Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:04 AM

Chapter 1666

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In the afternoon of that day, Wen Yanhong held a press conference to talk about the impending landing of chess and card games on app, which aroused the discussion of reporters.

"Mr. Wen, according to your opinion, players can fight each other in the game and win their bets. Is there any suspicion of openly gambling?"

Wen Yanhong had thought of this question for a long time and said with a smile: "of course not. If the player has the ability to win a million dollars a day, there is no problem. But losing money is not enough. In Europe and the United States, the player's account number can only lose 50 dollars at most. Beyond that number, you can't continue to play

"Mr. Wen, don't you think this kind of game is too simple? Do you think they will benefit you? "

Wen Yanhong said: "simple games are not necessarily not fun. As for the benefits, it's hard to say. "

"Mr. Wen, the bottom bet is up to ten dollars. Is it a little less?"

Wen Yanhong said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao said that small gambling can make you happy, but big gambling will hurt your health. We don't want this game to affect the lives of players. Of course, it's not just ten dollars. Our game is divided into three levels, the bottom is 10 dollars. If the person wins $10000 through the game, he can enter the second level with a bottom bet of $20. If you lose less than 5000 dollars, it will come down from the second level. If you win $10000 again, you can go to the third level, 50 dollars. If you lose $10000, you'll fall to the second tier. To control the sex. Of course, the upper limit of daily output of the second and third layers will be correspondingly increased

"Mr. Wen, you......"

because it is just a small game release, we don't have too many problems.

However, no one has thought that such a simple game can no longer be simple, but it has attracted the attention of European and American players.

"Damn it, can you win money by playing games? That's great. "

"Tonight, I'll challenge first."

"I like playing cards best. Dollars, I'm here. "

At 8:00 p.m. American time, the board and card games of storm games company were launched in Europe and America.

In just five minutes, there were tens of millions of downloads.

In particular, one of the Texas poker, deep European and American players like.

As for chess, it's a little bad.

In an ordinary house in Los Angeles, Paul is playing games on a sofa.

At eight o'clock sharp, Paul painstakingly closed the battle of the king and downloaded Texas poker.

After a brief look at the rules of the game, Paul already knows what he's doing.

At nine o'clock, his parents came back and were angry to see Paul still playing games there.

"Paul, you'd better put my cell phone away before I get angry." Said Paul's father.

Paul waved his hand and said, "Dad, don't talk. I'll tell you my record after I finish this game."

Paul's father was suddenly angry, went up and took his cell phone to come over, angry way: "you now give me a bath, and then sleep."

Paul said, "Dad, please give me back my cell phone. I'm fighting people, and I'm going to win. It's more than twenty dollars. "

Paul's father was stunned, their family is not very rich, heard about more than 20 dollars, quickly returned the mobile phone to him.

A minute later, Paul cheered and won.

"Now you should have a good talk with us." Said Paul's mother.

"Storm Games has developed a board game with my favorite Texas poker," Paul said. I played for less than an hour. Do you know how much I won? God, I won 260 dollars. "

Paul's parents were stupefied and exclaimed, "how can it be?"

Paul said triumphantly, "it's impossible. This is a game developed by Kung Fu Xiao. It's similar to gambling, but the amount is too small. One account can lose 50 dollars at most. I'm in high gear now and I'm ready to win more money next time. "

There are many more like Paul.

Of course, more people lost, but we didn't care. After all, it's only a few tens of dollars, all within their affordability.

In four hours from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., the number of downloads of Texas poker has exceeded 100 million, involving tens of billions of bets.

Yunqing network company is able to charge 1% of the handling fee for each handle. After settlement, the profit alone has reached 300 million US dollars.

Players on the network have given this game a very high evaluation, even higher than the battle of the king.

"Ha ha, I won 230 dollars in one night. It's great."

"It's a game that might allow me to scrape up the cost of college, and I have to win more money."

"Even though I lost, I still gave the storm game company's Texas card nine points. It's really fun. ""In the past, I always used to charge money into games. It's amazing that I can get the money now. "

Early the next morning, a message spread across Europe and America.

Someone played Texas card for one night and won three thousand dollars.

There is a picture of the truth, even that player has been found, also accepted the reporter's interview.

"What? You're kidding me when you say I'm Todd from storm games. It's a pity that I'm the only one in the second level. I can't help it. I have to continue to mix in the first level. "

"What do you think of this game, sir?"

"I can only say so. It's not nice to have a maximum bottom bet of only $10. Gambling is not prohibited in Europe and the United States. Why not open it up a little bit? "

The player, who made 3000 dollars, looks like he is flowing and has a pigtail behind him, which makes people feel strange. His voice is even more arrogant and arrogant.

Can be how a person, let other companies do not look up to the chess and card game fire all over Europe and America.

No one thought that a simple war game would be so fierce.

The next day after the launch, more than 300 million chess and card games were downloaded, and the net profit to storm games alone exceeded 400 million US dollars.

In addition to other games such as chess, go, Soha and bridge, the net profit exceeds 500 million US dollars.

It took less than a month to develop the whole game, and the cost was about zero.

Wen Yanhong, wearing an ol uniform and high-heeled shoes, walks into Xiao Yunhai's office with a report in her hand.

"Mr. Xiao, yesterday's card game income has been counted out." Wen Yanhong said with a smile.

Now she almost admire Xiao Yunhai. A little Texas poker has become people's favorite game. Compared with "battle of the king", it is unbelievable.

Xiao Yunhai took a look at her and said: "look at your smile is even more beautiful than flowers, the result should be very good."

Wen Yanhong said, "OK, I can't believe it. Yesterday's net income was $650 million. In the global game rankings, is worthy of the first. The second place is our battle of kings, with an income of only over 300 million. It has been hit very hard in Europe and the United States. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "this is no way. By the way, how about the Lianzhong game client? They had a lot of momentum before. "

Wen Yanhong said: "it's really a very strong opponent. As soon as their client is online, they are sought after by the players. Today, the number of downloads has exceeded 300 million. However, it may be due to our Texas poker and King's war, players don't play a lot of games on them

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is only temporary. The client composed of six major European and American game companies is not so easy to fail. General manager Wen started to promote the card games to China, focusing on fighting landlords. "

In Europe and the United States, Texas poker is the most popular card game, and in China, fighting landlords is undoubtedly the king of card games.

Wen Yanhong nodded and said, "OK."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm going back to China tonight, and I'll leave the company's affairs to you later. When the video is online, I'll ask Raul to contact you and pass on all of our Marvel films and TV works. "

Wen Yanhong said, "I will cooperate with Mr. Raul." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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