Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:54 AM

Chapter 1673

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The interview continued.

Zhang Xinxing asked, "why did Mr. Xiao invite Xuewei to join Hanhai?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "Xue Wei conquered him with her professional level. Although her preparation work is the worst, her performance on the set is not a bit of a problem. It is absolutely a post production performance, basically less than three. In addition, she is very hard-working and has hardly used a double, which makes my husband change her outlook on her. He felt that such a good young actor, if he could bring her to Hanhai, would surely shine in the film and television circles of China and even the world in the future. With such understanding, his relationship with Xuewei is much better than before. After a while, let me invite Xuewei. "

Zhang Xinxing asked, "I know that binglu and Xuewei joined Hanhai because of" Zhuxian ". What's your feeling when you changed your new employer

Bai binglu said: "I joined in the audition, there were some misunderstandings at that time."

"Misunderstanding? What's going on? " Zhang Xinxing asked.

Bai binglu said with a bitter smile: "I am not very good at speaking. At that time, Mr. Xiao and sister Wanqing were auditees. After my performance, I asked if I could join Hanhai

Zhang Xinxing asked in a puzzled way: "what's the matter with such a sentence?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "let me talk about it. Binglu moved Yunhai with her excellent acting skills, and directly set the role on the spot. Binglu asked, the same meaning flashed in our two minds. There was something wrong with the girl's quality. Her company worked hard to train her to this point, but she asked to join Hanhai after audition, and she didn't miss her company at all. This kind of artist is a little too heartless. Later, we learned that binglu was just a little girl who didn't understand the world. The company she worked in was run by her uncle, and her uncle's idea was to join Hanhai. After the misunderstanding was cleared, we went through the formalities. "

Zhang Xinxing Oh a, way: "that ice dew into the vast sea after what kind of feeling?"

Bai binglu said: "the first is the resources of Hanhai. Every year, the company has to shoot dozens or even hundreds of films and TV works, and I don't know which one to choose. In the past, I wanted to make a movie, but I didn't know what to choose. Secondly, the brothers and sisters in the company are very united. People don't fight for a movie like other companies. From top to bottom, they are very good brothers and sisters. "

Meng Xuewei said, "yes. After joining Hanhai, I also learned a lot. I used to be a little vain. Wherever I went, I was a large group of assistant bodyguards. Now I don't care about external things any more. What I care about most is how to play my next role well

Zhang Xinxing asked: "if you see a character in Zhuxian at the same time, what will Hanhai do?"

Meng Xuewei said with a smile: "in Hanhai, the only standard you want to get a role is acting. If you are good at acting and can shape this character better, it must be yours. There is no human feeling to say. If it is found out by the company that there are artists in their own family who do some shady activities in order to get the role, the result is only two words, banned. "

Zhang Xinxing was surprised and said, "this is too cruel, isn't it?"

Zhao Wanqing shakes his head to show that you have the means to achieve your goal. The most important thing we value in Hanhai is art and morality. Otherwise, even if you are the film queen, you must go away. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

There were warm applause at the scene.

Zhang Xinxing clapped his hands and said, "great. Hanhai can be a model for entertainment companies. Let's get back to the point. Before that, Mr. Xiao has released the trailer of "Zhuxian", which only lasts for half a minute, which has aroused strong dissatisfaction among fans. I don't know why Mr. Xiao did it? Is he adjusting people's appetite? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "his confidence in Zhu Xian is very sufficient, and the degree of attention is not comparable to any other film, even if it is 2012. I asked this question before, and he said he didn't want to reveal too much plot. Because if you want to see the real "Zhuxian" and feel the real world of Xianxia, you'd better go to 3dimax cinema. Too much content in the trailer will affect the effect of watching the film. "

Zhang Xinxing asked: "binglu, Xuewei, have you two seen the complete" Zhuxian "

They shook their heads together and said, "No

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I didn't even see this pillow person, let alone other people. Before I saw a semi-finished product, there is no sound, no music, the plot is still piece by piece. But the special effects inside, I will use amazing to describe, more than "2012" to better, the effect is much stronger

Zhang Xinxing said: "I see. Many media have said on the Internet that Mr. Xiao is a film set tyrant, and no one is allowed to violate his orders. Binglu, Xuewei, do you think this rumor is true

Meng Xuewei said: "that's true. To tell you the truth, I'm still a little afraid of him

"No? I think Mr. Xiao is very easy to get along with. At the beginning, he was very humorous and funnyQi is very good, almost can be described as speechless. Even if I asked him about the hidden rules,

he was not angry. How can you be afraid of him? " Zhang Xinxing said.

Meng Xuewei said: "I may have some words that do not express the meaning. I should use the word" awe ". In his life and work, Mr. Xiao is absolutely two extremes. In life, as we all know, he can afford any joke. But when it comes to work, it's not like that at all. Whether it's a mass actor or a movie queen, you must listen to him 100 percent. Anyone who dares not to be serious will be reprimanded at least and dismissed directly. So on his set, everyone will put out all their energy to meet his requirements. Otherwise, it would be miserable. "

Bai binglu nodded and said, "sister Xuewei is right. I have seen with my own eyes that several teachers have been reprimanded by Xiao, and even sister Wanqing has not escaped his vicious hand. "

Zhang Xinxing laughed and said, "Wanqing, does Mr. Xiao really have the courage to discipline you?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile: "it's worse than them. The same question, to others, he might just say two words. But for me, that's at least seven or eight sentences. This time, he was under a lot of pressure. He could not sleep at night. Therefore, his temper was a little grumpy compared with before. I was very worried about his health. Fortunately, he was very good at adjusting himself. After work, he would make some small jokes and relax himself and reduce pressure. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing said, "however, his efforts have not been in vain. Although I only saw one unfinished version of Zhuxian, I firmly believe that it will break all the records in film history. Here, I would like to advise you that it is better not to show a film around April 15, so as not to conflict with "Zhuxian". I don't think there is any film that can rival it at this stage. "

Zhao Wanqing's words surprised the audience at the scene and in front of the TV.

No one thought that after Qing, who was always careful, would say such big words in TV programs.

It also shows how confident she is to Zhu Xian.

After the Xinxing show, Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei followed Zhao Wanqing to their grandfather Liang Jiahong's home, where they had a rest for the night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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