Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:12 AM

Chapter 1704

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Guo Gang introduced his apprentice, and they entered the theater.

The theater of Dexin society is divided into two floors, with an area of nearly 10000 square meters and a capacity of 1000 people. It is completely designed in accordance with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is paved with green bricks, carved beams and painted buildings. There are also many lanterns hanging around it. The audience seats are all antique mahogany chairs, which have an ancient charm.

Behind the stage is the rest area. After a tour, Xiao Yunhai went to a guest room.

Guo Gang's Apprentice brought tea to him. Xiao Yunhai took a sip and said, "dragon well before rain, good tea."

Guo Gang said with a smile: "I know that Mr. Xiao likes to drink tea. I brought it from home specially."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Yu, you are very kind."

Yu Qianhua said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao can condescend to our Dexin society, which really makes us look brilliant. How can a little tea express our gratitude? "

Don't say so. It's a great honor for me to receive the invitation from Mr. Guo. Crosstalk is our traditional Chinese art. I have been fascinated by it for a long time, but I have never been exposed to it. It is not easy to have such an opportunity, I will not let it go. But these two days, we have to ask two teachers to teach more. This is my crosstalk. Can you use it

Xiao Yunhai will bring the two books to Guo gang and Yu Qianhua.

Two people politely a few words, then bowed head to look seriously, Xiao Yunhai is sitting there quietly drinking tea.

There was silence in the guest room.

After a long time, Guo Gang took the lead in raising his head and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are a wonderful book. If I didn't know what you wrote, I would have thought it was the work of some crosstalk master. There are too many jokes in it. As long as it shakes, it will definitely make everyone laugh

After reading the book, Yu Qianhua nodded and said, "Lao Guo is right. Mr. Xiao, there is no need to change a word in this book. It's definitely a good work that you can use on the field

Xiao Yunhai certainly won't tell them that he just plagiarized the cross talk works of previous lives. Wen Yan said: "it's great to be recognized by both of them. I don't know who's talking to me? "

Yu Qianhua said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, how about a partner with you?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's a good feeling. It's just that I'm afraid I'll drag you down. "

Yu Qianhua said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, it's hard to say cross talk. Some people can't say it well all their life. To say it is simple and simple is nothing more than talking, learning and playing. The key is to rely on the mouth. I've seen the program you hosted before. The lip service and reaction speed are much better than those of us who speak crosstalk. I promise you'll have no problem

Xiao Yunhai said: "Teacher Yu, don't make a promise. Let's rehearse quickly. I don't want to make a mistake the day after tomorrow. "

Yu Qianhua nodded and said, "OK, let's start."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai began to rehearse with Qianhua.

Because of the time is too tight, it is impossible to practice from the basic, so two people directly on dry goods, single practice such a cross talk.

Guo Gang gives advice to Xiao Yunhai from time to time. Xiao Yunhai is very clever, and can often draw inferences from one instance and get a glimpse of the whole picture. Guo gang and Yu Qianhua call out genius demons.

Until 11 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunhai left.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai did not go to Dexin society. Instead, he practiced in front of the mirror all morning at home. In the afternoon, he practiced with Yu Qianhua many times.

As for Xiao Yunhai, a superstar, he was able to learn crosstalk with a steady mind. Guo gang and Yu Qianhua didn't say that, but they still admired him very much. At least if they change places, they may not be able to do this.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai entertained Guo Gang, Yu Qianhua and their group of disciples for dinner.

Xiao Yunhai is chatting with each other. Xiao Yunhai receives a phone call from Christie.

"Boss, I have good news for you. Mr. Lyle has become the president of the United States of America with 56% support today. He will take office in a week. He sent you an invitation, hoping you could attend his inauguration

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "very good. You tell Mr. Lyle that I will be there that day

Christie said, "OK. Another thing is that in the last auction, we spent tens of billions to buy a lot of oil areas. After serious exploration, we have successfully discovered oil in Nigeria, with reserves of more than 7 billion barrels. Many other areas have also been discovered, but the reserves are somewhat low. At the same time, we also bought a lot of oil fields. So far, Yunqing oil and gas company has more than 140 billion barrels of oil, accounting for 60% of the reserves of TMC energy

Xiao Yunhai said: "Christie, don't focus on TMC. We can develop as we can. Now that oil has been discovered, let the top management of the company reward them as much as they can. "

Christie nodded and said, "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Guo gang saw Xiao Yunhai's smile, and his mood seemed to be very good. He could not help laughing and said, "Mr. Xiao, what good thing makes you happy to be like this?"Xiao Yunhai did not hide it. He said with a smile: "the presidential election of the United States is over. Lyle won the final victory. This is, of course, a celebration for me. If Adams continues to be president, I will be miserable. "

Guo gang was stunned, and then he realized that the man in front of him was a rich man with more than ten trillion assets. The president elect of the United States had countless ties with him. He said with a smile, "that's really a happy event."

In the afternoon of the next day, a long red carpet, about 50 meters long, was laid in front of the Dexin building from the entrance to the intersection. Guo gang and Yu Qianhua wore long shirts for cross talk and took their disciples outside to meet the guests.

On both sides of the red carpet are dozens of journalists with cameras and cameras shooting there.

In the 10th anniversary of Dexin society, Guo gang was naturally not careless. With his uncle Shen Qiu's relationship, he invited many celebrities from the entertainment industry.

It goes without saying that Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Zhang Hong, Hong Tiancai and others who often come to listen to cross talk are invited by him.

Otherwise, journalists would not have come here so actively.

"Look, Mr. Wang Guoan and Mr. Hong Tiancai are here."

"Damn it, isn't that Mr. Ge Wuyou? He's here, too. "

"Those are Chen Xiao and Qin Yulan

"Beautiful singers Dong Piao and Bao Lingrong, good guy, is Mr. Guo going to wipe out the whole entertainment industry this time?"

With the gathering of all kinds of big names in Dexin society, the sound of cameras and camera shutters of journalists is endless, and the flash lights make the night as bright as day, with almost no gap between them.

Guo Gang asked: "Xiaoyue, is the photographer from Xianyue video network and Yunqing client come? They're going to be on the air today? "

Yue Mingming said, "I just arrived. I'm setting it up."

Guo Gang nodded and said, "that's good. Has Mr. Xiao arrived yet? "

Yue Ming Ming Ming said, "I just asked. There are still five minutes left. His family has come first and has entered the theatre. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao will be on the red carpet. "

Guo Degang said, very satisfied.

Five minutes later, there were bursts of exclamations.

"How could it be? After Yun Huangqing came. "

"The face of Dexin society is so great that it can invite these two people here. "

" these two didn't even attend the golden cup award ceremony, but they came to participate in the ten-year Daqing of Dexin society. Mr. Guo is so secretive. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing didn't dress up specially, but their fame was there. Walking on the red carpet, they still received the attention of reporters.

"Miss Guo, Miss Yu, congratulations."

Xiao Yunhai hugged them.

Guo Gang repeatedly expressed thanks and said: "it's really very important for you to come. Miss Zhao, it's really beautiful. No wonder Mr. Xiao looks at all the beautiful women outside like pink skeletons. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I'm going to blush what Miss Guo said." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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