Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:16 AM

Chapter 1701

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I pushed it several times, but it didn't work.

Xiao Yunhai gave Zhao Wanqing a look and said helplessly, "look, it's all your fault. OK, I'll sing a song I wrote in college. The name of this song is only one word. It's called borrowing. If it sounds good or not, you can deal with it. Come on. Do you have a guitar? "

He Feng nodded and said, "yes."

Zhu Xiwu quickly took a guitar from the staff and handed it to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai adjusted the tone, sat on a stool and played.

The voice is graceful and melodic with a sense of melancholy.

"Take a midnight Street dim light to illuminate a pair of people on the rough road. Borrow an inch three or nine days in the cold, melting this vast world of bone chilling. "

" with an ancient river, I drift away with the candle light. With a melodious melody of the past, sing the unspeakable gently. "

" those who are scattered by the wind say that they do not love deeply, and those who are wet by the rain say that they will not be cold. How many people will be covered by the boundless night? It is written into the eyes. He dare not admit it. "

This is a song sung by a singer named Mao Buyi in a previous life when he participated in a competition. The lyrics are poetic, the melody is very gentle, with a strong sense of sadness, full of artistic conception.

Xiao Yunhai's singing skills needless to say, from the beginning, he brought all the audience into the song, and pictures of the past constantly appeared in front of everyone.

Some of the audience have no idea why.

"With a parting dusk, the long setting sun adds a light to the long rest of life. If you have to be different from each other, "he said

"Those who are scattered by the wind say that they do not love deeply, and those who are wet by the rain say that they will not be cold. How many people will be blinded by the boundless night? He dare not admit it. "

"But ah, there are always serious wind blowing, there are always tears that can not be erased by heavy rain. One day the sun will rise in the morning, a rainbow, two people

The second paragraph is the deepening of the first paragraph. The lyrics are still moving, full of poetic and aura.

Xiao Yunhai's interpretation is extremely perfect, especially in the climax part, when he sings "there are always serious wind blows, there are always tears that cannot be erased by heavy rain". Even Zhao Wanqing gently shakes his head there.

As for the five members of the happy family, they all looked sad and obviously immersed in the artistic conception of the song.

"Let him live in a happy land, borrow his ordinary life."

After Xiao Yunhai finished singing, the whole scene was quiet for a moment. Then everyone stood up and burst out with applause and cheers. It was like the rhythm of overturning the roof.

"The cloud emperor is wonderful. Any song, let me listen to tears

"This song, good artistic conception, gives a kind of hurt but not sad feeling."

"I love the emperor."

Not only the live audience, but also the audience in front of the live TV are also talking about it online.

"Everyone, please transfer to mango station. Yunhuang's" borrow "is so good."

"Let him live in a happy land, borrow his ordinary life. The lyrics are so beautiful. "

"If only one more song. I love this kind of feeling song so much. "

On the stage, he Feng looked at Xiao Yunhai and asked, "when did you write this song?"

Xiao Yunhai did not blush and said: "it is in freshman."

He Feng did not understand: "such a good song, why don't you sing to the fans earlier?"

Xiao Yunhai is very stinky said: "since and Wanqing together, I am not very interested in this kind of too sad song."

He Feng nodded and said, "in other words, you have written a lot of such songs, right?"

"No. That's what I'm doing Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he replied.

"Gee." The audience under the stage began to roar.

Sun Xiaoyue said: "it's not easy to have such a chance. Can we let him go?"

"No The audience answered in unison.

"Let him sing one more song, will you?"


"One more song."

"One more song."


Xiao Yunhai said helplessly, "I really don't have one."

Zhao Wanqing directly uncovered his background and said, "you have. You hummed a very nice tune last night. I asked your name? You won't tell me. "

"Ha ha ha."

When the audience saw that Zhao Wanqing liked to dismantle Xiao Yunhai's platform, they couldn't help laughing.

He Feng said with a smile: "sea of clouds, we have Wanqing here, you'd better follow it honestly."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "I feel that there is a lot of malice here. Wife, do you think that's good? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and seriously replied, "I think it's very good. If you sing it to me at home, I won't say anything. But if you just hum a few words and don't sing it to me, I will certainly take this opportunity. ""Ha ha ha."

"it's awesome after the weather."

The audience laughed again.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "OK, the last one. Again, we are here to promote Zhu Xian, not to sing. Let me see. Which one? "

"Wow." Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, sun Xiaoyue quickly seized the loophole in it and said with an exaggerated tone: "which song to sing? It seems that you have many such songs. God, Mr. He, let's just change the program to the cloud emperor song club. "

He Feng nodded and said, "I'll talk to the director."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "you heard me wrong. I didn't say that. "

"You said it." He was answered by the entire audience.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "a slip of the tongue is absolutely a slip of the tongue. Okay, I'm going. The name of this song is "Xiaochou", which I wrote when I was in college when I was doing group performance. So far, I have never sung it once. "

Sitting on the stool again, Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and opened them again. Although he was sitting there, he seemed to be isolated from the world and seemed very lonely.

With the sound of guitar, Xiao Yunhai sang out the first sentence with a tone full of vicissitudes and helplessness, which made the scene quiet down.

"When you walk into this happy field, you carry all your dreams and Thoughts on your back. No one remembers your appearance with all kinds of makeup on your face. Three rounds of wine, you are in the corner, stubborn singing bitter songs. Listen to him drowned in the noise and say to yourself

"A cup to the sun, a cup to the moon, wake up my yearning, gentle cold window. Therefore, there is no fear to fly back against the wind. One to my hometown, one to the distant place. Keep my kindness and urge me to grow up. So the road from north to south is no longer long, and the soul is no longer nowhere to be laid. "

This song, like borrowing, was written by Mao unintentionally. The lyrics are very beautiful and the melody is very sad and moving. It is full of helplessness to the society.

After listening to the first paragraph, he Feng's eyes immediately became red.

He thought of the ostracism and censure he had been subjected to when he was young.

In order to get a chance, he didn't know how much wine he drank on the table. He paid homage to this one and that one, but when it was good, he had to stand aside.

So he felt deeply.

Similarly, other people also more or less think of their own past.

The most surprising thing is that sun Xiaoyue, who has always been optimistic and strong, even ran straight into tears, and her tears fell down.

Han Le'an can't help comforting.

Xiao Yunhai's voice seems to have a kind of magic, bringing everyone to the mood he wants to express.

The whole scene is quiet, only the simple and sad guitar sound, floating in the scene.

"One for tomorrow and one for the past. Support my body, heavy shoulders. Although I never believe in the so-called high mountains and long rivers, life is short, why not keep thinking about it. "

"One for freedom, one for death. Forgive me for my commonness and dispel my confusion. Well, it's always sloppy to leave after dawn, and sober people are the most ridiculous. "

”Well, it's always sloppy to leave after dawn, and sober people are the most ridiculous. "

the lyrics of Xiaochou are not long, but they are very rhythmic. After Mao's previous life did not want to sing it out, he directly occupied the champion of each major list for more than half a month.

The new songs of the queen of heaven were all suppressed by him.

Now this song has been brought to the world by Xiao Yunhai. He himself is the first person in the field of Chinese music. We can imagine how much influence Xiaochou will have. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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