Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:59 AM

Chapter 1670

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Man Wenbin is the boss of Xianyue video network. Naturally, he is very concerned. He also takes advantage of such an opportunity to explore Xiao Yunhai's words.

Xiao Yunhai joked: "brother Wenbin, are you a little nervous?"

Man Wenbin said, "of course. This copyright issue concerns the life and death of all our video websites,

can I not be nervous? You are the prince of the Xiao family. Have you heard anything about it

Xiao Yunhai said: "No. I didn't pay any attention to it. My mobile video network will soon operate in Europe and America, and I plan to put it directly in China. If the court decides that you win, I will not put on the films and TV works that have been sold to you. If you are judged to lose, I will put them up. It doesn't matter

Man Wenbin said: "I don't care about the films and TV works before. I care about the future. You are the boss of Yunqing TV station. There are dozens of films and TV works invested every year. Together with Hanhai film and television investment company, the strength is simply frightening to death. If the court decides that the copyright of mobile network film and television is not within the original copyright, is this the end of our agreement? Are you not going to sell me any more? "

Xiao Yunhai is worthy of being the king of film and TV plays in the current Chinese film and television circle. Yunqing TV station and Hanhai film and television investment company have sufficient funds, and the films and TV dramas invested and shot alone account for half of the whole country.

A large part of man Wenbin's Xianyue video network is supported by these films and TV works. If Xiao Yunhai suddenly does not cooperate with him, the only thing waiting for man Wenbin is to close the door.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how can it be. Brother Wenbin, mobile video is just a channel, not the only one. Many fans still like watching it on the computer. After all, it has a large screen and looks more comfortable than a mobile phone. As for future films and TV works, I can put them on my mobile app and your website at the same time. "

Man Wenbin asked, "what about the price? What adjustments would you make? "

After the emergence of mobile video network app, if the price is lower than the website, we will certainly watch it on the mobile phone,

the existence of the website will not be of great significance.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this needs to be decided by the market, I can't do it myself."

Man Wenbin sighed and said, "I hope the Supreme Court can give us a fair trial. Otherwise, I will die. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "brother Wenbin, you don't have to worry too much. Most countries around the world have made decisions, and if they had gone with the tide, the Supreme Court would have ruled. But now there is no news, which shows that it still takes your interests into consideration. "

Man Wenbin said, "well, it's all your fault. All of a sudden, the world has been brought into the era of smart phones, and my two pillar industries, games and video websites, have suffered serious losses. "

Xiao Yunhai called out injustice and said, "without me, these things will still appear. I'm just a little ahead of time. Brother Wenbin, don't worry. Wait for the news. "

Man Wenbin sighed, "that's the only way."

For two consecutive days, Xiao Yunhai's game of fighting landlords is popular in China, sweeping all mobile games. At this moment, people's gambling is put to the maximum, and the daily profit is more than one billion Chinese dollars.

If the upper limit is not set at 100 yuan, I don't know how many people will be ruined.

Of course, there are also profits.

A university student through three days of games, to earn thousands of dollars, a year's tuition fees completely solved.

Due to the influence of Texas poker in Europe and the United States, the benefits of sterl game company are not as good as expected.

On the third day, they entered Huaxia. It may be because of different cultures that the above games did not get the attention of Chinese players. Especially after the emergence of the fighting landlords, there were few of them.

They used a variety of methods, have not been able to shake Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing game client.

Seeing this situation, most of the game companies choose Yunqing game platform. Although they have to pay 15% of the profits, they have a big advantage in propaganda.

Xiao Yunhai ate meat, at least they can drink soup. Otherwise, I can't even drink the soup.

On this day, Xiao Yunhai came to Hanhai film and television investment company, ready to start the publicity of "Zhuxian". The propaganda department needs to make a plan.

As soon as he got off the car, Xiao Yunhai saw that dozens of men in suits and sunglasses surrounded the building, each with roses in his hand.

At the top of the line is a 25-year-old, well dressed man, shouting at the company building.

"Xuewei, I love you. Be my girlfriend."

Next to a reporter with a camera crackling non-stop, the face is smiling, obviously the behavior of this person as a joke.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said to himself, "are young people chasing girls like this now? It's too scary. "

Xiao Yunhai did not understand the context of the matter, so he did not go forward to stop. Instead, he lowered his head and quietly walked into the company.Although the reporters are aware of it, it is too late to repent.

Seeing that the guard let Xiao Yunhai pass, the young man immediately felt strong dissatisfaction.

"Why can he come in and I can't?"

The guard said, "that's our president. Of course you can get in. This gentleman, chasing girls needs to pay attention to strategy. You are so high-profile. If I were a girl, I would have run away. "

The young man snorted and said, "you little guard, you know a fart. Brother, this is sincerity. By the way, just now you said he was the president of the company. Did you say that the man who went in was the emperor of cloud

The guard nodded and said, "of course. Generally speaking, our president seldom comes to the company, so we have a hard time coming here, and we have something to do with you. I don't know what to tell you. "

In an office in Hanhai, Meng Xuewei looks at the crowd downstairs with a helpless face.

White binglu and Lin Lu are also sitting on the sofa beside them.

Lin Lu said with some schadenfreude: "Oh, sister Meng, I really envy you. Why don't men chase me like that? I dare say it's true love. Sister Bai, do you think so? "

Bai binglu nodded and echoed: "yes. If anyone does this to me, I will certainly agree. "

For two people's ridicule, Meng Xuewei is very angry, turned to say: "you two less in front of me to say sarcastic words. Try to figure out a way to deal with this kind of thing? "

Now Meng Xuewei is almost broken down by the big Shao below.

Zhang Huaqian is the son of Zhang Ming, the boss of Fuhua cultural investment company.

Zhang Ming is the most famous rich businessman on Taiwan Island, worth hundreds of billions. Last year, he shifted his focus from Taiwan island to the mainland and set up a film and television investment company. He has been cooperating with Hanhai very happily.

If not, Hanhai would have driven him away.

Some time ago, Meng Xuewei filmed a big play jointly invested by Fuhua and Hanhai.

Zhang Huaqian has nothing to do with his spare time. He turns around the crew and sees the beautiful and moving Meng Xuewei. He immediately launches a swift and violent attack, which makes Meng Xuewei never tire of it.

If they love each other, he may be very moved by his doing so, but if the girls don't like him, or even hate him, it's really a shock.

Meng Xuewei from her home to hide in the company, still can not escape Zhang Huaqian's pursuit.

Now the reporters are all outside. Zhang Huaqian is making such a fuss that the whole China should know about it.

Meng Xuewei has a feeling of crying without tears.

Seeing Meng Xuewei's appearance, Bai binglu stopped joking and asked, "sister Meng, what does the company say?"

Meng Xuewei said with a bitter smile: "you know that the company will not interfere with private affairs. What's more, this person is still a partner of our company. If he is driven away because of this matter, we will not look good on their faces. "

Bai binglu said: "it is very good that the company can let the guard prevent him from entering. If you change other companies, it must be trying to help you and this Zhang Da Shao. Well, this man is too much. Why don't you call sister Wanqing. The company is not easy to manage, so we can use our personal relationship. "

Meng Xuewei nodded and said, "this is the only way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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