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you let him go to Yanjing in a week. I want to see him and talk about it."

"Xiangfeng will be happy to inform you as soon as possible

Xiao Yunhai said, "we'll go straight to Elvis Bessie tomorrow morning. What do you think?"

"Good," said Gao Xiang

After discussion, Xiao Yunhai took a hot bath and had a good sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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