Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:39 AM

Chapter 169

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"What, 5%"

Chen Zhan and he Feng looked at each other, and at the same time, they turned their eyes to the monitoring screen. They saw that the originally smooth curve on the top had risen linearly in just two minutes, reaching 4.8 points without warning.

You know, in general, even in the climax stage of happy Sunday, there are only a few times when it can reach five points. Now, before eight o'clock, there is such a data. No wonder Zhang thinks it is a system problem.

He Feng suddenly clapped his hand and laughed happily. He said, "director Chen and director Zhang, we are going to have a ratings miracle tonight. I'm sure it's not that the data is broken. It's the charm of the cloud emperor. "

Waiting for people to ask questions, he Feng excitedly said: "our happy Sunday is for young people, and the audience rating mainly depends on them. But this time it's not the same. Another identity of cloud emperor makes those middle-aged and old people pay attention to our programs, so our ratings will reach this high. "

Chen Zhan's eyes brightened and said thoughtfully, "you mean the identity of a martial arts writer?"

"Mr. Chen is right. Your nephew is a martial arts master. His "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Feidao" have sold more than 40 million copies. At least half of them are middle-aged and elderly readers. I think this time they knew that tianwai was coming, so they turned on the TV and watched our program

"Yes, probably. Mr. He's saying reminds me of my father, who is more than 70 years old. This afternoon, when I arrived, I heard him yelling to see us happy Sunday. I was still wondering why he was suddenly concerned about this. It's for tianwaike. He's a big fan of Chu Liuxiang. "

"Broken five."

"My God, it's breaking five before it starts. Is this the rhythm to break out?"

"It won't break ten today, will it?"

Chen Zhan murmured: "still this didn't see, this boy unexpectedly has so big influence."

The time finally slowly arrived at eight o'clock, and "Happy Sunday" finally started!

as usual, the five hosts came out hand in hand, briefly introduced the three stars of "summer campus", and soon it was Xiao Yunhai's turn to appear.

The opening of a classic "fairy tale" excited fans who rarely saw the live version of Xiao Yunhai. Many people sang along with the TV.

"Husband, do you think we will be like the fairy tale singing in the future?" in a 30 Ping house, Xiao Zhao's girlfriend asked expectantly.

"Yes, certainly. Now although we are a little bitter, but this is temporary, I swear I will bring you happiness! "Xiaozhao said firmly.

"Honey, I believe you." Xiao Zhao's girlfriend gave him a kiss directly.

When seeing Xiao Yunhai's humorous performance, the fans in front of the TV set are all laughing wildly.

"Love without marriage is a rascal."

"Elegant, handsome and unrestrained, loved by everyone. Flowers bloom and tire burst. My God, how handsome it is."

"If you don't have the ability to tell lies with your eyes open, you can't be a good host at all."

"Ha ha, it turns out that the emperor of cloud is so interesting that he is just a storyteller."

"I thought the emperor was a big star, but I didn't expect him to be so unassuming. Just like our friends, he was also very interesting."

"This is the star, the real star. It's not like other people who put on airs for fear that they won't know they are big stars. "

"Wow, that's great. Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is about to be published. Asia is the invincible, and I'll buy it just by listening to these two names. " A martial arts fan called out at home.

That is, during the period of Xiao Yunhai's interview, a big earthquake occurred in the data monitoring room of mango station.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. He, the ratings... The ratings have broken six, no, it's going to break seven!" Zhang Yue looked at the rapidly growing data line and exclaimed excitedly.

"What, the ratings are going to break seven?"

Chen Zhan was also shocked. You know, since the launch of "Happy Sunday", the best result was to invite the Mikado superstar Ye Yongren. The highest ratings reached 8%, which shocked the whole entertainment industry.

Now, how long has it been? It's only half an hour, and it's seven o'clock. It's a miracle!

"director Zhang, please call director Ouyang to ask for credit." Chen Zhan tried his best to suppress his inner joy and said this sentence calmly. However, there was a look of excitement on his face.

When Ouyang Zhaoming knew the news, he obviously stopped for a moment, said "you've done well" and hung up. Then 10 minutes later, Ouyang Zhaoming's tall and powerful figure appeared in the monitoring room.

By this time, the ratings have exceeded seven percent.Ouyangzhaoming looks at the curve of the sky, and turns to Chen Zhan and laughs, "you nephew is really terrible."

Chen Zhan laughed and said, "I didn't expect this kid to have such a big influence. I've got him rolling over long ago, if you know. "

"Two leaders, you see our happy Sunday ratings are all broken seven, should we television have something to say?" He Feng said with a smile

Ouyangzhaoming laughed and said, "rest assured, you can't help without it. The monitoring room did well, and there was also a bonus. "


"Long live the head of the table."

The staff in the monitoring room jumped up happily.

They know that President Ouyang has always been generous and generous. As long as he does a hand, he must be a big hand, and the bonus is absolutely indispensable.

In the later shows, xiaoyunhai's performance is still remarkable. Numerous fans are laughing at Xiao Yunhai's humor and interest, and also have a new understanding of his idol!

with the increasing ratings of mango station, the ratings of mango station have been rising, and at the end of the day, It successfully broke through the eight points of the grand pass, with the highest ratings reaching 8.8, surpassing the king Ye Yongren.

As soon as the show is over, mango station will be on its own web page.


crazy "


people who saw the news can't believe it is true. When variety shows are so hot, it is not scientific.

Su Yingxue's phone was also hit by other TV stations, with only one purpose. Xiao Yunhai was invited to participate in their variety show. The price was arbitrary and never paid back.

At first, Su Yingxue was very happy. He said that she had a chance to go by. But when she received seven or eight consecutive calls, Su Yingxue could not bear it, and turned off her cell phone directly.

It's really annoying.

This night, is called the mango stage as the night of miracle! Xiao Yunhai is also called "the son of miracle".

As popular as entertainment, xiaoyunhai's home page forum. Good guy, just after happy Sunday, countless Posts came in from all directions.

"You are so humorous, yunhuang, do your family know?"

"Cloud emperor, you are too cow, it is a Duanzi hand. When to go to the variety show again, remember to publish it on the homepage. "

"Handsome, handsome, love, flowers, cars, tires, cloud emperor, your old man's face is really thick, but I like it. Ha ha. "

"My girlfriend just asked me if I was in love with her and went to marriage. I said it intentionally, and then she gave me two words" hooligan ". Once the bedroom door was closed, I could only sleep on the sofa at night. Cloud emperor, I hate you. "

"The sunrise is East, but I am invincible. Please let Sun Publishing House release "Xiaoao Jianghu" as soon as possible. We all thank the flowers. "

In only half an hour, the post in the forum reached more than 100000, and it was not too pleasant to give Xiang Ming and Li linger busy.

Huaming of sunshine press also called xiaoyunhai, saying that their official website was captured by fans of xiaoyunhai. Fans asked them to print "xiaoaoao Jianghu" quickly, and let it go on the shelf as soon as possible, otherwise they would have trouble with sunshine publishing house.

This makes Hua Ming very excited, in the telephone can not live in thanks, sunshine press is a shot and red. Meanwhile, his publicity plan began to take advantage of the wind.

Ma Wenfa, the president of Minsheng publishing house, can not help regretting that he has such influence when he sees that the "Xiaoao Jianghu" has not been publicized.

Fortunately, he also has the Great Qing Dynasty by Mr. Zhang Ping, a literary champion. Even if Xiao Yunhai is no longer a cow, he can never be the vice president of the Chinese Literature Association.

Xiaoyunhai saw his forum constantly rising posts, heart said: "why not here first promote" Xiaoao Jianghu. "

So, soon, in xiaoyunhai's home page forum appeared such a poem.

"Heroes in the world come out of our generation,

as soon as they enter the Jianghu, they are eager to enter the Jianghu.

Hongtu is a big business, and he is too drunk to be drunk.

The sword was lifted and the wind was waving the ghost rain, and the white bones were like mountain birds.

The world is like tide people like water,

only a few people in the Jianghu return to the world. "

This "life Jianghu" is written by Mr. Jin at XuKe's request in the movie "the East is invincible" by a generation of ghosts and talents in the past, showing heroic sigh and heroic spirit.

Xiao Yunhai wrote at the back of the poem: "whether xiaoaohu lake can be famous in yunei is all in everyone. The guests from outside the sky ask you to continue to support me and continue to support the martial arts. In order to thank you for your deep friendship, tianwai specially wrote a "smile in the sea" for "Xiaoao Jianghu", and the date of the release of "Xiaoao Jianghu", and also when "Canghai one laugh" was uploaded to music network for a long time, please pay attention to it. Goodbye to us in the Jianghu. "

Xiao Yunhai just uploaded this poem and a paragraph to the homepage. In less than five minutes, xiaoyunhai's forum was completely crazy."Emperor Yun, please take the boy's knee."

"The heroes of the world come from our generation. My God, I'm going crazy."

"For the sake of this poem, I must buy a copy of" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu "to see it

"And the song" a smile from the sea "sounds good just from the name

"That's for sure. The products made by Emperor Yun must be excellent."

After spreading by Xiao Yunhai's fans, this poem soon appeared on the major online forums, and "Xiaoao Ao Jiang'an" also became popular. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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