Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:24 AM

Chapter 1695

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"There are a lot of star singers coming today, but few of them have such strength. Can't it be Miss Chen Huan? "

"I think it's probably Dong Piao. She's ready to release an album, and it's an opportunity that can't be missed. "

"Forget it. For twenty-three minutes in a row, who else can have such treatment as ye Tianwang? "

The audience whispered and guessed a lot of people, but no one guessed Xiao Yunhai.

The main reason is that he is very simple, tired and lazy. He seldom goes to the stage to sing.

This kind of person goes to sing for 23 minutes, playing international jokes.

Dong Xiaohong said with a smile: "we have called a lot of people's names, but I tell you, none of them is right. I won't say his name. We all know him anyway. Now let's give him our warmest applause and welcome him to give us an unparalleled hearing feast. "

In the audience's intense applause, a never heard of the prelude rushed into everyone's ears, very beautiful, the melody is very fresh.

In the long mist, Xiao Yunhai appeared on the stage with a lift.

"Damn it. It's a cloud emperor."

"The emperor of cloud is so nervous, so generous to come out and sing."

"The Organizing Committee of Jinzun is really good. He can be the guest of performance."

The applause, which had already stopped, burst out, and the shrieks and cheers resounded throughout the venue.

Bai binglu covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Mr. Xiao will sing on stage. It's really incredible."

Meng Xuewei nodded and agreed, saying: "I have known each other for so long. I have never heard Mr. Xiao sing on the spot."

Huang Bo next to him said, "the sun is really coming out in the West today."

On the other side, Chen Huan straightened up, staring at the song name on the big screen without blinking, and said, "mandarin duck and butterfly dream, this must be the new song of the sea of clouds."

Yao Na nodded and said, "we are blessed to hear him live."

After the prelude, Xiao Yunhai's moving song floated over.

"Yesterday is like the flowing water in the East. You can't stay away from me. I'm worried today. The water flows even more when the knife is cut off, and the sorrow is more sorrowful when the cup is raised. The breeze of the Ming Dynasty is drifting

As soon as Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth, the fans clapped and screamed.

"It's a new song I've never heard before."

”The lyrics and the melody are wonderful. "

" keep your voice down. This is string burning. Even if it's singing, the emperor of cloud can sing only one paragraph at most. "

Xiao Yunhai has not performed on the stage for a long time, and feels a little strange. But when he really sang, his steady typhoon, powerful momentum, still firmly attracted the eyes of all people.

This is the aura and ability of a king singer.

"The reason is that the new people laugh. Who hears the old people cry. Love is a hard word. It's to ask whether you want to understand, or to pretend to be confused

"Good words." Chen Huan exclaimed: "this boy got the lyrics and ancient poetry together. It's so beautiful."

Yao Na said, "Yunhai has a lot of stock. Another day, I'll have to blackmail. I'll have to get one or two songs to be the main theme of my new album next year

"It looks like a mandarin duck and butterfly. It's not the age it should be, but who can get rid of the sadness of the world. Colorful world, mandarin duck and butterfly, in the world is already epileptic, why bother to go to the blue sky, as gentle as sleep together

After the dream of mandarin duck and butterfly, a piece of soft music is too much, and it becomes the most popular "attachment" in previous life.

"Attachment, sit next to me. Thick miss, spread with the moonlight. Attachment, follow your side. Look at your smile and kiss your lips. If love is a swing, you are my origin... "

the original song of the previous life, Cai chunjia's song has a feeling of a bird's pleasing to others, while Xiao Yunhai's singing is clear and sweet, gentle and strong.

No one thought that the first two songs used new songs.

Naturally, the audience applauded.

To the third song, is still a new song "love call transfer", the work of God E in the previous life.

"Only when you have wandered through many window windows and stayed in many hotels can you feel that separation is not unjust. When Xiao Yunhai sang this song, it changed the sound line, from gentle and crisp to warm magnetic, which made people fascinated.

Similarly, "love call transfer" only sang a paragraph, and the fourth song became the old song Infernal Affairs.

Eight pole can't hit the song just let Xiao Yunhai with a melody to the perfect connection together.

"Who can change the length of life, who knows how terrible eternity is. "Infernal Affairs" is followed by the Chinese version of "vast sea and sky". The voice has changed from low to high, and it has just raised the mood of the fans to the highest.

"Damn it, these songs are wonderful. This is the real king.""I like to listen to Chinese songs. I don't know if there are any."

A fan just talked about the Chinese style, and the accompaniment on the stage fell directly from the highest point of "vast sea and sky" to "blue and white porcelain".

"The sky is blue and I'm waiting for you. Smoke curled up from the kitchen across the river. At the bottom of the bottle, Han Li imitated the elegance of the previous dynasty, when I foreshadowed to meet you... "

" your hair is like snow, sad and beautiful parting, I wait for the old who. Invite the bright moon to make the memory bright, love is perfect in the moonlight. Your hair is like snow... "

" the sparrow outside the window is talkative on the pole. You say this sentence, have summer feeling very much. The pencil in his hand... "

after seven or eight consecutive classic songs, Xiao Yunhai brought out the English songs again, which was Michael Jackson's Billie Jean.

As soon as the familiar music and the world shaking dance appeared, both the artists and the audience all stood up.

The body dances with Xiao Yunhai's movements, especially as soon as the space dance steps appear, everyone begins to shout and blood boils.

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"Yunhuang, you are the best."

the sound is about to overturn the roof, and the atmosphere becomes extremely hot.

"Billie Jean" after the same is a hit song "beat", not easy to ignite the heat, Xiao Yunhai do not want to let them fall quickly.

Xiao Yunhai also just sang a section, after the vigorous singing and dancing, a affectionate "my heart forever" is just right to pick up.

Ye Yongren said with admiration: "powerful, affectionate, insipid and high pitched, no matter what kind of songs, Yunhai can change his voice and singing method with the fastest speed, and can express all the songs incisively and vividly. This kind of ability is too strong

Since his injury improved, ye Yongren insisted on shooting the rest of the film, and at his wife's suggestion, he focused his work on music.

Filming can be dangerous, and playing music is definitely no problem.

With a film theme song "beyond", he was nominated for the golden cup award for the best theme song. It was also considered that he did not want to plant flowers and flowers, but did not want to plant willows.

For Xiao Yunhai's strength, ye Yongren is admirable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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