Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:49 AM

Chapter 1677

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Wesley Bessie's face turned red. His eyes were almost crocodile's eyes. His chest heaved violently. He suddenly got up and said, "Kung Fu Xiao, I'm the equity representative of stell business. What qualifications do you have to say that I'm redundant?"

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said slowly, "sorry, I forgot about it. Since Mr. Wesley is not an unnecessary person, let's move on. I will repeat it again. I strongly support Mr. Wu Yifa's idea of merging the stell business website and making Yunyi shopping website the largest business website in the world. "

Unfortunately, no matter Xiao Yunhai lures or threatens, the managers on the scene still have no expression. I don't know if they are afraid of offending the Bessie family, or are they really not optimistic about the merger of the two websites.

At noon, Wu Yifa and Xiao Yunhai invited these people to dinner.

Taking advantage of their break time, the two men and dawton Welch came to Wu's office. They had tea and discussed.

Wu Yifa looked sad and said with a wry smile: "Lao Xiao, Mr. Welch, it seems that I underestimated the energy of the Bessie family. I didn't expect that they had all the partners. That Wesley Bessie doesn't nod. I'm afraid all the plans are just castles in the air and can't be implemented at all. "

"To be one of the two greatest families in America, the energy of the Bessie family is truly unimaginable," sighs dawton Welch. Is there really no way out? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes."

Wu Yifa and DaoDun Welch looked at Xiao Yunhai at the same time and asked in unison, "what can I do?"

Xiao Yunhai looked extremely cold and said, "split the stell business network."

There are essential differences between STEL business network and Yunyi shopping network.

David Stern's positioning for it is network platform supply chain warehousing. Both Europe and Asia have their own channels and large warehouses. Just because of the competition of Yunyi shopping network, it has to cooperate with other companies to quickly occupy the market.

Nevertheless, the supply chain and warehouse owned by stell business network still accounts for 30% of the whole website.

Xiao Yunhai means to separate its supply chain and warehouse directly from the network platform of stell business network, so that it is in a state of half life and half death.

At the same time, according to the original plan, Yunyi shopping website gradually annexed the customers of stell business network. In less than two years, I believe that Yunyi shopping network can be completely digested and become the only most powerful business network in the world.

It's just that this choice will take a long time and will be challenged by other peers. A bad one, it is likely that new business networks will compete with them.

If there is no other way, Xiao Yunhai will not even mention this method.

Dorton Welch's eyes brightened and said: "if you can sell us the channels and warehouses of stell business network to us, then we can fully meet the requirements of Yunyi shopping website. There is no problem with transportation or storage. As for other partners, there is no need at all. "

Dorton Welch finished and looked at Wu's game.

Xiao Yunhai also looked at him.

In the matter of Yunyi shopping network and Stell business network, it must be Wu's game method that plays a central role.

Wu Yifa took a cup of tea and took a sip. The whole person was lost in meditation.

After a long time, he bit his teeth and said, "it's dry. Although there are many problems and even unexpected troubles, if they still have such attitude, we can only do so. It's not difficult to buy or build our own transportation lines and warehouses in our current capacity. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wesley's purpose is obviously not to let the STEL business network and Yunyi shopping network merge, so even connected all the people. The Bessie family is so powerful that even if we say all we can, I'm afraid they will not have the courage to oppose the Bessie family and stand with us. Instead, it's better to take advantage of this opportunity to drive everyone out of the game, leaving only the three of us

"That's it. Of course, it would be best if they could change their minds. "

At the same time, Wesley Bessie also had a meeting with the group. Ask them to keep up with their own pace, absolutely can't let Xiao Yunhai and Wu's plot of annexing stell business network succeed.

Everyone nodded.

In fact, today's meeting of Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network has also had a great impact on the outside world.

Both Chinese business community and Wall Street in the United States are paying close attention to these two websites, which are the best in the field of online business.

Once the two companies merge, the market value can quickly exceed two trillion US dollars, becoming one of the world's top companies. No one dares to take it lightly.

At 2:30 p.m., the meeting continued, and Wu talked about the game for another hour. When he saw the people who did not move and Wesley's proud eyes, which made him extremely disgusted, his anger broke out completely.

"Since you don't agree with the merger, I don't insist on it anymore."They were surprised and looked at Wu's game. I don't understand why Wu's chess method is so easy to give up after nearly a year's preparation.

Wesley Bessie also had doubts in his eyes. He felt that it was too easy to succeed.

Ignoring everyone's surprise, Wu Yifa continued: "the merger is cancelled, but our plan of Yunyi shopping website is imperative. Without STEL business network, we Yunyi shopping network can still be the first in the world, just for a longer time. "

"Now I'd like to announce that all of the supply channels and warehouses built around the world are sold to ge at a price of 1.2 times the market price. Mr. Welch, I wonder if you have any problems there? "

"Our company is very well funded and has no problems," laughs dawton Welch

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "OK, let's decide."

The simple question and answer of Wu Yifa and dawton Welch sent the rest of the room into shock and panic.

"What does that mean?"

"Stern business network without supply chain and warehouse, is it still it?"

"This is to break the root of stell's business network."

"Stern business network is finished, and Yunyi shopping network is naturally the world's number one. This is too much. "

Wesley Bessie's face was hard to see. He patted the table and said angrily, "I firmly disagree with President Wu's decision."

The crowd echoed.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and said: "except Mr. Wesley, all the others are just cooperators, not shareholders. This is an internal matter of stell business network. Your opinions have no effect. As the second largest shareholder of stell business network, I am in favor of president Wu's decision

Wu Yifa said: "Mr. David Stern's wife called before. No matter what I make, she will support me. The shares of the three of us have reached 78%. Mr. Wesley can raise an objection, but it has no effect. "

Everyone here knows that Ge already has a huge transportation line and warehouse. If you add the stell business network, once you implement it according to Wu's decision, then there will be no business for them in the whole Europe and America.

It's killing them.

Asia is better, but with Wu's playing method, they are also on pins and needles.

"I would like to announce one more thing. Yunyi shopping website will spend 100 billion dollars to build the largest warehouse and transportation line in Asia. As for our cooperation agreement between Yunyi shopping and you, we will not renew it once the deadline comes. If there's nothing left, then it's up to you. "

With that, Wu Yifa stood up and started to walk outside.

Xiao Yunhai and dawton Welch followed.

Although they did not want them to leave, they did not dare to leave after a glance at the gloomy faced Wesley Bessie.

This shows the deterrent power of the Bessie family to them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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