Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:47 AM

Chapter 1678

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"Mr. Wesley, what shall we do?"

"Yes. If we follow president Wu's advice, we will really lose a lot. "

"In the past two years, my warehouse and supply chain have grown exponentially. Once I can't cooperate with stell and Yunyi, it will be a huge disaster."

Wesley Bessie frowned tightly. He didn't expect Wu Yifa and Xiao yunhaihuo to do so.

"They don't work with you. I can work with you at STEL networks. Big deal. I'll build another business website. With the ability of our Bessie family, it won't take long to compete with Yunyi

Wesley Bessie's words, not only did not make people feel relieved, but also more worried.

The Internet is not the same as reality. What we fear most is the shopping habits formed by customers.

After the emergence of Yunyi shopping network, other online business websites have sprung up like mushrooms.

In addition to stell business network, no one can become a climate, because netizens have been used to shopping on it.

It's not money that can change that.

In Asia, stell business network has worked hard and spent a lot of money, but in the end it is still far less than Yunyi.

Similarly, in Europe and the United States, if Yunyi shopping network had not had the great help of General Electric Company, it would not have shaken stell business network.

Wesley Bessie wants to use a new shopping website to compete with Yunyi. In their opinion, it is a joke.

"This guy is a rookie who just graduated from school. It's so fantastic." People have their own ideas.

Wesley didn't expect that after his words came out, he was cold. He couldn't help but say, "do you want to compromise with them?"

Yukui Saito, the head of the Bank of Japan, who has been happy to cooperate with, sipped his lips and said, "Mr. Wesley, the reason why we agreed to oppose Mr. Wu's proposal with you is that you can bring us more than before. We seem to get less of this. I don't think it's a good idea to set up a new shopping website. It is basically impossible to surpass the merged Yunyi shopping network. Even if it works, I don't know how long it will take. "

"Yes. Mr. Bessie, I hope you can think about it for us. Since the rise of stell business network and Yunyi shopping network, the profit growth point of our company is mainly in them. If both sides do not cooperate with us, the blow to us will be unprecedented. "

Other people who had been close to Wesley Bessie expressed similar views.

It's not appropriate for the Bessie family to ask them to help, but they don't give them any good.

When Wesley Bessie saw that all of them suddenly turned against each other, he gave a thump in his heart and cried out in secret.

After Wesley Bessie took office, he regarded Xiao Yunhai as a quick enemy. In particular, his uncle told him that unless he could defeat Xiao Yunhai in business, he would not want to be the head of the Bessie family.

Yunyi shopping network was jointly developed by Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa. Wesley tried every means to prevent Xiao Yunhai from adding another giant enterprise.

Although there are a lot of shares of Wu Yihai, it's really difficult for him to beat him.

In fact, not only Wesley, but several other candidates also took over the task.

Wesley Bessie took a deep breath, knowing that it was impossible to force them to compromise.

What's more, if we really follow the development of Wu Yifa, Xiao Yunhai's strength will be even stronger.

The two pests are less serious than each other.

Wesley quickly changed his strategy and said, "in that case, we will agree with President Wu's merger plan."

The so-called "know yourself and know your enemy" will win every battle. He must be inserted into the board of directors of Yunyi shopping website to obtain all the information about the development of the website. In the future, when dealing with Xiao Yunhai, he can also have a clear idea.

The others were surprised but happy to hear Wesley's words.

Without the threat of the Bessie family, they can make money again with Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network.

Ten minutes later, at their invitation, Xiao Yunhai and his three people came to the conference room again.

After sitting down, Wu Yifa immediately asked, "so, have you agreed to my merger plan?"

"Yes, we agreed."

"It's a good thing. It's good for us."

People's opinions have turned 180 degrees.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the quiet Wesley and said, "Wesley. Mr. Bessie, do you agree?"

Wesley Bessie shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "since everyone agrees, of course I will not object."

Seeing that even Wesley Bessie was no longer opposed to his merger, Wu Yifa said happily, "that's great. As long as you have no objection, I guarantee that the future of Yunyi shopping website will be bright and unlimited. "Next, Wu Yifa discussed with the public one by one according to the plan.

Two days later, everything was done.

In the new Yunyi shopping network, Wu Yifa Holds 36% of the shares, Xiao Yunhai holds 34% of the shares, STEL network company takes 7%, David Stern's wife holds 6%, general motors and other major companies hold 7%, and the other 10% will be issued in the society.

The headquarters is naturally in Yanjing, and each major city has its branches.

The new Yunyi shopping network is divided into two parts, one is the C2C business of stell business network, the other is the B2B business of Yunyi shopping network. Wu Yifa is the chairman and CEO.

After the negotiation, Wu Yifa held a grand banquet to celebrate the successful merger of the two websites.

After the dinner, Wesley Bessie returned to the hotel and called Elvis Bessie.

"Uncle, I failed." Said Wesley Bessie.

The old voice of Elvis Bessie came.

"I told you before, you can't stop them."

"I just want to have a try, and also want to know Kung Fu Xiao and see who he is?"

Elvis bessier said, "so do you see anything?"

Wesley Bessie said, "I seem to be confused. You tell me that although Kung Fu Xiao is young, he is calm, resourceful and capable. But in front of me, he was extremely irritable. His words are sharp, mean and overbearing. He has no manners. Compared with Mr. Wu, it's not a bit worse. Is he acting in front of him

For Xiao Yunhai, Wesley Bessie did not like him at all.

Elvis Bessie was silent for a moment and said, "I know very well about you and Kung Fu Xiao. Kung Fu Xiao is not acting, but very wise. "

"Uncle, I don't understand what you mean."

"So to speak. Yunyi shopping website said to Kung Fu Xiao, it's just a tool to make money, not his core industry. The real core character is the young man Wu Yifa. Kung Fu Xiao is very clear about his own position, that is to be the knife in Wu Yifa's hands. He said all the things that Wu Yifa could not say. He will do all the bad things. No one will blame him for his menace or tyranny. Because he is only a second leader with more shares, not the first. Do you understand? "

Wesley Bessie thought about it and nodded, "I see. This man is really hard to deal with. "

Elvis Bessie said: "it's not easy for him to get to where he is in five years. Otherwise, he would have been eaten up. Yesterday, I was the successor of the Xiao family. If you want to be the next patriarch, you have to beat him in one of the three fields of oil, entertainment and Internet. I'm very optimistic about you. Come on. "

Wesley Bessie nodded and said, "OK, I will try."

When he hung up, Wesley Bessie had a chill in his eyes.

"My dear uncle, if you knew that Terence's death had something to do with me, I don't know what kind of expression you would have."

I'm afraid no one would have thought that it was Wesley, who just graduated, who killed Terence Bessie.

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