Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:15 AM

Chapter 1702

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The audience stood up again and gave their warmest applause.

Most of them were tearful, even the directors and photographers on the stage.

He Feng took a deep breath and quickly eliminated the sadness in his heart. He went to the stage, opened his arms and hugged Xiao Yunhai tightly. He said, "thank you, thank you for letting me hear this song. For us ordinary people, if we want to succeed, we have to pay 100% of our efforts and bear all kinds of pressure and exclusion. Even so, we may not be able to achieve our goals. But if we don't work hard, we can't. That's great. This song really touched me. What about Xiaoyue and Le'an? Why are they missing? "

Chu Keke said: "Xiaoyue is a little too excited. She spent all her crying makeup. After listening to the song, they went to the bathroom and came back later. "

He Feng nodded and said: "Xiaoyue is shooting MV, and his family background is not very good. It is really not easy to walk to today. It's normal for her to have such a big reaction. The sea of clouds, such a good song, you even hide and tuck in, it's just a natural thing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "I don't like this kind of songs very much, mainly some negative."

He Feng said: "this is not negative, but feelings. If you make a single MV with Xiaochou and borrow, I'm sure you can make a profit. "

"That's right." Returning to normal, sun Xiaoyue stepped onto the stage and said, "what teacher he said is absolutely right. Anyway, I'm sure I'll buy it. "

He Feng asked, "Le'an, you are a professional singer. What do you think of these two songs?"

Han Le'an said solemnly: "if you want to sing a song thoroughly, the most important thing is not the singer's singing skills, but the expression of emotion. Many people who have no music foundation can often sing songs that move everyone because they are moving with emotion. If Mr. Xiao's singing skills are second, no one in the world dares to say that he is the first. But his focus is not on singing skills, but on the expression of emotions. Xiaoyue burst into tears because she felt what was expressed in the song. I really learned a lot. Thank you, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai even hurriedly said: "you must not praise me so much, I can't stand it. Look, do I blush? "

"No Zhao Wanqing said.


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone was laughing.

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and said, "I will endure."

"Ha ha ha."

After talking about music, he Feng turned the topic to the movie "Zhu Xian".

Previously, happy Sunday spent most of his time playing games, but Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were the exceptions. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he Feng spent more time on interviews.

Because there are so many things to dig in the two people, the audience are very interested.

"Zhuxian" is about to be released in other parts of Asia, and the box office of US $15 billion is a certainty. When are you going to show it in Europe and America? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "May 2. From tomorrow, Yunyi shopping network will open a ticket window. "

"Are you worried about the box office?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'm worried. After all, there are still differences between eastern and Western cultures. What I fear most is that Zhu Xian is not acclimatized. However, at the golden cup dinner, I heard a lot of Western directors say that "Zhu Xian" must be OK, which makes me feel a little relieved. Just hope they don't mean to comfort me. "

"How much do you think the box office of Zhuxian will be in Europe and America? Wan Qing, you say it first. "

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "the European and American box office is the world's first box office. I think the box office should be able to surpass that of Asia. Even if we can't, we should be sure of $15 billion. "

He Feng opened his mouth and said, "in other words, Zhuxian will take more than 30 billion US dollars. Oh, my God. It's scary

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's nothing to scare people. If the film is being made by another director, do you know how much it will cost? "

Xiao Haifeng and others at least shake their heads

"Wow." Everyone exclaimed.

Ten Chinese Blockbusters can be made with $3.5 billion.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "if you add in the actors' pay, the cost of shooting and other necessary expenses, the total cost of Zhuxian is four billion dollars. I found more than 5000 special effects artists, and it took me eight months and a lot of energy to finish this film. If I can't win 2012, I'm useless. "

"It's frightening. Four billion dollars for a film, which is more than the production cost of mango station in one year. " He Feng said.

Sun Xiaoyue said: "kill me, I dare not fight like this. Four billion dollars. If I lose my money, I'll have to cry to death. "

Wang Guorong said with a smile: "Xiaoyue, if your assets exceed one billion US dollars, I believe you will not care about the money."Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "even if I have only four billion in my hand, I will throw in without hesitation. I once said that all I did was to make better movies. It's a total accident to be able to walk to this day. I like movies and TV, otherwise, I've been out of the entertainment industry. "

He Feng said: "yes. In your current situation, if you don't really love movies, it's really not necessary to stay in the entertainment circle. It can be a lot for ordinary people to make 10 billion dollars in a year, but put it on you, and it's not enough to see. Thank you. We didn't leave the entertainment circle, or we wouldn't have so many good movies to watch. "

"Crackle." There was four applause on the scene.

The program is here, and the interview is over. Next, the crowd played several games together, and happy Sunday was over.

"Ha ha, today's ratings are in the air." In a luxury KTV box, he Feng said happily after receiving a call.

After the program, he Feng invited everyone to have a meal, and then came here to relax.

Sun Xiaoyue asked, "what teacher, how much ratings?"

He Feng laughs: "it broke the record of this year directly. The highest ratings were 12.85%, and the lowest ratings also exceeded 6%. The average ratings were not calculated, but it is estimated to be around 9%. Yunhai, Wanqing, thank you for your two. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "teacher he, you just have to forget to pack 20 games."

"With such a result, I went to the TV station to apply for the money. Don't say twenty, 200 games are OK. " :

xiaoyunhaidao: "that's great, it will be 200."

He Feng coughs, puts his hand at his hand and says, "I just said it. I have 200 games for which bag I have. "

The crowd laughed.

Sun Xiaoyue seems to have what kind of the heart, see everybody is very happy, bite teeth, way: "cloud sea, Wan Qing, you think my husband singing skills?"

Xiaoyunhai was stunned and said, "very good. Especially high notes, can sing three octaves in a row, and can sing dolphin sound. This is not what ordinary singers can do. There should be no more than ten people in China. "

Sun said: "then can you..." br >

Xiaoyue. " Han Le'an next pulled sun Xiaoyue's sleeve and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yunhai is not clear where sun Xiaoyue is going to invite song to Han Le'an.

He Feng sighed in his heart and said, "the clouds and the sea of clouds, the singing skills of Le'an are known to all. The only problem is the representative work that has not taken the hand. Now music is a lot of people, want to kill a blood road from it, it is really difficult. If you can write a song to Ryan, it's no different than a remake for him. "

Sun Xiaoyue said: "Le'an works very hard. Every morning, he has to hang his voice for two hours. It's hard to sing well. Yunhai, anyway, please help me. I know if your song is worth money, and this request is hard for some strong people. But I really don't know who to ask for except you. "

Han Le'an said: "teacher he, Xiaoyue, you do this, and I have to be a little bit of a self-contained. Mr. Xiao, you don't have to be too embarrassed. "

Xiao Yunhai put his hand at hand and said, "a song is nothing more difficult. Just what kind of song I am thinking about can show your high notes completely and reach a stunning level. "

Sun Xiaoyue was ecstatic and said, "Yunhai, you promised?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I promised. Just I have a request that the copyright of this song be handed over to you directly. Songwriter, whoever you write, but don't connect me with this song, let alone use me to promote it. You know, if I write songs to Le'an and get out there, there are many people who find me. It's easy to offend people. "

In the past two years, Xiao Yunhai wrote songs to himself and zhaowanqing, and never wrote to others.

It's all like this, naturally there's no problem.

But once han Le'an is opened, it will be a big problem.

Xiao Yunhai can't write one for them.

He Feng hurriedly assured: "you are assured that even if we are drunk and we say dreams, we will keep secret."

No one else nodded.

Xiaoyun Haidao: "OK, I will send the new song as soon as possible."

Han Le'an took up a beer and said, "thank you, Mr. Xiao. I'll have the company call your account when I go back. "

Xiao Yunhai drank a beer and smiled: "you don't have to give money, even if you owe me a human relationship. My song is worth money because they count my fame in. You don't need my name to promote, and this song is worth hundreds of thousands at best. "

He Feng said: "the clouds and seas are enough friends. Come on, let's toast together and wish Le'an's album a big sale. "


That night, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing lived in a five-star hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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