Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:46 AM

Chapter 1679

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When the news of the merger of Yunyi shopping network and Stell business network reached the outside world, the world was shocked. Especially in the economic circles, we all know that the market value of Yunyi shopping network will soon usher in a geometric explosion.

As expected, the stock price of Yunyi shopping website soared by 18% on the second day to 1230 billion US dollars, and on the third day to 1360 billion US dollars.

All these are expected by Xiao Yunhai.

If the combination of Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network has not reached even two trillion dollars, it would be too outrageous.

Since attending the banquet, Xiao Yunhai has been staying at home, sending two children to school and school, even putting aside the propaganda of "Zhu Xian".

This makes "Zhu Xian" actors very dissatisfied.

Huang Bo is in a "Happy Sunday" program, directly called the phone to ask the teacher.

"Third brother, what are you doing? We're all dying. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just put your nephew and niece to sleep. You've been so busy recently that you can work hard. After the success of Zhuxian, I will give each of you a big red envelope. "

Huang Bo made a Shhh gesture to the audience and said, "third brother, I don't want a red envelope. Just don't let me publicize it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that won't work. Your sister-in-law has gone. It's not appropriate for you not to go. What's more, it's a huge boost to your popularity. You don't look so handsome. Your acting skills are OK, but you haven't reached the peak. More activities and more exposure are good for you. Don't be so lucky that you don't know. Most people can't go if they want to. "

Huang Bo asked: "third brother, since there are so many benefits, why don't you come out?"

Xiao Yunhai was very stinky and said: "as a handsome man like me, you don't need to increase your popularity any more. Neck, I tell you, the audience fans are God to us actors. Communicate with God more, whether it is for the box office of Zhu Xian, or for your personal development, it is very important. You boy, you must set your mind right. Where are you now

Huang Bo said with a smile: "third brother, I am on the live broadcast of happy Sunday."

"Ha ha ha." Everyone at the scene laughed.

Xiao Yunhai heard the laughter and scolded: "neck, you boy dare to pit me, come back I don't finish with you."

Huang Bo said with a smile: "this can't blame me. It's all made by teacher he."

At this time, he Feng's voice came over.

"Sea of clouds, long time no see."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "teacher he, long time no see. Wait a minute. I'll go to the living room and turn on the TV. I think I'm so smart. I didn't expect that the boat capsized in the gutter today. I'm so depressed. "

The audience laughed again.

After turning on the TV and looking for a long time, Xiao Yunhai transferred to mango TV station. He saw the happy five and Huang Bo, Zhang Guoyang, Kai Shuwen and Li Shangming standing on the stage. Huang Bo held a mobile phone in his hand, and he Fengzheng approached to talk to himself.

"Sea of clouds, have you opened it?" He Feng asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. The main reason is that there are too many programs and the channel is hard to find. "

On hearing this, sun Xiaoyue pretended to be sad and said, "Yunhai, we are so sad to say so. Obviously, you seldom watch mango TV at home. Otherwise, it would be hard to find. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Xiaoyue, you are right. Not only do I seldom watch mango TV station, but also I don't watch my own Yunqing TV station. I'm as busy as my grandson all day. I don't have time to watch TV. "

Sun Xiaoyue was busy? I don't think so. "Zhu Xian" such a big movie, you do not participate in publicity, but also said that you are very busy, cheat the ghost. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Xiaoyue, I have to give up publicity because there is something wrong with the company. Otherwise, I would have run there

He Feng said with a smile, "OK. Yunhai, haven't you said hello to our happy Sunday audience? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Happy Sunday audience friends, Hello, I am the world's most handsome Xiao Yunhai. Although I was cheated by Mr. He and his neck, I still want to wish our happy Sunday program better and better. I wish you all good health and success. What's more, I'm going to meet you soon. It's very difficult to shoot. It's also my most attentive work so far. I hope you can go to the cinema to support it. "

He Feng asked, "do you want to see Zhu Xian?"

"Go," they said in unison

Xiao Yunhai repeatedly thanks.

He Feng said: "Yunhai, I heard that you put the box office target of Zhuxian on 2012, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I think there should be no problem with the quality of Zhuxian. Of course, the most important thing is to see whether the fans and friends like itHe Feng said with a smile: "although the trailer of" Zhu Xian "is short and shocking, the picture is very shocking. I believe this film will achieve satisfactory results. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you. Thank you for your encouragement. If you can pack 20 games, I believe the result will be better. "

"Ha ha ha."

He Feng showed no weakness: "if I pack 20 games, can you come to our happy Sunday to play. You haven't been to Yunqing TV station since it was founded. We really miss you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it depends on the results of Zhu Xian. If the box office is high and the score is good, I'll go to our program group and have a good performance. If "Zhu Xian" fails miserably, then I will have no face. "

He Feng said: "Zhu Xian will be defeated miserably. This is the funniest joke I have ever heard. Well, that's the deal. "

Sun Xiaoyue even busy way: "had better take Wan Qing also."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, no problem."

After speaking, Xiao Yun went to the sea for a while, then took a bath and went to bed.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai drove his two children to school, and then came to a teahouse.

Asked for a box, he drank tea while waiting for the arrival of Gao Xiangfeng.

After half an hour, Gao Xiangfeng came in with a middle-aged man with a height of 1.9 meters, a burly figure and a knife cut face.

Xiao Yunhai got up and said with a smile, "Laogao, is this Mr. longyi?"

Although he didn't do it, Xiao Yunhai could see from the other party's walking posture and shining eyes that he was absolutely no less than Gao Xiangfeng's top kung fu master.

Even, Xiao Yunhai also smelled the thick bloody gas from him.

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Xiao. Long Yi, I think you should know Mr. Xiao? "

Long Yi said, "of course. The richest man in the world, the best master in the world, and a world-class superstar, no matter what the name is, is famous all over the world. Nice to meet you, Mr. Xiao

Xiao Yunhai reached out and shook his hand and said, "Mr. Long Yi, I'm glad to meet you, too."

After holding two hands together, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt that the other side seemed to be constantly increasing strength. His right hand was like a steel pliers, holding his hand tightly.

Xiao Yunhai knew that the other side was trying, and his smile did not change at all, but his strength was constantly increasing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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