Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:07 AM

Chapter 1664

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai had a breakfast and arrived at Elvis Bessie's manor with more than ten bodyguards including Gao Xiangfeng.

Outside the door, there were four people holding submachine guns standing guard there, saw three cars, and quickly aimed the muzzle at them.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's really good enough."

Gao Xiangfeng came out of the car and said, "Mr. Xiao is on the car. He wants to talk to Mr. Bessie."

"Do you have an appointment?"


"Then leave."

Gao Xiangfeng said, "I think you'd better inform us. Mr. Shaw is not an ordinary man. I believe Mr. Elvis Bessie will meet him. "

The security guard seemed to know Xiao Yunhai's name and said, "wait a minute."

He picked up the headset and reported to his superior.

Two minutes later, the gate opened.

Xiao Yunhai and his party drove into the parking lot.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Xiao Yunhai met the owner Elvis Bessie in a ornate hall.

Seeing that there were six bodyguards standing beside him with guns, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Bessie, this kind of welcome lineup makes Yunhai a little unbearable."

Elvis Bessie didn't give Xiao Yunhai any good looks. After hearing his words, he said, "who doesn't know that Mr. Xiao's Kung Fu is the best in the world. If you hurt someone violently, what should I do. And you're not welcome here, so there's no welcome line-up

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if it is the enemy, I think you will not let me stand to speak."

Elvis Bessie made a gesture and said, "please sit down."

They sat down and the housekeeper brought them two cups of tea.

Elvis Bessie said, "I didn't expect Mr. Shaw to come to my manor in person. Aren't you afraid you can't go out?"

There are more than 200 bodyguards in the manor, with submachine guns and all kinds of weapons and equipment. If Elvis Bessie wants to keep Xiao Yunhai, he may not be unable to do so.

Xiao Yunhai said: "no one can hurt me within 20 meters, but I can kill anyone. This is the confidence. Old Mr. Bessie, your bodyguards look so heroic that they can't stop me from doing anything

Elvis Bessie didn't bother about it and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it's negotiation. You should know that I didn't kill Terrence Bessie at all. But you sent someone to kill me last night. Don't you think it's too much for you to be father and son once a time? "

Elvis Bessie said angrily, "dare you say that 20 billion dollars was not put in by you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter whether it's me or not. According to the prestige of your Bessie family, those mercenaries are even less daring than rats, and no one dares to take them. Mr. Elvis, I think that's the end of the story. We were both defeated. Your son was killed, I was attacked twice by you, and the real winner didn't show up

Elvis Bessie waved his hand and said, "it's not that you lose, but you've won. The position of president of the United States is getting closer and closer to Mr. Lyle. Adams has no way to return. He always thought there was something wrong with Lyle's health, but he didn't know it was a trap for him

Xiao Yunhai did not deny that, at this juncture, there were so many terrorist attacks, and he was also haunted by rumors. It was impossible for Adams to win reelection.

"Even if Mr. Lyle takes the presidency, how much will it affect your Bessie family? Before Adams was president, the Anderson family is still developing well, isn't it? Mr. Bessie, I know you won't let me go. I also hate you Bessie family. But what I hope is that there will be no more such attacks, and that the fight should be in a certain circle, just like you and the Anderson family

Elvis Bessie snorted and said, "you're not a family. You're not qualified to make a deal with me. Maybe ten years later, but not now. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Elvis Bessie with a knife like look and said, "on the inside story, I am really far from it. But I have the ability to kill all members of your Bessie family, including you. Do you really want to test it with the whole Bessie family? "

Elvis Bessie did not speak. He knew that Xiao Yunhai did have this ability.

The Bessie family has a large number of people. If we really deal with them, it will not be troublesome.

Xiao Yunhai's family has only a few. As long as he doesn't go abroad, he has no way.

If the two sides fight, the Bessie family can't stand the loss.

Elvis Bessie said coldly, "you are the most powerful young man I have ever met. Mr. Xiao, you win. We really can't afford it. But that doesn't mean we're afraid of you. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, gave him a step and said, "of course I know. With a big family and more people, you can't really do everything. That's your biggest weakness. "Elvis Bessie said, "but I'll beat you in other ways."

Xiao Yunhai didn't care at all and said, "I hope you can get what you want."

The two were not in a good mood.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and was about to leave when a bodyguard stopped him.

Elvis Bessie turned his head to the other side, apparently acquiescing.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "is it necessary to give me an inferior position?"

The bodyguard said, "Mr. Xiao, although I'm Italian, I'm also from Chinese Kung Fu. You treat us as nothing, which makes me very angry. So I'd like to experience it. "

He uses authentic Chinese and Mandarin is very standard. No wonder he knows Chinese Kung Fu. Obviously, he has spent a lot of time on language.

Chinese Kung Fu is the best in the world, but foreigners rarely get the true story because they can't speak the language well.

Even if you can't understand the boxing score, how can you practice it.

Xiao Yunhai didn't take his words, but took out a coin from his pocket and said, "when you practice to this point, compare with me."

With that, his coin came out towards the tea table.

Elvis Bessie's desk is made of marble, while Xiao Yunhai's coins are inserted into it, only a small part of it is exposed.

The guard's staring boss showed an incredible look.

No one else is much better.

With a coin inserted into the marble table, this kind of Kung Fu is almost comparable to the myth.

Elvis Bessie's mouth moved, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Just now, if Xiao Yunhai did something by himself, he didn't need any means. He could easily kill himself with this coin.

It's terrible.

If the table wasn't his own, he thought it would be a magic trick.

Xiao Yunhai left by car, and no one dared to stop him.

The Bessie family's affairs are settled. Xiao Yunhai asks a lawyer to sue the Washington police station in court.

Under Lyle's special care, less than a week, the police chief resigned and all relevant leaders stepped down.

Hollywood entertainment companies, which had promised to give Adams platform, all chose to be silent when they saw that his assassin's mace failed and they were in great trouble again.

Adams was in a poor position. After a verbal battle with Xiao Yunhai, his approval rating suffered an avalanche of decline the next day. It was inevitable that he would be out of the game, and Lyle would become the new president of the United States. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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