Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:42 AM

Chapter 167

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Ouyang TV station has a high prestige in the daytime. He has always said nothing, but the other two vice directors dare not say anything.

After all, at this critical moment of competition for TV station directors, Ouyang TV station directors can not afford to offend them.

After Chen Zhan was authorized, he wanted to talk to Xiao Yunhai about copyright.

You should know that the creative idea of this program is from Xiao Yunhai's dictation and Chen Zhan's record. Legally, the copyright of this program is in the hands of Xiao Yunhai.

Therefore, if Chen Zhan wants to move "the voice of China" to the screen, he must obtain the written authorization of Xiao Yunhai.

Even if Chen Zhan is Xiao Yunhai's uncle, he has no right to make decisions for him.

Hearing Chen Zhan's words, Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment.

When telling his uncle about the idea of "the voice of China", Xiao Yunhai just wanted to help, and did not want to rely on it to get any copyright fees.

However, Xiao Yunhai is not a fool. Naturally, he will not show his original intention in front of so many people and say, "well, let's find a place to talk about it."

Farewell to He Feng and others, Xiao Yunhai and his team followed Chen Zhan to a courtyard like hotel.

On the way, Xiao Yunhai asked about this matter, and Chen Zhan said with a smile, "you boy, you are clever and confused for a time. I know that even if I take it as my idea, you won't say anything. But what's good for us. I'm the deputy director of mango TV station. This identity determines that I can't get the copyright fee consistent with the program, and I may not even get a cent. "

"The copyright is not the same in you. You can claim the copyright fee from the TV station by virtue of it. Remember, don't look at my face, give me the strength to want, can want as much as you can. The money is not mine anyway

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Chen Zhan and said with a smile, "uncle, are you a pickpocket?"

"Fart, isn't it all for you? You are a dog biting LV Dongbin. You don't know good people. "

"Well, uncle is better."

"Of course."

Soon, Xiao Yunhai and Su Yingxue followed Chen Zhan to a box where two people had already sat.

One of them was about 50 or 60 years old. His hair was half white, his face was a little thin, but his spirit was very good. He had a pair of gold rimmed reading glasses on his nose and a book in his hand.

Under the middle-aged man sat a handsome young man in his twenties. He may have just graduated from University, and he still has a strong scholarly spirit. With a laptop and printer, it seems that it should be a secretary.

Come in and ask the young man.

Chen Zhan nodded to him, looked at the stable middle-aged man, and said with a smile: "it's just a copyright negotiation for a variety show. It's really unexpected that director Wu can come here in person."

Director Wu chuckled, shook the book in his hand and said, "I want to know Mr. Xiao, the author of classic martial arts novels like Xiao Li's throwing knife. Today, I have to say that Mr. Xiao is really young and promising. "

Xiao Yunhai leaned over and said, "director Wu is flattered."

Although he didn't know the identity of the man in front of him, he was certainly not a general director who could be respected by his uncle, the deputy director of the station. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai did not dare to be slighted.

After several people took their seats, Chen Zhan said, "Yunhai, let me give you a grand introduction. This is director Wu, the God of wealth in our stage. Our TV station can achieve the present status, director Wu has made great contributions. This evening, I didn't expect that director Wu would come in person. You should have a good drink with director Wu. "

In mango TV station, Wu Ling's identity can be said to be under one person, above ten thousand people, in charge of the economic power of the whole TV station.

He and Ouyang Zhaoming are classmates of Huaxia Communication University. They are friends. After graduation, they come to mango TV station at the same time.

After Ouyang Zhaoming became the director of mango TV station, the first thing he did was to promote Wu Ling to financial director. He worked for 20 years.

The two are complementary in character. Ouyang Zhaoming is majestic and full of courage, while Wu Ling is shrewd and does not leak anything.

With their efforts, mango TV station soon stood out and became the leader of local TV stations.

Chen Zhan is a little bit right. In addition to Ouyang Zhaoming, Wuling is definitely the biggest contributor to mango platform's current status.

Originally, Ouyang Zhaoming wanted him to be the first deputy director of the station, but Wu Ling refused to let him be the first deputy director. Otherwise, whether Chen Zhan could become the vice director still had two questions.

After listening to Chen Zhan's words, Wu Ling waved his hand and said with a smile: "forget it, as far as my physical condition is concerned, I'll drink two or two wine at most, and no more than that."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Wu is modest. I think you are in good health."

"It's just a matter of external excess and internal emptiness. It's too late now. I think we'd better discuss the good voice of China"Yes, no problem."

"Well, I'll give you my opinion first. To tell you the truth, I am very optimistic about this "good voice of China". In terms of form and interest, it has the attraction that other talent shows do not have. Once it's done, ratings are no problem. I just don't know what Mr. Xiao wants? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said," I'm very confident about this program. Maybe it will create a legend. Director Wu, I don't know how much we are going to invest in building this program? "

Wu Ling held out five fingers and said, "fifty million. For the rest, we need Chen to solicit sponsorship. "

Mango station is now the key stage of the transition between the new and the old, and the three vice directors want to make achievements and improve their competitiveness.

Ouyang Zhaoming doesn't want to help anyone, so every time they apply for a project, Ouyang Zhaoming will only give them a quarter of the fund, and others need to find their own way.

For example, "summer campus" this idol drama, is the deputy director Meng Wei is responsible for the preparation. Originally, he wanted to find some young stars to shoot. It was because of the problem of money that he had to give up the plan and found Wang Li and Zhang Meijun instead.

Fortunately, the ratings of "summer campus" are good, so Meng Wei has been recognized by Ouyang Zhaoming.

It is roughly estimated that it will cost about 200 million yuan to record "the voice of China". Apart from other things, it will cost at least 150 million yuan to invite four famous tutors. In addition to the manpower and material resources involved in the program recording, 200 million yuan is not necessarily enough.

Chen Zhan sighed and said, "I've been worried to death these two days. I haven't got a point yet for the gap of 150 million? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director Wu, if I want to invest, I don't know how many profit points can you give me?"

"It depends on how much you invest?"

"How many gaps, how many I cast."

Xiao Yunhai really wants to get involved in programs like "the voice of China".

The audience rating of the good voice in the past life is so hot that it can be described. Even the rebroadcast has surpassed all the original variety shows, and the advertising fee has been changed again and again, which has been raised by many businesses.

With this, Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV station also stood out and stepped into the ranks of the real top TV stations, competing with mango TV station, which was on the top.

However, the variety shows in this world are still in the initial stage, and the level is generally not high, far from the level when the variety shows were overflowing in the past. The original good voice can fight a way out of many strong people and climb to the top of variety show. There is no reason why it can't work here.

All, Xiao Yunhai this just had the idea of investment.

"Nonsense." Before Wu Ling opened his mouth, Chen Zhan stood up with a frosty face on his face and roared to Xiao Yunhai: "you are crazy. You dare to make your own decisions on a matter of more than one billion yuan. You are too bold."

As Xiao Yunhai's uncle, Chen Zhan must avoid suspicion in the copyright negotiations between Wu Ling and Xiao Yunhai. Even if Xiao Yunhai finally suffered a loss, Chen Zhan would never say more.

However, the program involves his nephew's hundreds of millions of funds, so Chen Zhan can't let him go around. Not to mention anything else, once the program did not reach the desired ratings, Xiao Yunhai still had to pay for a troublemaker.

If I let my sister and brother-in-law know, then I will jump into the Yellow River and I can't wash it. At least one CCTV pit my nephew is unable to run away.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my parents have long ignored me. Besides, uncle, I didn't do it for you. I came up with the idea of this program. No one knows more about the value it can create in the future. I dare say that in the variety show of the same period, it is absolutely the first. Therefore, I am really optimistic about this program, so I want to invest. Believe me, this is definitely a business with no loss. The main difference is how much money can be made. "

Chen Zhan did not move, said: "I still do not agree. There are exceptions to everything. I'm not afraid of ten thousand. I'm afraid that in case of any problem, I can't explain it to your parents. "

"Uncle, in front of director Wu, is it not appropriate for you to extrapolate such a large investment?"

"Don't make excuses for me. I have to call your father and see what his attitude is Chen Zhan suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Qifeng directly.

Soon, Xiao Qifeng's calm voice came over.

Chen Zhan said something to Xiao Qifeng. He was waiting for Xiao Qifeng's thunder to get angry. He didn't expect the other side to say: "brother, it's OK. It's a good thing that children have their own opinions when they are older. As long as it's not a crime, he'll handle the rest himself. "

"That's it."

Chen Zhan was so surprised that he almost glared out his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Qifeng, I didn't make it clear. I'm talking about 150 million, not 150. "

"Yes, I can hear you clearly. Brother, don't worry. Yunhai is a very steady child. Besides, the program itself is his creativity. He knows the quality of the program. We don't have to worry about it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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