Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:43 AM

Chapter 1681

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Two CEOs of the film and television company, Xiao Yunhai, received a call from the CEO of the film and television company.

"Mr. Xiao, the Supreme Court has just released a new regulation on the copyright of film and television networks."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai quickly asked, "what do they say?"

Wan Guanghui said: "previously signed network copyright of film and television works will include mobile video network copyright. That is to say, unless Xianyue video network agrees to put our company's works on the mobile video website, otherwise, we have no right to do so. There is still one and a half years before the contract between Hanhai and Xianyue video network expires. We can't afford to wait. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know. I will discuss this matter with Mr. man of Xianyue video network. If he can agree, then our works will be online in Xianyue video network and client at the same time. "

At this time, the app of twitter video network in Europe and America has been online.

The previous works of Marvel Comics and Hanhai film and television investment company have been put up, but the achievements are not good.

After all, they are all old movies. Fans have watched them for many times.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Hanhai's Chinese films sell well. Maybe it's because the fans feel fresh, accounting for as much as 70% of the total revenue.

So far, Twitter's mobile video site has made a total of $86 million, ranking first in Europe and the United States.

Xiao Yunhai has sold manwei and Hanhai's network copyright in China to man Wenbin. Therefore, he must obtain the authorization of man Wenbin before he can put the videos on the twitter video website to the Yunqing video client.

Wan Guanghui knows the relationship between Xiao Yunhai and man Wenbin. He agrees and hangs up the phone.

In the afternoon of that day, Xiao Yunhai came to man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian's home with two bottles of special wine and a box of Dahongpao, and bought some toys suitable for one-year-old children.

Man Wenbin knew that Xiao Yunhai was coming. When he heard the doorbell, he quickly welcomed him in.

Walking into the living room, Xiao Yunhai saw his one-year-old dry son lying on the sofa playing with Wu Yuexian. He leaned over and said with a smile, "son, do you still know godfather?"

The child looked at Xiao Yunhai with a pair of black eyes for a long time. Suddenly, he burst into tears.

Xiao Yunhai hurriedly went to one side and said with an embarrassed smile, "I'm not that scary."

Wu Yuexian coax the child, while not angry said: "a year, you just came a few times, he can know you just strange."

Xiao Yunhai took out a toy, shook it in front of the child, and said, "with this thing, I don't believe that he is still crying."

Sure enough, the child's crying stopped when he saw the novel toy.

Curiously took over the toy from Xiao Yunhai and had a good time.

Wu Yuexian patted her forehead, speechless: "a toy will send the child away, which is too easy to satisfy."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "aren't all children like this?"

When Wu Yuexian saw the wine and tea brought by man Wenbin, he was dissatisfied and said, "come on, what else do you bring? I really think of myself as an outsider. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "if you don't like it, I'll take it back."

Man Wenbin said, "never. Yuexian, these are all things that have money and no place to buy. The wine specially provided for the leaders and the Dahongpao on the mother trees are absolutely good things, but the quantity is a little small. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't have a good temper and said, "I've only been able to shun the old man's many things. It would be nice if I could bring some for you. My heart still hurts when I see them. I'll have the special wine tonight. "

Yu Yuexian didn't think about it, so he said, "that's not good. You don't know how much you've drunk. We little people have never drunk. In a few days, my father will come and let him and Wen bin have a good taste. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "sister Yu, you can really do it."

After chatting and laughing for a while, the nurse brought up the meal.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xiao Yunhai talked about the copyright of film and television network.

"Brother Wenbin, I'm right. The Supreme Court has studied it for so long. There must be something wrong. Sure enough, the final penalty is not good for us entertainment companies

Man Wenbin nodded and said, "I didn't expect that the court would make such a decision. Do you want my authorization to let Yunqing mobile video client go online

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. You don't give it up, do you? Or are you going to build your own client? "

Man Wenbin said with a wry smile, "what are you doing. I don't have an entertainment company. If you don't give me the source, you can't be finished right away, whether it's a website or a client. "

Yu Yuexian asked solemnly: "cloud sea, you tell the truth, with the mobile phone client, are you ready to leave our Xianyue video network?"

Everyone knows that the emergence of mobile video client will have an unprecedented impact on traditional video websites, and even some experts predict that all video websites will be shut down.For the Xianyue video network, now it has reached the point of life and death.

If Xiao Yunhai violates the contract and no longer provides them with film source, the Xianyue video network will be completely destroyed.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how can it be. Compared with computers, mobile phones have one of the biggest defects, that is, the screen is too small. I don't like watching movies and TV series on my mobile phone. I believe many people are the same as me. So you don't have to worry too much. As for Xianyue video network, as I said before, we can cooperate. There is fairy moon on the computer and Yunqing on the mobile phone. Isn't it good to make money together? "

Man Wenbin said: "things are still back on the old road, and the most important issue is the price. If the mobile client is cheaper than the video website, the netizens will definitely choose the mobile phone. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "therefore, the video website wants not to be eliminated, must keep up with the price of mobile phone client."

Yu Yuexian asked: "Yunqing video client will be online soon. What kind of price are you going to set?"

As the first mobile video client in China, the price of Xiao Yunhai is very important to the video client behind. There is no doubt that everyone can't help but look up to him.

Xiao Yunhai has considered this problem for a long time, and said: "the price must be lower than that of Xianyue video network, but the range is not large. The old films five years ago are reduced by 50%, the old films between three and five years are reduced by 30%, the films between one year and three years are reduced by 20%, and those within one year are reduced by 10%. What do you think? "

Man Wenbin asked, "what if it's a new film just painted?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "within three months, the original price will be reduced one after another. I believe most fans will not wait for three months in order to spend less money

Man Wenbin thought about it for a while and said, "if I reduce the price of movie works in Xianyue video network and your Yunqing video app to the same price, how do you say the fans will choose?"

I don't know, I shrugged. But I think that's a good idea. "

Man Wenbin bit his teeth and said, "that's it. Yunhai, I hope to bundle Xianyue video website with your video client. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, no problem. I believe it will be a win-win decision. "

The two hold up their glasses and touch each other.

When Xiao Yunhai got home, he saw the light in the living room.

The two children are sleeping in Chen Xiuzhu's room, which should be no one's right.

There was no sound in the bathroom.

Xiao Yunhai called out: "wife, are you back?"

Zhao Wanqing's voice came.

"Yes. You came just in time. Come in and rub my back

Xiao Yunhai eyes a bright, way: "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai stripped himself of his clothes.

These days, Xiao Yunhai has been suffocating. Naturally, he will not miss this good opportunity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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