Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:37 AM

Chapter 170

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Time flies by in a flash. In a flash, the premiere of the great master is coming.

As one of the most famous directors in China, Wu Zixu's films always win by plot and picture, with strong humanistic temperament, and are welcomed by Chinese fans.

With his fame, "great master" premiere ceremony can not be too grand. But Wu Zixu did not value these things.

He is a kind of director who takes the principle of film supremacy. He thinks that as long as the film quality is good, the public praise is good, and the audience likes it, he will get good results. There can be publicity, but there is no need to attach too much importance to it.

This is similar to Xiao Yunhai.

In fact, Wu Xuhai's talent is far from that of his own.

However, although Wu Zixu is not very interested in publicity, the producers and the cinema are very concerned about it.

In order to hold the premiere ceremony, they spent a lot of thought. The venue was very grand. Not to mention, the well-known media alone invited hundreds of them.

At 4 p.m., Xiao Yunhai and Su Yingxue arrive at the hotel not far from Xingguang cinema. Under the guidance of a staff member, they come to the rest room of the crew.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Xiao Yunhai saw his elder martial sister Yu Yuexian and the film Emperor Huang Qiusheng sitting there chatting.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Huang, sister Yu, long time no see."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Huang Qiusheng laughed, waved to him and said, "come here quickly. We are talking about you."

Yu Yuexian stood up directly and went to Xiao Yunhai. He looked at him from top to bottom. He pretended to be surprised and said, "I haven't seen you for months. How can you become so handsome?"

Xiao Yunhai knew that she was joking. She rolled her eyes and said, "sister Yu, your eyes are not good at feeling you all the time. I'm the kind of man who is loved by everyone, flowers bloom and tires burst. You just can't see it all the time. What is becoming handsome? I've always been so handsome, OK? "

Yu Yuexian, who could stand these popular sayings in his previous life, was immediately amused by Xiao Yunhai's words. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said to him out of breath: "Stinky boy, ha ha... Your skin is too thick... People love each other, flowers bloom, ha ha, you want to laugh me to death."

Huang Qiusheng was no better. He just drank a sip of tea in his mouth and burst out with a puff. He sat there laughing.

Xiao Yunhai whispered, "OK, sister Yu, pay attention to your identity. I'm a goddess. It's not good for outsiders to see us. "

Yu Yuexian said: "it's not because of you."

After they sat down, Huang Qiusheng said approvingly, "Yunhai, I can't see that you are so talented. I don't understand the music. But I've been reading this martial arts novel all my life, and I haven't found anything better than what you wrote. "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Throwing Knife" have been flipped back and forth more than ten times. I really love it. "

Xiao Yunhai said modestly, "I didn't expect these two novels to be so popular."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "the original little actor has become a great writer and directed a micro film" time gate ". Should we treat him? I've heard that time gate alone has brought you more than 10 million yuan. "

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "I almost forgot that you are still a director. I watched the time gate, and my tears were pouring. Do you have to make it up to me? "

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and said: "no problem. As the saying goes, there is grain in the hand, and the heart is not flustered. Miss Huang, sister Yu, don't worry. We can eat whatever we want. Let's buy two bowls of soybean milk, drink one and throw one. I can't help it. We are capricious when we have money. "

Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian laughed.

While the three were talking and laughing, Niu Gong came in. He first said hello to Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian, and then said to Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, long time no see. You have become a famous person."

Xiao Yunhai stood up, shook hands with Niu Gong and said with a smile, "brother Niu, don't be kidding. What celebrity? That's a personal name. "

Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian couldn't help laughing.

Niu Gong also said with a straight smile, "Yunhai, why didn't you feel that you still have the talent to talk about cross talk? Let's get down to business. You are going to sing the theme song tonight. Director Wu asked me to take you to the rehearsal. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, brother Niu, I'll go right now. Miss Huang and sister Yu, I'll chat with you later. "

Huang Qiusheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "go quickly. If we go on talking, my old man's heart will have to laugh

After Xiao Yunhai left, Yu Yuexian said to Huang Qiusheng, "how about it? Mr. Huang, let me say it. Even if my younger brother becomes famous overnight, his temperament will not change. "

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said: "Yunhai's mentality is very good. It's neither flattered nor humiliated. There's no pride in it. Unlike some young people, a little famous, eyes grow on the top of their heads, feel that they are high above the top, egotism, such people are not far away. The sea of clouds has a bright future. "Rehearsal is very simple for Xiao Yunhai. The dancers behind him have rehearsed for several days. Xiao only needs to sing the song from beginning to end, and the task is completed.

By the time he returned to the lounge again, it was full of people, including the actors and the main backstage staff in the grand master. Everyone needed to walk on the red carpet.

Xiao Yunhai rushed forward to say hello, even in the face of Xue Ming, Xiao Yunhai also respectfully called a teacher Xue.

Xue Ming glanced at him with his eyes and nodded, which was a reply.

Xiao Yunhai knew that he was still hating himself, and he didn't care.

I call you because of politeness. As for whether you answer or not, that's your business. Anyway, everyone is watching. I have done what I should do. Other things have nothing to do with me.

Huang Qiusheng looked at Xiao Yunhai with appreciation and nodded in secret.

Zhang Xiaojing and Xiao Yunhai have a very good relationship. Xiao Yunhai once taught him the three postures of Xingyiquan in the production team, so they chatted with each other.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and didn't see Yu Yuexian, so he asked, "brother Zhang, where's sister Yu? Why didn't you see her?"

Zhang Xiaojing said with a smile: "in another two hours, we are going to walk on the red carpet. It's not that you don't know that women's make-up is the most troublesome. So, not only sister, but all the other actresses changed their clothes

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see. Brother Zhang, look at your standing posture. It's good to practice the three body form and meaning

Zhang Xiaojing said triumphantly, "of course. I've been standing for at least two hours a day since I learned your trisomy, and I finally felt what you call three legs the other day. Don't say that our Chinese martial arts are excellent. As long as I feel tired now, I will stand in the three body posture for a while, and immediately I will feel refreshed and energetic. "

"Yunhai, I still want to thank you. I know that this kind of Kung Fu can't be spread out. You can teach me, it will be all right. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "brother Zhang, you have seen too many movies and TV plays. What can I do for you? Now everyone is going to learn Sanda, taekwondo and karate. Some of them are willing to learn our national skills. My grandfather has taught boxing all his life. In the end, there are more than 300 people who can stick to it from the beginning to the end. In the past two years, there is no one. Ah, I have to say, this is the sorrow of China. "

Just then, director Wu Zixu walked in with a serious look, swept around and saw that everyone was basically there. He said, "let's all make up. For some special reasons, we took the red carpet half an hour earlier. All the stars who came to support us have been informed. Yunhai, your lady companion on the red carpet is Yuexian. At that time, you can contact each other privately. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded to show that he understood.

After Wu Zixu left, Zhang Xiaojing patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "Hey, brother, I really didn't expect that it would be you who had the misfortune in the end."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "brother Zhang, how can I not understand what you mean?"

Huang Qiusheng came over and replied, "isn't it because the popularity of Yuexian is too high? Director Wu once asked Xiaojing and Xue Ming who would like to go on the red carpet with Yuexian. They refused without saying a word. It's not manly at all. "

Zhang Xiaojing shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Huang, I can't help it either. Sister Yu is not a goddess for nothing. The fans are really crazy. Unless it's the king of heaven and the queen of heaven, no one can take away the glory from sister Yu. I don't want to be Yu's background cloth. "

Xiao Yunhai immediately understood.

It turns out that when they are afraid of walking on the red carpet, their style is covered by the light of sister Yu.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm fine. Anyway, I don't have any charisma to speak of. Can those fans outside know me? I'll make a background cloth for sister Yu

Zhang Xiaojing immediately gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "brother, enough to uphold justice."

Xiao Yunhai laughed. He suddenly remembered that Wu Zixu's look was not right when he came in, so he asked, "Mr. Huang, brother Zhang, I just saw that director Wu's face was not very good, and I suddenly advanced the time to walk on the red carpet. Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's question, Huang Qiusheng and Zhang Xiaojing's faces immediately became dignified.

Huang Qiusheng looked at the room with only three of them left. Then he frowned and said, "it's not because of Li ran from the Oriental entertainment company."

It turns out that Wu Zixu's "great master" and the kung fu film "Shaolin Fengyun" shot by the Oriental entertainment company are on the same schedule. Therefore, in the publicity process, inevitably there is a collision.

A few days ago, Li Ran once boasted that Shaolin is sure to win. He belittled "the great master". He was not good at directing Wu to anger. He scolded him in front of the major media.

Li Ran is famous for his bad behavior and has no limit. He once threatened to find trouble in the premiere of the great master.

Wu Zixu may have heard something, so he advanced the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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