Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:50 AM

Chapter 1676

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"It seems that Mr. Xiao has a bad relationship with the Bessie family."

"I don't know. The terrorist attacks he encountered in Washington before are widely believed to have been committed by Terence of the Bessie family

"It's really amazing that Mr. Xiao can escape from the sky under rockets and grenades. Unfortunately, compared with the Bessie family, he still has a long way to go

Wu Yifa coughed and said, "OK. Old Shaw, Mr. Wesley, they both said less. It's important that we do business. Before that, I sent you the merger plan. I believe you have seen it. I don't know what you think? "

As soon as the words of Wu's game theory fell, Wesley Bessie gave a direct smile and said, "Mr. Wu, I want to correct it for you. Your plan is not a merger plan, but a merger plan. If implemented according to it, the result will only be the disappearance of the stell business network. "

Wu Yifa said: "canceling the home page of stell business website does not mean that it disappears. A lot of things are kept in Yunyi shopping website. Logistics is more convenient and faster than before. The more profit we'll make then. "

Wesley Bessie shook his head and said, "Mr. Wu, no matter what you say, stell business network will disappear from now on. This is a fact. After this merger, the profits we have made will be greatly reduced, and you and Mr. Xiao will be the beneficiaries of this merger. Whether it is STEL business network or Yunyi shopping network, we are just cooperating. After you have done this, most of the enterprises sitting here have become enterprises attached to you, which we will never allow. "

"Mr. Wesley Bessie was right. We want win-win cooperation, not to be your subordinates. "

"Certainly not here in Japan. The reason why our bank is willing to cooperate with you Yunyi shopping network is that we value your sales platform. Now, we have changed from a manager to a subordinate of the website. It's just a joke. "

"We want cooperation, not attachment."

"Mr. Wu, I always don't understand why you have to merge STEL business network and Yunyi shopping network," said a Korean company boss in fluent Chinese. I think it's good now. Yunyi is Yunyi, and Stell is STEL. They are not affiliated with each other, and the customers they are facing are quite different. They can run separately. "

In addition to General Electric, everyone else agrees. Even the boss of the enterprise cooperating with Yunyi shopping network also expresses his objection.

The whole conference room was in a mess, like a bazaar.

Wu took a look at Wesley Bessie, who was proud of himself, and said, "it is inevitable that the two will merge, which is very beneficial to the development of the company. In particular, it is conducive to the integration of resources. "

Wu's words once again aroused strong opposition.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't need to guess. It must be Wesley Bessie who did it.

Seeing that Wu's playing method seemed to be unable to hold down the scene, Xiao Yunhai patted the table and said, "are you finished? If you don't want to cooperate, you can leave now. You can rest assured that with the fame of Yunyi shopping network and Stell business network, without you, countless companies will rush to cooperate with us. "

When Wesley Bessie heard Xiao Yunhai's words, he was very happy, but his face was furious. He said, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "put away your small abacus. Even if all the people here are gone, stell business network and Yunyi shopping network will not collapse. My chief economic adviser, Ms. Christie, led her team on the merger plan and looked back and forth several times. The final conclusion is that the combination of the two not only retains their respective advantages, but also integrates resources together, which is absolutely a genius idea. No matter how many business websites appear in the future, it is basically impossible to pry their combination. "

"I know that most of the reasons why you disagree are affected by other factors. But what I want to say is that after the village, there will be no shop. If you want to sit on the fast lane of business development, your only choice is to cooperate with Yunyi shopping website. "

Wesley Bessie snorted, "Mr. Shaw, you are too alarmist. I can't believe that without us, how powerful can the merged cloud Yi shopping network be? "

Wu Yifa said: "once Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network are merged, I am sure that its annual sales volume will exceed 1 billion US dollars and its profit will exceed 500 billion US dollars. With me, the future is definitely bright. "

Dawton Welch took a sip of tea and said: "since the cooperation with Yunyi shopping network, the profit of our general electric company has exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and the warehouse and logistics in Europe and the United States have been developing by leaps and bounds. No matter what kind of decision Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao make, we will do our best to support them. If Asia needs us, we will come. Maybe it will make us more profitable. "

The potential meaning of dawton Welch's words is that as long as we are in GM, even if you leave none of them, it will not have any impact on Yunyi shopping website. At that time, we will fill in the space left by you.If the threat is said by others, it may be regarded as a joke, but by the prince of General Electric, it will be different. Because GM does have the strength.

Even if all the other companies that worked with stell networks were gone, GM would still be able to meet all the needs of the site.

As for Asia, it will return to normal in less than a month.

Dorton Welch's words undoubtedly made Wu's playing more upright, and his heart was very grateful for it.

Wesley Bessie's eyes were overcast, his eyes like a knife looked at dorton Welch and said, "can you represent GM? Sometimes there is a price to be paid for saying something wrong, Mr. Welch

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this is the naked threat. The Bessie family is really overbearing. Unfortunately, never show your superiority in front of me and my friends. Maybe you'll end up like your brother Terence

Wesley Bessie finally couldn't help but get angry. He snapped up and said in a fierce voice: "Kung Fu Xiao, you are insulting me and insulting our Bessie family."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "the Bessie family is one of the most powerful families in the world, and I always respect it very much. As for you, it's too insidious to talk and do things. Just like this time, if you want to prevent us from merging the two major business websites, you should do something shameless in private. Like Terence, it's a shame on your family

Wesley Bessie was about to be mad with anger. He was only a young man in his twenties. He could not stand Xiao Yunhai's sarcasm even though he was in the depth of the city. He said, "good, good. Ladies and gentlemen, people think that we are redundant. Are we still sitting here shamelessly? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "correct it. I just think you are more redundant, Mr. Wesley Bessie. The others are still our partners. Otherwise, what does Lao Wu invite you to do. Mr. Wesley Bessie, please don't sow discord here. If you want to go, go out and turn left. "

This debt, which had nothing to do with his family, had nothing to do with his family.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is not polite to Wesley, the successor of Terence.

The others saw the fight between the two men, and they were at the point of being at daggers drawn. No one dared to get in.

Both sides are formidable in strength. No matter who they help, they are bound to be suppressed by the other side. In a word, no one is so stupid to offend a top rich or family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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