Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:00 AM

Chapter 1669

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On Qingyun Mountain, the mist is shrouded and the immortal spirit is filled. The giant trees that block the sky, the magnificent waterfalls and the flying birds make the whole scene like a nine day fairyland, which is unbelievable.

Just this one shot, let all fans who see the trailer marvel.

Then, a large group of men and women in white practiced their swords in a wide area. Their moves were graceful and uniform. They were all beautiful men and women. They matched the beautiful environment perfectly, just like a painting of ink and water.

The soundtrack is also gentle and graceful, full of empty inspiration, making people feel very comfortable.

"My God, this place is so beautiful."

"Before, I had no idea of fairyland on earth. Now I know that fairyland is like this."

"With this ten second shot, I'll see it for sure."

When everyone was amazed, suddenly the situation suddenly changed, and the music rhythm became extremely fierce. A huge Unicorn appeared on the painting surface, waving its claws, as if fighting with others.

All kinds of magic weapons, immortal magic, rare and exotic animals have been displayed one after another.

Finally, there was a big drink to "kill the immortals". A fairy sword was born in the sky and quickly crossed the sky.

Just when you want to see what this magic sword is going to do, the trailer stops abruptly.

Only 30 seconds, a second is not much, a second many, short is simply unbearable.

Xiao Yunhai's home page was quickly occupied by fans, without exception, all in vent dissatisfaction.

"Emperor Yun, you've gone too far this time."

"Thirty seconds, thirty seconds, or the only version, you don't want to mix up."

"The wonderful picture, the lively fight, the real and immortal beast," Zhu Xian "is simply wonderful. Only the trailer is too short. It's over if you haven't seen it. "

"It is said that the emperor is generous and generous, but after seeing the trailer of" Zhu Xian ", I know that he is more stingy than Grandet

"Emperor Yun, I just want to ask you that you will die in more than ten seconds."

Not only fans, but also countless artists who pay close attention to Xiao Yunhai's new films have expressed their dissatisfaction in their own space, including even the actors of Zhu Xian.

Wang Tianming: "director Xiao, half a minute trailer, do you want to break the shortest Trailer record?"

Jiao fangtao: "although it was a quick glance, I can still see from the short pictures that" Zhu Xian "is definitely the most outstanding immortal chivalrous film in history. It's just that Mr. Xiao's approach is really hard to agree with. "

Huang Bo: "third brother, I don't want to play like this. Half a minute. You're going too far. "

Bai binglu: "I can't believe that I should be filming in such a scenery. Thank you, director Xiao, for giving me two shots in 30 seconds. "

Liang Hui: "another masterpiece has been born. The picture is simply beautiful and fascinating. But how beautiful the picture is, how angry the director is. If I didn't know I couldn't beat him, I'd have to beat him up. "

Dozens of artists have all made posts, and even Zhao Wanqing has joined in the excitement.

"Seeing this trailer my husband made made made me speechless. This kind of behavior is really despicable. I can tell you that the whole film is beautiful like a work of art, and the pictures made by the special effects team composed of more than 5000 people should not appear in this world. If you watch with imax3d glasses, you will feel the real immortal world. It's a pity that if I don't want to watch a complete film, I just want to watch it. Now, seeing how shameless he is, I am finally relieved. In comparison, he is still good to me

After the post was sent out, netizens laughed.

At home, after the two children fell asleep, Xiao Yunhai picked up Zhao Wanqing and put her on the bed. While patting her buttocks with his right hand, he said viciously, "let you make random posts and let you post randomly."

Zhao Wanqing blushed and begged for mercy: "husband, I dare not, you let me go."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "if you want me to let you go, there is no way. Today, I want to teach you a good lesson and dare to arrange me on the Internet. How unreasonable

With that, he hit Zhao Wanqing several times in a row.

Fighting, Zhao Wanqing's voice gradually turned into Jiaoyin, her face flushed.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing's charming and charming manner, she couldn't stand it. The bedroom was full of spring.

At the time of people's crusade against Xiao Yunhai, a card game appeared on Yunqing app.

On the game platform of twitter clients in Europe and the United States, Texas poker is on the top, with sales far exceeding the battle of the second king. For a week in a row, the profits were more than 500 million US dollars.

The reason why it did not spread out immediately in China and Asia is mainly due to legal issues.

Europe and America can't help gambling, but China forbids gambling.

Therefore, before Xiao Yunhai launched this game in China, he asked his lawyer to ask the Supreme Court whether this form of game is gambling?As there was no such problem before, the Supreme Court, after careful deliberation, finally came to the conclusion that gambling is not considered, but the amount must be limited.

Xiao Yunhai let the company put the card game online, and each person lost at most 100 yuan a day.

Similar to Xiao Yunhai's prediction, Chinese players' favorite is not Texas poker, or mahjong chess, but the simplest fight against landlords.

Spare time, play a game, earn some pocket money, become the players' favorite.

With a population of 1.6 billion in China, the amount of bets in one day alone has reached 80 billion Chinese dollars, which shocked the world's game circle once again.

With 544 million dollars in Europe and the United States that day, Xiao Yunhai made a profit of $715 million from card games in just one day.

Man Wenbin called Xiao Yunhai directly.

"Yunhai, you are so good. If a small fighting landlord becomes a cornucopia, are you not afraid that the government will make you a crime of openly gambling? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have solved the legal problems for a long time. Otherwise, I don't have the courage to do so. "

Man Wenbin said, "you boy, you're really good at doing things. This is only China. If it covers the whole of Asia, it will be fine. Compared with you, our IQ is really worrying

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Wenbin, don't lift me up. Well, if it's not that simple, I guess it's not just me

Man Wenbin said, "did you guess it? Yes, I want to ask you about online video. "

Since the network Department of the United States redefined the network copyright, entertainment companies in other regions have joined forces to submit applications to the government, hoping to distinguish the mobile network copyright from the traditional network copyright as in the United States.

Now that Europe has opened up, other parts of Asia have made decisions in favor of entertainment companies, but Huaxia has not given a clear statement.

The network department did not intervene in the copyright issue and referred it directly to the Supreme Court. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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