Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:31 AM

Chapter 1690

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In Qingyun hall, daoxuan asked Zhang Xiaofan who played by Xiao Yunhai again: "are you still unwilling to tell the truth?"

Zhang Xiaofan pursed his mouth and struggled on his face, but he still kept his promise and didn't open his mouth.

In his rage, daoxuan would put him to death.

Don't want to Tianyin Temple host a deep sigh, said the truth.

When he learned that all the villagers in Caomiao village had been killed by the master of Puzhi who had always respected him, Zhang Xiaofan was in despair, and the whole person was in a state of despair. In addition to sadness, the mind seems to be affected by soul sucking beads, and the face becomes extremely ferocious.

It's just that he lowered his head and nobody noticed.

Tianyin Temple host finally said: "all things are our Tianyin Temple Puzhi younger martial brother's fault, please do not blame him."

The story developed here, everyone felt a strong grief and indignation.

A female editor in chief looked at Zhang Xiaofan standing alone in the hall and whispered, "he is really pathetic."

As if to hear her words, Xiao Yunhai on the screen raised his head, red eyes, with endless hatred, sneered: "blame? Who is to blame me? "

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan like this, the audience not only did not feel afraid, but also showed more pity for him.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai gave full play to his acting skills.

He roared up to the sky, and his voice was so shrill that two lines of hot tears flowed slowly out of his eyes.

"What is the right way? What justice? You've always lied to me. I support hard all my life, even if I die, I keep secret for him, but what am I, what am I ... "

this is an original sentence in Zhu Xian, which is a summary of Zhang Xiaofan's first half of life.

Especially the last sentence I count what, the constant echo in the hall, more show Zhang Xiaofan's pity.

In the cinema, countless fans shed tears for Zhang Xiaofan.

"It's not a damn thing."

"Xiao Fan is so poor."

"Shit, if it's me, I'll kill them all."

Xiao Yunhai plays Zhang Xiaofan thoroughly into the hearts of fans.

The film continues

after the demon cult failed to attack the mountain for the first time, at the suggestion of the ghost king, they regrouped again and killed Qingyun gate, ready to take them by surprise.

The righteous people did not know that they were still solving the case in Caomiao village.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's enchantment, FA Xiang master of tianyinmen was shocked and reached for the soul eating stick.

Suddenly, there was a flash of green light, and master FA Xiang flew back.

Biyao, who has always been concerned about Zhang Xiaofan, appeared in the hall. Her eyes were slightly red. She looked at him with a kind of distressing eyes and said, "Xiao Fan, you follow me. They are all harming you."


"Biyao, nice."

Fans cheered loudly in the cinema.

Before the two people's love in Xiao Yunhai's focus on depiction, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When Zhang Xiaofan is the most lonely, helpless and desperate, the appearance of Biyao is just like a drought in the rain for the fans who have entered the plot.

The Rightists in Qingyun hall saw the ghost King's daughter appear, immediately fried the pot, many experts will be surrounded by two people.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes are red, but inside is a void, like a walking corpse, all beliefs and beliefs are destroyed.

Biyao held his hand tightly and whispered, "Xiao Fan, don't be afraid. Even if it's death, I will die with you."

In the face of many masters, Biyao's courage and persistence in love won the hearts of all people again.

Jiao fangtao sighed: "I just know now," Zhu Xian "is not a Xianxia film at all, it should be a love film wrapped with Xianxia."

Liang Hui nodded and said, "yes. In front of the sea of clouds used a lot of space to depict the sweetness and beauty of their love. Here, it is a sublimation of love. The role of Biyao is so popular. No wonder Wan Qing said in an interview that after reading the script, she immediately asked to play Biyao. "

At this time, the evil cult masters attacked again and fought with the righteous people.

With a roar, Shui Qilin rushes in from the outside, tramples on several evil people, and comes to daoxuan. As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhuxian sword appeared in daoxuan's hand.

"Zhu Xian" daoxuan drank again.

The inexhaustible Qi sword was once again powerful, covering the whole Qingyun hall.

Ghost king and others exhausted their means, which can escape the attack range of Zhuxian sword.

Daoxuan made a fierce, also rushed out, the seven main peaks once again with zhuxianjian launched Zhuxian sword array.

The ghost king and others were defeated and retreated again.

Fortunately, daoxuan himself was seriously injured and was about to kill the ghost king and others. Unfortunately, some of them could not hold on and failed to do his best.

The evil way people see the opportunity, immediately flee to the outside.Biyao and Zhang Xiaofan are among them.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's back, daoxuan said in his heart, "this disciple has the skills of Qingyun and Tianyin. Once he is evil, the consequences will be unimaginable. He must not be allowed to go down the mountain alive today. "

Daoxuan took out a pill from his arms, ate it, and then drank: "kill the immortals"

the dazzling Qi Jian, like a sword rain, madly went towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"Damn it, daoxuan is really cruel."

"It's a big problem."


At this time, an unacceptable scene appeared.

A green shadow accompanied by the clear bell sound pushed Zhang Xiaofan aside.

"Nine hell spirits, gods and demons from all over the world, drive them away with my blood and sacrifice them Three lives, three lives, forever fall into hell, only for love, although die not regret "

the fans in the cinema looked at the girl on the screen who opened her arms and went up against the sky in the sword rain.

"Damn it, Emperor Yun. You're going to die."

"Biyao will not be killed by zhuxianjian, will she?"

"Don't worry, Biyao."

For the role of Biyao, Xiao Yunhai has made great efforts to establish her image perfectly through various means, with the purpose of making everyone like her.

In this way, when she died for Zhang Xiaofan, the fans will be shocked more than ever.

In the brilliant sword light, Jiao fangtao sighed and said, "the sea of clouds is intentional. In the end, love should be carried out. "

Wu Zixu said with admiration on his face: "Biyao does not die, how to verify the love till death.". Even I look at some heartache, let alone ordinary fans

Zhao Wanqing plays Biyao, who launches the curse of death and rushes to the beautiful sword rain.


the two collided, and the invincible Zhuxian sword was finally blocked and turned back. Qi sword can't be controlled, destroying all the surrounding trees and buildings, and causing countless casualties.

Daoxuan's injury became more serious, but he still held Zhuxian sword tightly in his hand.

On the screen, Xiao Yunhai's whole person is stupid, his pupil is bigger and bigger, his face is dull, and his mind is filled with bits and pieces of getting along with each other. Then, a line of clear tears suddenly comes out of his eyes. In his eyes, complex emotions such as love, pain, despair, resentment and so on are fully expressed. Finally, Xiao Yunhai turns into a kind of deep love, which is never changed until death Looking at the girl from the sky.

Xiao Yunhai's performance is absolutely the film emperor's class. With just one look, he can express countless emotions incisively and vividly. Only a dozen or twenty people in the world can do this.

Unfortunately, both the fans and the critics did not care about his performance. Their eyes were all focused on the slowly falling Biyao. Many fans even shed tears.

In order to play up the atmosphere, Xiao Yunhai in this plot, no music match, the whole performance is silent film.

It took about ten seconds for the film to return to normal.

"Bi... Yao..."

a hoarse voice was heard all over the studio.

Xiao Yunhai takes over the body of Biyao. Dou Da's tears are splashing down, and her face is even more distressed.

In the movie, all the good and evil sects are looking at the teenagers in the venue, and no one speaks.

After a long time, Xiao Yunhai's Zhang Xiaofan picked up the body of Biyao and handed it to a sad ghost king.

After turning around, Xiao Yunhai's eyes were red, and staring at daoxuan floating in the sky, he said: "the way of heaven is unkind. Everything is a cud dog. Daoxuan, you should die. "

Boundless anger rushed out, soul eating stick turned into countless stick shadows, crazy smashed to daoxuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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