Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:57 AM

Chapter 1671

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At this time, the door of Meng Xuewei's office suddenly opened, and Meng Xuewei's agent came in.

"Xuewei, Mr. Xiao is here. He asked you to go to his office. "

Meng Xuewei was surprised and said: "it must be the matter downstairs. It's really a double whammy."

Lin Lu said with a smile, "sister Meng, this is a good opportunity. It's more powerful for elder martial brother to come forward than sister Wanqing. "

Meng Xuewei said: "I am worried that Mr. Xiao will blame me."

Lin Lu said, "don't worry. It's not your fault. Elder martial brother won't say anything. Come on. "

Meng Xuewei nodded, came to Xiao Yunhai's office, tidied up her manners and knocked on the door.

"Come in." There was a sonorous and powerful voice inside.

Meng Xuewei went in and looked at Xiao Yunhai who was watching downstairs. He said respectfully, "Mr. Xiao, you look for me."

Meng Xuewei is known as the queen of film and television in the entertainment industry. She has extraordinary momentum, but I don't know why she is afraid of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai has never had a red face with her, let alone reprimand her. When shooting "Zhuxian", she just had a misunderstanding, but Meng Xuewei was afraid of him, even she was a little strange.

"My fair lady is a gentleman." Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea, turned his head and said with a smile: "Xuewei, it seems that this brother likes you very much."

Meng Xuewei said in a hurry: "Mr. Xiao, listen to my explanation."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "there's no need to explain. I understand everything. This guy must have been chasing you, but you just ignored him or even avoided him, so he made such a big battle, didn't you? "

Meng Xuewei was surprised and said, "you already know."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? I guess. This kind of bridge is found in almost every romance novel. It's just that you're the main character now. I want to know, what do you mean to him? Don't get me wrong. I don't want to interfere in your private life. I want to deal with it. He is so noisy, has affected the normal work of our company, and it is not a good thing for you

Meng Xuewei said: "this Zhang Huaqian is a famous Playboy on Taiwan Island. How can I fall in love with him. Before, I have made a definite reply, but he just pestered me. If it wasn't for his special identity, I would have asked the bodyguard to drive him away

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what is his identity? Is it amazing? "

Meng Xuewei explained, Xiao Yunhai suddenly said: "so it is. The second generation ancestor was most afraid of his Laozi. I'll call Mr. Zhang directly. "

Zhang Ming is a well-known tycoon in Taiwan island of China. He ranks in the top 30. He attends the government work conference every year. Xiao Yunhai and he had two sides of the same coin and exchanged business cards with each other.

Xiao Yunhai calls out Zhang Ming's number from his mobile phone and dials it directly. The mobile phone is connected quickly.

"Mr. Xiao, why did you call me when you were free? I'm flattered. " Zhang Ming said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhang, don't make fun of me. I have something to ask for. "

Zhang Ming said, "what can I ask for. If you have something to do, just give me your order. "

Don't say so. It's mainly about your son, Mr. Zhang Huaqian. He is pursuing a female artist in our company. There's nothing wrong with that. But he took dozens of people, holding flowers, standing in front of our Hanhai building, surrounded by reporters, which really let me some do not know how to deal with. Mr. Zhang, would you like to call him and talk about it? "

When Zhang Ming heard this, he became angry and said: "this bastard. I said, why didn't he go back to Taiwan. It's causing you trouble. OK, I'll get him back. Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's OK. It's understandable that young people pursue girls. "

They said some more polite words and hung up.

After a while, Zhang Dashao, who was downstairs with the group of flower bearers, left in a hurry.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "these guys think in a different way from normal people."

Meng Xuewei said, "thank you, Mr. Xiao. I'm tired of him

Xiao Yunhai said: "they are rich second generation all day long know to take advantage of you female stars, no one is reliable. If you want to marry him, make sure he's gone immediately. In the future, if you encounter this kind of problem, just call Wanqing directly. "

Meng Xuewei, smiling like a flower, nodded and said, "OK."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's door rang again, and in came Wan Guanghui, the person in charge of Hanhai.

"Mr. Xiao, let me give you a report. Well, Miss Meng is here

Xiao Yunhai said: "general manager Wan, if you encounter this situation in the future, you will let the security personnel go directly. If you have a special identity, you can call me. "

Wan Guanghui said, "OK."

Meng Xuewei said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, Wanzong, you talk, I went out."Xiao Yunhai nodded.

After Meng Xuewei left, Wan Guanghui gave Xiao Yunhai a list of expenses and income in the past three months.

Xiao Yunhai directly skips the middle details and looks at the two last columns.

The expenditure was 3.36 billion and the revenue was 6.95 billion.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "how can it be so few?"

The profit in three months only reached 3.6 billion. Xiao Yunhai was very puzzled. According to past achievements, it should be more than 10 billion yuan per quarter.

Wan Guanghui seemed to have expected Xiao Yunhai to ask this question for a long time, so he said, "Mr. Xiao, there are only seven or eight of our film and television works recently, and the remaining 20 or 30 films can be broadcast in the next quarter, so the profit is relatively less."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the form in front of him, nodded and said, "it's so. Don't worry, let's wait. Mr. Wan, I need you to publicize Zhuxian as soon as possible. This play was shot with all my heart and soul. It must be publicized at all costs by women and children. Money is not a problem. If 500 million is not enough, it will be 1 billion or 1.5 billion. "

Wan Guanghui said: "I have asked the propaganda and planning department to come up with a plan. Please have a look at it."

Xiao Yunhai saw Wan Guanghui speaking so carefully to himself. After taking over the plan, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wan, you don't have to be so polite. This is a borrowed resource. Strictly speaking, this should not be Hanhai's business. "

Wan Guanghui said with a smile: "no matter which company you look for to promote your film, you will treat it with 120% of your heart. Hanhai is close to the water, otherwise it may not be able to get the opportunity to issue. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm going to blush when you say that."

Xiao Yunhai took a serious look at the propaganda plan, nodded and said, "it's very good. In particular, the use of mobile phone client this new channel, improve the effect of publicity, very good. It's just that there are less things for the new film release, so that the stars of the cast can go to some relatively popular variety shows, and don't just put their eyes on Yunqing TV station. "

To major cities to promote the new film, Xiao Yunhai feel that the effect is not very big, it is better to play a circle of TV stations useful.

Wan Guanghui nodded and said, "OK, I'll let them change it. There must be no problem with our company. It's just that other people need to be informed in person. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I will call them. We have enough first-line actors. I want to try to avoid troubling the old people. After all, their age is there and they can't be too tired. "


After a discussion, Wan Guanghui went out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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