Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:21 AM

Chapter 1697

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When he came to the microphone, Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing under the stage and said, "wife, I was trapped by the organizing committee, and I changed from a performing guest to a prize awarding guest. The problem is that everyone else is a man and a woman, but I'm alone. We are husband and wife. We share weal and woe together. I think you can come up too. "


As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, the audience immediately began to coax.

"When the clouds are clear, there is no match in the world."

"After the cloud is clear, there is no match in the world."

Everyone's eyes were on Zhao Wanqing, and the photographer aimed the camera at her.

Zhao Wanqing had to stand up with a smile and walk onto the stage.

"Thank you so much, husband. I'll give you a big washboard when I go home. " Zhao Wanqing said in a threatening tone as soon as she came up.

"Ha ha ha." It's fun off the stage.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm mainly to improve the exposure rate for you. There is also to promote our "Zhuxian.". You answer me, what role do we play? "

"Zhang Xiaofan, Biyao." The scene answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers and said, "see, we all know our movie. This publicity effect can increase the box office of Zhuxian by one billion. "

Zhao Wanqing said without a good temper: "is this your purpose?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. I'd like to ask, does our company have female artists nominated for best actress

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "it seems that there is no such thing."

Xiao Yunhai said: "No. There are so many beautiful actresses in our company, but the organizing committee has not nominated them. Is there any royal law? "

"Pooh. "

" hahaha. "

"Emperor Yun means to look at the face."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, are you asking me to come up to say this? It's going to make me feel ashamed. I knew. I'd let binglu or Xuewei come up. They are more beautiful than me. "

Xiao Yunhai quickly interface way: "no, you are the most beautiful in my eyes."


the audience roared.

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, don't play. You've wasted a lot of time singing. If you put it off, the award ceremony will be over. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK. Let's have a look at who the shortlisted movie stars are? "

On the big screen, there are wonderful clips of the 12 bit quasi film.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wow, they all performed very well."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. Who can stand out from the top 12 experts at home and abroad

Xiao Yunhai tore open the envelope and without looking at it, handed the list to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing read: "the best actress in the third China International golden cup film festival is Charlotte lepont."


"Charlotte, the 24-year-old golden bottle movie queen."

"It's a surprise."

Charlotte's face was full of surprise and tears.

She stood up in disbelief, congratulated the people around her, and then stepped onto the stage.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing handed the cup and certificate to her and left.

The stage is Charlotte's now, and the two seem to be dominating.

The next best actor was won by Liang Hui, while the best director and best film both missed out on Huaxia.

This makes Chinese fans very depressed.

Half an hour later, the award ceremony was all over.

This time, the golden cup organizing committee held a reception for the first time.

More than 200 movie stars were chatting happily.

Such an opportunity is very good for artists to develop their own contacts.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have manwei, one of the eight giants in Hollywood, and Hanhai, which ranks first in China, naturally become the focus of attention.

However, those who dare to talk to them are not only friends in the circle, but also top artists, as well as the owners of film and television companies. Even the first and second-line artists can not enter their circle.

"Xiao, when are you going to release" Zhu Xian "in Europe and America Kerry, dressed in a tuxedo and with a glass in his hand, touched Xiao Yunhai.

Besides, there are many directors and directors at home and abroad. Hearing Kerry's words, their ears stand up one after another.

No way, Xiao Yunhai's "Zhu Xian" is too overbearing. The pre-sale box office of Huaxia has reached 8 billion US dollars, which is frightening to death.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "two days later, it will be shown in other parts of China. It will be shown in Europe and America in early May. To tell you the truth, I don't know whether "Zhuxian" can be liked by European and American fans? After all, there are great differences between eastern and Western cultures. "

Kerry shook his head and said, "Xiao, you're worried about nothing. Since "Xiaocui" has been popular in Europe and America, Chinese Xianxia movies have been sought after by fans, but most of them are of poor quality. If Zhuxian is shown there, I believe the box office will not be worse than 2012. No, it should be much better. "Xiao Yunhai said, "that's the best."

Marcus, who had been listening to the two people, came up and said with a wry smile, "it seems that I'm going to change the schedule of my action movie to be released next month."

In May, Mars's Chinese American co production film "out of life and death" will be released.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Mars, you don't need to be like this. It's hard to say what kind of achievements Zhu Xian can achieve. I don't worry about China or even Asia. Only Europe and the United States, I dare not promise. "

Mars shook his head and said, "I came to Yanjing last afternoon. I went to see Zhu Xian in the evening. Although there are many lines in it, I can't understand. But the shocking pictures and the amazing fighting are enough to attract European and American fans. Mr. Xiao, I have to admit that no one in the world is your rival in this kind of big production. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the director of Mars is really flattering. I am not as good as you said."

"What are you going to do next, Shaw?" Kerry asked

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "take a rest and take my wife and children to travel outside. During this period, he wrote a martial arts novel.

As for film and TV works, I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe I'll make a TV play. You know, the TV series make more money than movies. "

"It's like prison break," Mars said with a smile. Hehe, if you don't make movies, it's a great good thing for us film directors. "

Just chatting, Shen Qiu, chairman of the golden cup organizing committee, came over with a smile, followed by a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Yunhai, thank you for coming to the party. It's really wonderful."

Xiao Yunhai touched his glass and said with a smile, "no matter how wonderful it is, it's not the wedding dress for CCTV. When will the golden cup award ceremony be handed over to our private TV stations? "

Kerry nodded and agreed, "yes. President Shen, we at MGM are also very interested in the golden cup award ceremony. Although the Oscars in the United States are somewhat weak, they still sold 600 million dollars this year. With the status of jinzung in the world, at least it can shoot more than one billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mr. Shen, why don't you give us a fair chance to compete. With the money, the golden cup organizing committee will no longer have to rely on the funding from the Ministry of culture of China. "

Every year, the Organizing Committee of golden cup invites more than 300 domestic and foreign filmmakers to come to the awards one month before the awards are presented. This part of the income alone will cost more than 100 million yuan. After all, they are all big names in the film industry. It's hard to say that they don't give a million dollars after a month's hard work.

Even so, they have to claim that they are free services.

The money is borne by the Ministry of culture every year. The party is hosted by CCTV. The advertising expenses earned are paid by CCTV and the cultural section. The Organizing Committee of jinzung can get a lot of hard money at most.

The next year, the organizing committee will go to the Ministry of culture for funding.

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