Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:40 AM

Chapter 1683

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Xiao Yunhai and man Wenbin, the headquarters of dreamlike special effects image company, got up and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

The man in front of him was Chu Wenqing. He was about thirty years old. He was very beautiful. His hair was carefully combed and his clothes were exquisite.

Chu Wenqing held out his hand and Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm glad you can agree with me."

Xiao Yunhai asked him to sit down and said with a smile: "I am a martial arts novel writer. Although I have never written online, I have a special feeling for the novel website. Mr. Chu, I don't know what you are here for? "

In fact, Xiao Yunhai has already guessed his intention. He just wants to cooperate with his own Yunqing app.

After the emergence of smart phones in the past, various novel clients have sprung up one after another, cooperating with major novel websites.

Xiao Yunhai is also very fond of online novels, and even wrote them for a period of time, but it's a pity that he went to the streets.

Chu Wenqing is the boss of the fantasy wolf novel website, worth billions of dollars. Although it is far from being compared with Xiao Yunhai, it is very famous in the network text circle.

The most popular website in the world is called Shengshi novel. Com, which has occupied more than 60% of the traffic, is a well deserved overlord.

While magic wolf, Tenglong and Shuhai account for 30% of the traffic, and the remaining 10% is shared by other novel websites.

Shengshi novel network has made a mobile video website client, online less than a month, the user has broken 100 million. With their ability, it is impossible to cooperate with Xiao Yunhai.

The client and flourishing age of Shuhai novel network are online almost at the same time, and the amount of download is only 3 million, almost to the extent that no one pays attention to it.

Chu Wenqing also made a magic wolf app, but the result is not as good as the book sea app.

Nowadays, both computer and mobile phone clients are the only ones in Shengshi, and the gap is getting farther and farther away.

Seeing this, Chu Wenqing was worried.

To know that there is no pirated novel website in this world. If you want to read a book, you can only go to the genuine website.

Before the "magic wolf" ranking last year, I had a long chat with several great God level network writers. They said that if they want to get readers' love, the most important thing is a word, Shuang. Let the reader see. I think a large part of the reason why online novels can flourish is that they can relieve pressure, eliminate fatigue and vent people's sullen feelings. "

"Of course, I don't want everyone to indulge in it. It's not good for you. I mean, you can have a look at it when you're at rest, when you're bored, and I think it's also an effective way to relieve psychological stress

When they heard this, they all admired them.

Xiao Yunhai said that the network novel has become a cure for mental illness.

"Mr. Xiao, your Yunqing app now has three sections: Games, videos and novels. Next, is it possible that music will also go online."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I do have such a plan. "

"Mr. Xiao, since the birth of legend of Chu Liuxiang, legend of Shooting Heroes, proud of the world and legend of Lu Xiaofeng, you have been regarded as a martial arts master by martial arts fans. You have also promised that you will continue to write the legend of the hero of the shooting eagle, which is called the hero of the eagle and the story of killing the Dragon by relying on heaven. However, several years have passed, your movies and TV plays have been popular all over the world, but these two novels have not appeared yet. I wonder when you are going to write them out? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "your memory is very good. If you don't, I can't remember. "

the reporter said," I am a fan of martial arts novels, so I still remember this aspect. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for hoping these martial arts novels. As a matter of fact, the outlines of the two novels are already in my mind. Just because these years are too busy to write them out. After the release of Zhuxian, I will take a break for a while. When it's OK, I will serialize the legend of the Condor on our dream chasing novel app. "


"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Including the great God level network writers on the rostrum, the scene rang out warm applause, it turns out that most of the people here are his martial arts fans.

After the reporter's question and answer session, Xiao Yunhai signed a ten-year cooperation agreement with the chief executives of three novel websites, magic wolf, Tenglong and Shuhai, under the spotlight of reporters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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