Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:20 AM

Chapter 1698

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"Do you think we don't want to? But there is no way. The Ministry of culture is not willing to let go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is normal. The influence of the three festivals in the world is growing day by day. The higher the audience rating is, the higher the advertising cost and the greater the commercial value. There is no reason for them to do so. However, sometimes, interests need to be won by ourselves. "

Shen Qiu thought deeply and said, "you are right. Jinzung organizing committee has become more and more internationalized. It can't go on like this. Many foreign media are in opposition to the control of Jinzun by the Ministry of culture and CCTV. In particular, some leaders even want to intervene, which is absolutely impossible. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "it depends on what you, the chairman, do."

Shen Qiu said with a smile, "I will try my best to do this. By the way, I'll introduce you to someone. "

He pulled the middle-aged man over and said, "my nephew, cross talk actor Guo gang."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "are you Mr. Guo? Is it you who run Dexin club? "

Guo Gang said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, do you know me?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my parents are regular customers of Dexin society. I have no other hobbies in Yanjing. I often go to listen to you and Teacher Yu Qianhua's cross talk in the evening. "

This Guo Gang is similar to Guo Degang in his previous life. When he was young, he met with a famous teacher and was full of talent. After the establishment of Dexin society, he was quite incompatible with Xiangsheng.

Although met with strong resistance, but Guo Gang hard is with his own efforts and strength, by the public like.

Dexin club is outstanding in Yanjing. Every performance is full of seats. Many big figures like Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Zhang Hong and other film emperors like to go there very much.

But I didn't expect that this was Shen Qiu's nephew. No wonder Dexin society was not crushed to death.

Guo Gang said: "Oh, look at me. I don't even know about it. It's a pity that you don't know Mount Tai. Damn it. "

To be able to achieve today, Guo Gang is naturally a man of all facets. If you knew that the famous cloud emperor's parents had gone to their own field, they would have tried to drag him there.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "they'd better keep a low profile. Mr. Shen and Mr. Guo, can I help you

Guo Gang took out a red wedding card from his pocket and solemnly said, "Mr. Xiao, we will hold a ten-year celebration next Wednesday. I sincerely invite you and Miss Zhao to attend. I wonder if you are free? "

Shen Qiu said: "Yunhai, Gangzi's crosstalk is really wonderful, and his apprentice is also a top-notch one. If you go and listen to it, you will be able to contribute to the inheritance of traditional art. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "OK, anyway, I'm not going to Japan and Korea to promote Zhuxian. However, Mr. Guo had better give me a few more tickets. When the time comes, all my family will be there. "

Guo Gang said in surprise: "no problem. Mr. Xiao, if you'd like to come, let's have a bright future in Dexin society. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "it's not that serious. Miss Guo, didn't you plan to put your cross talk on TV? "

Guo Gang said: "a few days ago, we have signed a cooperation agreement with Xianyue video network for up to three years."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't know if Mr. Guo is interested in signing one with me? Your mobile phone video playback copyright should not be sold out? "

Guo Gang said happily: "if you can play on Mr. Xiao's Yunqing video client, even if you don't give me a cent, I'm willing to."

Since Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing video client was launched, its membership has increased dramatically every day, and now it has reached more than 300 million people.

Once the cross talk of Dexin society goes up, the fame of Guo gang and others will not go crazy.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I'll let the staff contact you tomorrow."

Guo Gang said, "OK, thank you, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said," let's take what we need and win-win. "

Guo Gang nodded and said, "yes, it's a win-win situation. Mr. Xiao, I've seen your sketch. It's very wonderful. I don't know if you've ever thought about a cross talk? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and then said with a smile, "Mr. Guo, don't make fun of me. I dare to perform skits on the stage because I often perform in school, but I'm afraid I can't do with cross talk, study and banter. "

Guo Gang said: "Mr. Xiao, cross talk is not as difficult as you think. As long as you put the host's set, after a little polishing, there will be no problem. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile: "Gangzi's idea is really good. Yunhai, you don't have the courage to perform, do you? It's not like you. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Mr. Shen, don't follow me in this way. I won't be fooled by you. But I'm really interested in crosstalk. Otherwise, I went up that day to say something? "

Guo Gang said, "that would be great. I'm going to prepare cross talk tonight

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "no, I'll write it myself. When the time comes, you can arrange for me a good laughGuo Gang nodded and said, "no problem."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai agreed to go to Dexin society to talk about cross talk.

After finishing Xiao Yunhai, Shen Qiu takes Guo Gang to find other stars. In Shen Qiu's face, many movie stars agreed to come down.

After the reception, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went home by car.

On the way, Zhao Wanqing finished reading Xiao Yunhai's invitation and said with a smile, "husband, are you really going to say cross talk? It's not an easy thing

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "have not eaten pork, have not seen pig run? There is absolutely no question of who I am. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I hope so. At that time, we'll all cheer you on under the stage. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. You can see

After the end of China Golden Cup International Film Festival, the major media have carried on the report one after another.

First of all, the best actress was not popular. A girl in her twenties beat more than a dozen senior film queens and became a top actress step by step.

The best actor was once again won by Liang Hui. In addition, the Chinese film almost got nothing, which is a record of the least award-winning.

And the most impressive is undoubtedly Xiao Yunhai. Twenty classic songs were strung together for 23 minutes, which turned the golden cup award ceremony into a concert of my own.

Xiao Yunhai made such a big splash that the pre-sale box office of Zhu Xian has also been significantly improved.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Wu Yifa.

"Lao Xiao, you're going to be crazy."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "what do you mean? Why didn't I understand what you said? "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "tomorrow night," Zhu Xian "is going to be launched in major theaters in Asia. Do you know how much the pre-sale

box office has reached? "

"I hate guessing," Xiao Yunhai said. If you have something to say, you can fart. "

Wu's method of playing chess was blocked for a while, and he said with a smile: "you bastard. I'll tell you, the box office is over five billion dollars. "

The rest of Asia and China sell tickets at the same time, but they lag behind in the screening time.

Compared with Huaxia, Xiao Yunhai has less popularity in Asia, but also has hundreds of millions of fans.

Five billion dollars is equivalent to 100 million people walking into the cinema. Any director will be overjoyed with such achievements. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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