Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:39 AM

Chapter 1684

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At noon, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to a five-star hotel for dinner.

The more than ten great God level network writers are not old, and the top one is Xiao Yunhai's iron powder.

At first, when I saw the idol, I was still a little rigid. When I found Xiao Yunhai approachable and did not have any airs, it opened the atmosphere. It's a lot of fun to drink.

When they were full of food and drink, they stood together and took a picture. Then they left by car.

When this picture appeared in the space of these gods, it caused a burst of envy and jealousy among readers.

"The horizon is so big that you should have met my idol, Emperor Yun. It's amazing."

"Emperor Yun, it's a god man. Now network writers can eat with the emperor, it seems that I will also enter the network text circle. "

"I didn't say that. I went to the magic wave to apply for the author. Maybe I can see the emperor."

Major media also reported Xiao Yunhai's press conference in the headlines.

"Cloud emperor hand in hand with the major novel website, the establishment of mobile phone novel client."

"The cloud emperor enters the network literary world, establishes the dream novel client, does not let the flourishing age specialize in beauty."

"The biggest enemy of Shengshi novel network is coming."

"Pursuing dreams vs flourishing times, two dragons playing with pearls in the field of online culture."

"After three years' absence, the emperor of cloud will be serializing" shooting carving "and the sequel" divine eagle knight errant "on the client side of chasing dreams."

"The martial arts master tianwaike is out of the mountain again," and "the immortal couple" continues its front line

Xiao Yunhai's dream pursuing novel client has not caused much reaction from the outside world. However, the story of "the eagle of heroes" has excited hundreds of millions of martial arts fans.

"After waiting for more than three years, it's finally time for" the hero of the eagle. "

"Come on, I can't wait."

Emperor cloud, come on

"Finally, there is a divine book to read."

Since the shooting hero was made into a TV series, the novel has been selling well. So far, it has reached 1.5 volumes, and there are at least 300 million archers.

At the same time, the rise of martial arts novels such as "Legend of Shooting Heroes" and "laughing proud of the lake" has also turned martial arts novels into a turning point. Despite the popularity of online novels, martial arts novels still go against the current and do not die as thoroughly as in previous lives. Last year, there was even a new martial arts young man in the world. He combined history and martial arts organically by virtue of "Qin Mie", which sold more than 20 million copies. He was praised as the most promising person to become a martial arts master.

All of us have a dream of martial arts in their hearts. Xiao Yunhai suddenly wants to write "the hero of the eagle". We can imagine how much storm it caused.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the headquarters of Shengshi novel is full of lights.

There were more than ten people sitting in the conference room, all of them middle and high-level personnel of Shengshi novel network.

President Zheng Guolin came in with a young man in his thirties and glasses.

Everyone got up one after another, but their eyes curiously looked at the elegant stranger beside them.

Zheng Guolin made a gesture to ask for a seat, and then gave up his seat to the young man, while he sat next to him.

Zheng Guolin said: "first of all, let me introduce you to Mr. Wang Yang from Korea. Before I told you, Shengshi novel network will usher in a new boss, I will retire to the second line. Here you are. In the future, I hope you can support Mr. Wang's work as well as me, so as to develop Shengshi novel network better. "

No one on the scene spoke, as if shocked by the news.

After a long time, someone asked, "Mr. Zheng, why do you want to quit the heyday?"

Shengshi novel network was founded by Zheng Guolin, which occupied 48% of the shares and almost reached the control share.

But I didn't expect that Zheng Guolin would quit in the twinkling of an eye, which is simply unacceptable.

Zheng Guolin sighed in his heart. If it was not for his son's accident, no one could save him except Mr. Wang. How could he sell all his shares at a reduced price.

"It's mainly because I have problems with my body and need to rest. Tomorrow, I will take my family to live abroad and live a comfortable life. After a lifetime of busyness, it's time to rest. Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to work with you to develop Shengshi novel network to its present scale. If there's anything else I can't bear to part with, it's you. "

"Well, that's all I'll say. I wish you all good health and good work. "

With that, Zheng Guolin took a look at Wang Yang, who had no expression, and left the meeting room without paying attention to the people's call.

After Zheng Guolin left, the conference room was quiet, and the needle could be heard. Everyone was thinking about his mind. Some people frown and seem to worry about their own future.

Wang Yang looked around for a week. He coughed softly and said, "everybody, everyone has his own will. You can't ask for it. General manager Zheng is tired. Since we want to rest, we should not force him. From today on, I will take over the position of President Zheng and lead you to develop Shengshi novel network. I want your full support. "Seeing that the ship has become a ship and can not be changed, people have expressed their determination to the new boss.

With a smile on his face, Wang Yang said, "very good. The so-called "three fires" when a new official takes office. My first fire is salary. Starting today, the salaries of all the people on the site are up 30 percent, and everyone is up 50 percent. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa." Hearing the salary increase, the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

Some people even called out the slogan of "Long Live president Wang".

Wang Yang raised his hand and pressed it, and the applause disappeared.

"Second, burn the fire to the Internet writers. For a website, the most important is the writer, and the writer's most concern is welfare. We will increase their total attendance from five thousand words to eight thousand words. Other benefits should also be increased accordingly, so as to attract those network writers to our prosperous times. Tell them that we will do everything we can to increase their income. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The applause went on for a second time.

We were still worried that the new boss would play the website miserably, but we didn't expect that the other party was so grand.

Employees and Internet writers have benefited, how can prosperous times not be prosperous.

Wang Yang continued: "the third fire propaganda. We will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce to the outside world the news that Wang Yang has become the CEO of Shengshi. At the same time, we will talk about various welfare measures we have taken. Now, do you have any questions? "

"Mr. Wang, this morning, Mr. Xiao Yunhai held a press conference, and together with other novel websites, set up a dream chasing novel app. It's obviously for us. Do you think we should take any measures? "

"Xiao Yunhai." Wang Yang heard the name, has no expression on the face, muscles suddenly tremble, eyes flash a trace of grim eyes, fleeting.

"Don't worry about them. The dream chasing app is far from our flourishing app. It should be them who are worried. We don't want to mess up because of this, as long as the website is not in trouble, we are in an invincible position. "

as soon as they heard this, they all nodded, thinking that the boss was very sober and had a comprehensive view of the problem.

After the meeting, Wang Yang picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number skillfully.

"Mom, I've won the golden age."

"You can rest assured that I will never make another mistake."

After speaking, Wang Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "Xiao Yunhai, we are going to meet again. I wonder if you can recognize me. One day, I'll make you dead. "

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