Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:51 AM

Chapter 1675

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"This is the successor selected by the Bessie family. It's disappointing," Wu said, looking at the crowd that was getting away

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were deep, and he seemed to see through something. He said, "he wants to dress up as a naughty child, but his acting skills are poor."

Wu's method of playing chess was stunned and said thoughtfully: "do you mean he has been acting?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's a hundred percent performance. It's just that although he is a little bit smart, he is still

too young, and his acting skills are ordinary and full of flaws. "

"I almost forgot that you are the best director in the world. This guy is acting in front of you. It's really like playing a dagger in front of Guan Gong. But why did he do it? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe we want to belittle him."

In the car, Wesley Bessie's face was gloomy, and his right finger gently tapped on the seat. The whole person was lost in thought.

This is the first time that he met Xiao Yunhai and made some explorations on it, and the result was no result.

After Terence, how could Wesley Bessie, the heir of the Bessie family, be so superficial.

Although Wu's playing skills are very powerful, they are not in the eyes of Wesley Bessie. Even if Yunyi shopping network is powerful to the extreme, the threat to the Bessie family is still almost zero.

However, Xiao Yunhai is not the same. His current development momentum is really too strong. If we do not suppress him, we may have a second Bessie family. What's more, the relationship between the two is extremely poor. If Xiao Yunhai really gets up, the Bessie family will be in big trouble.

There is already an enemy of the Anderson family. It's terrifying to add another Xiao Yunhai.

In the past, everyone said Xiao Yunhai was very powerful. In a few years, Xiao Yunhai developed into the world's top richest person. But Wesley Bessie didn't know how powerful it was.

So when he got off the plane, he deliberately used words to irritate Xiao Yunhai. He wanted to see what kind of reaction he would have under the fury, so as to judge his character.

The test was perfect. Xiao Yunhai had a big fight with him. It seemed that everything was under his control.

But looking back, the more wrong, especially Xiao Yunhai's eyes, which seemed to be able to see everything, made him very uncomfortable. He always felt that the other party was laughing at him, and his behavior seemed to be a joke in front of him.

Did he feel something?

Wesley Bessie thought for a moment and asked the co pilot assistant, "are you ready?"

The assistant turned back and said, "all the companies that worked with stell have been settled, and there is no problem."

Wesley Bessie asked, "what's the partner of Yunyi shopping?"

The assistant said, "because GM is too close to them, it didn't look for them. In addition, all companies promise to follow your lead. "

Wesley Bessie, with a smile on his face and a satisfied nod, said, "good. Kung Fu Xiao and Wu think that they can do whatever they want with their shares in stell. However, they don't know that many things are not as simple as they think. Hehe, when we have a meeting, we will have a good show. "

This time, Xiao Yunhai and Wu have invited almost all the companies that have cooperative relations with Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network, adding up to at least 30.

Among them the best are undoubtedly STEL networks and general electric.

Wesley Bessie, head of stell networks, is hostile to the two people. It's impossible to cooperate honestly. Then it's up to GM.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa ushered in the prince of general motors, the next president, dawton Welch.

"Dawton, long time no see."

Xiao Yunhai stepped forward and hugged dorton Welch.

"Shaw, my father asked me to take him to thank you," laughs dawton Welch

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Thank you, of course, for giving us WiFi routers to sell," said dawton Welch

So far, WiFi routers have sold 860 million devices worldwide. Although GM only accounts for 20% of its profits, it still makes a lot of money for them.

Even now, WiFi routers still sell well in the market. It is estimated that it will be no problem to exceed 1.2 billion.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we are mutually beneficial, there is nothing to thank you for. This is Mr. Wu from Yunyi shopping. You should know him. "

Dorton Welch shook hands with Wu's game and said, "we've seen it many times. Mr. Wu's demeanor is still fresh in my memory. Yunyi shopping network can go to today, really let people have to admire. "

"Mr. Welch, you are welcome. Today's meeting may have some twists and turns. Please help me a lot. ""We, general electric, are absolutely behind you," said dawton Welch

Wu Yifa said happily, "thank you very much. With your help, I believe the merger should not be a problem. "

Dorton Welch shook his head and said, "Mr. Wu had better not be too careless. I've heard that Wesley Bessie of stell networks has done a lot of work in private. If we can't do it well, some other companies have already turned to them. After all, the Bessie family is so powerful that no one dares to disobey their orders

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter. If they dare to trouble us, we will make them cry

As they chatted, they got into the car.

At this time, it is already more than seven o'clock in the morning, which is the peak time for Yanjing people to work.

It took Xiao Yunhai and others an hour and a half to get to the company.

At this time, the conference room has been filled with managers from all over the world.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Wu Yifa and DaoDun Welch, they all stood up and said hello to them.

After sitting down, Wu Yifa said with a smile, "thank you for coming to Yanjing to attend our meeting. For the smooth implementation of the merger of Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network, I have prepared more than half a year for this. We are all partners of the two major business networks. Without you, there will be no success for us. Therefore, I hope that I can get your support as always. "

With that, Wu Yifa looked around and found that there was a person missing from the conference room. It was STEL network company that was written on the board.

Wu Yifa laughed and said, "who has the phone number of Wesley Bessie, the new president of STEL network company? It seems that we just need him here. "

They all shook their heads, saying that they didn't have Wesley Bessie's number.

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "at the airport, we have met. He left half an hour ahead of schedule, but he hasn't arrived yet. It's really self willed

"Mr. Xiao, it's not a gentleman's job to talk about people's length behind their backs." Wesley Bessie, wearing a suit and a tie around his neck, came slowly in from the outside.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I mean to tell you."

Wesley Bessie snorted, "that's very rude of you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you should know who is impolite. The Bessie family is one of the top families in the United States of America. It's a pity that the children they taught didn't even have the gentlemanly demeanor. "

Wesley sat down on his seat and said tit for tat: "hundreds of millions of people around the world adore idols. It's a pity that they should be such a virtue."

Xiao Yunhai and Wesley in front of the public scolding, do not give each other face, attracted the scene boss whispers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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