Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:38 AM

Chapter 1685

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At eight o'clock the next morning, zhumeng app was officially launched on the Yunqing client. There are more than a dozen websites and tens of thousands of novels, which can be read by a reader for several years.

With the ultra-high traffic of Yunqing client, the traffic of zhumeng app has increased rapidly, which has exceeded 50 million in less than two hours.

It can be seen that more people like online novels than in previous lives.

At nine o'clock, in the same place, Shengshi fiction held a press conference.

Wang Yang, as the general manager of the prosperous age, met with you and announced his accession and a series of measures.

However, no matter in terms of popularity or other aspects, Wang Yang and Shengshi could not compare with Xiao Yunhai at all. Therefore, there were only dozens of media reporters at the press conference, and the impact was not great.

However, Xiao Yunhai watched the live broadcast of the whole conference.

Looking at Wang Yang's eyes, Xiao Yunhai felt as if he had seen him somewhere. Can think about, also did not get the answer.

But one thing, he knew, was that the other side was deeply hostile to him.

Because whenever a reporter talks about himself, Wang Yang seems to be very uncomfortable. His eyes are like knives. He is cold and frightening. His hate and even hatred in his eyes can't be covered up.

When did he offend Mr. Wang?

Xiao Yunhai couldn't figure out what to do, so he left this matter behind.

In his mind, Shengshi novel network is the enemy of those websites, and has no great relationship with himself. As for the dream app, Xiao Yunhai is not too concerned about it.

He understood that as long as there are excellent works, even if he does nothing, he can also develop well.

If there is no excellent work, even if we try our best, we will never succeed.

Because readers don't give you any face.

It has to be said that the Internet is really very popular.

In just one day, the sales volume of dream chasing reached 83 million. It's no wonder that Shengshi's annual profit is more than 50 billion yuan, which is really very profitable.

According to the agreement, Xiao Yunhai can get more than 36 million of them.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai didn't pay much attention to it. After seeing the report, he quickly changed his mind.

I'm kidding. I got 36 million yuan on the first day, and it's OK after that.

In contrast, the marvel children's paradise, which he has spent countless efforts to build, is not enough.

Not only Xiao Yunhai is happy, but also the website and the author.

The Fictions on the Internet of fantasy wolf novels are the best, with more than 13 million yuan. After sharing with the author, they earn 8 million yuan.

The author paid twice as much as before.

The managers of the three novel websites have called Xiao Yunhai with congratulatory calls, vowing to strengthen cooperation and so on.

After finishing the complicated affairs, Xiao Yunhai finally put his heart on the publicity of "Zhu Xian".

It's April 8, a week before the premiere.

Before, Xiao Yunhai also is not what did not do, all have imax3d cinema, he has contacted.

In China, he got more than 6000 screens.

This time he's not going to be in 2D or 3D, so 6000 screens are the limit.

It was only after Xiao Yunhai invited those in charge to watch the film that he agreed. Otherwise, six thousand dollars would not be possible.

You know, the whole China is only 13000 screens.

Of course, the ticket price is also very high, 200 yuan per ticket, much more expensive than the original "2012".

Xiao Yunhai takes out his mobile phone and dials it to Wu Yifa.

"Lao Wu," Zhu Xian "tickets will be sold on Yunyi shopping online tomorrow. Are you ready

Wu Yifa said angrily, "I dare not delay your business. I've already discussed it with those theaters. There won't be any problems. From 8:00 tomorrow morning, all fans who book tickets will enjoy a 20% discount until the premiere begins

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you. You seem very tired. Listen to the sound, as if there is no breath

Wu Yifa said: "do you think the merger of the two websites is very simple? I am busy every day. I wish I could be two people. Ah, it's hard life. Unlike some people, they can easily get 100 billion dollars by doing nothing. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't appreciate it at all and said, "you boy, don't come. If you're really tired, don't be CEO of Yunyi. Well, it's not like I said. If you really stop now, you can't stand it any more. "

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "maybe you are right. I can tell you, this time we Yunyi shopping website has done nothing. A ticket for the movie "Zhuxian" only gives us poor ten yuan, which is too little. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what's missing? If there are 100 million people watching, it's easy to win a billion. What's wrong with that? "

Wu Yifa said helplessly: "Lao Xiao, from knowing you, what I admire most is that you are always so confident. If 100 million people watch, you dare say so. "Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I have absolute confidence in Zhu Xian. China has a large population and is getting richer and richer. It is not impossible for 100 million fans. Maybe it will break through 200 million. "

Wu Yifa said, "dream. If you can exceed 100 million, I will call you big brother in the future

Xiao Yun Haidao said, "OK, it's settled. If I can't reach 100 million, I'll call you younger brother when I see you later. "

"Lao Xiao, you are really shameless. Okay, no kidding. I'll tell you the business. I saw a video on the Internet yesterday, which is the press conference held by Shengshi novel network. Do you think that boss Wang Yang looks familiar with each other

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "do you have this feeling? It seems that our heroes have the same ideas. It's just that I can't really remember where I met him? "

After a long silence, Wu Yifa said, "I think he looks like Wang Yangqiu."

"What?" Xiao Yunhai could not help showing a trace of shock on his face and asked, "are you sure?"

Xiao Yunhai and Wang Yangqiu were enemies before, but they were not familiar with each other, so they met only a few times.

But Wu Yifa is different.

Both of them were officials of the second generation. They grew up almost together in the capital. Although they had some disagreements with each other, they could meet each other on various occasions every year and were very familiar with each other.

Wu Yifa said: "I just have this feeling, and I'm not sure."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "after he escaped from prison, will he go to Korea and have plastic surgery?"

Wu Yifa said: "it is very possible. If it's him, it's going to be a lot of trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "at the beginning, their family was very strong, and they had several industries, so we couldn't help it. Now he has nothing but a novel website. I don't think he can cause us much trouble. What worries me most is that he will be as desperate as last time. I don't want my family in danger all the year round.

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai stopped for a moment and said, "OK, I know. Let's talk about it another day."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai called Gao Xiangfeng directly.

"Lao Gao, go to Korea and help me investigate a person."

"Who?" asked Gao Xiangfeng

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wang Yang, the boss of Shengshi novel network. I always think he looks like Wang Yangqiu who escaped from prison years ago. "

Gao Xiang said, "I see. I'll send some of my best scouts. If it is Wang Yangqiu, I believe there will be clues. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, please, brothers."

After communicating with Gao Xiangfeng, Xiao Yunhai poured himself a cup of tea, took out his mobile phone and went to the Internet.

He found the photos of Wang Yangqiu before, and compared them with those of Wang Yang at the press conference, not to mention, they looked like each other. Especially those eyes, as like as two peas.

Although cosmetic surgery is popular in South Korea, it is not a change after all. People who are familiar with it can still recognize it.

if Wang Yanghai thought about Wang Yanghai as a real person.

Wang Yangqiu's family was attacked by various forces because he had framed himself.

The so-called lean camel is bigger than the horse, and Wang Yangqiu's father is still alive after all. Therefore, the Wang family was not killed by a single stick, but was reduced from a top family to a second-class family.

Even if Xiao Yunhai knows that Wang Yang is Wang Yangqiu, and there is no evidence, he has no way to deal with it.

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