Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:11 AM

Chapter 1705

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After a few chatting, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked in.

"You, Yunhai and Wanqing, you are here, too."

Wang Guoan saw them and laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "not only the two of us have come, but also my parents and children. We are the whole family. "

Most of the people who came to the theater were acquaintances. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing talked to them and entered the private rooms on the second floor.

At eight o'clock sharp, the tenth year of Dexin society officially began in Daqing.

It has to be said that there is a reason why Dexin society can spread all over Yanjing.

Guo gang and Yu Qianhua don't need to talk about it. Even their apprentices have their own skills, which makes the audience laugh constantly.

Xianyue video network and Yunqing mobile app live broadcast the whole process, with more than two million people online.

In terms of 10 yuan per person, Dexin society has made tens of millions of yuan just for this cross talk.

If Xiao Yunhai had not asked not to use him for propaganda, perhaps the number would have exceeded 20 million.

During the period, all the celebrities were invited to the stage by Guo gang and Yu Qianhua. They may have crossed words before, so they cooperated very well.

Two hours later, it was finally Xiao Yunhai and Yu Qianhua's cross talk.

When Xiao Yunhai was wearing a long gown and Yu Qianhua appeared on the stage, everyone was silly, and then burst out unprecedented applause and cheers.

"Damn it, isn't it? The emperor said cross talk."

"My God, it's amazing."

"Look at the position of the cloud emperor station, he is still joking. Is it OK or not?"

Not only the audience, but also the big stars.

Wang Guoan opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "Yunhai is such a big boy. He dares to speak cross talk. Don't he know it's not something you can learn in a few days. "

Sun Yanjun said: "I think it's good to talk about cross talk in Yunhai. You can see from his host that the boy is still very humorous. "

In the box of Xiao Yunhai's family, Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "Wanqing, how is Yunhai practicing? Don't lose anyone when you go up. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I don't know. I have practiced in front of a mirror at home, but I don't know exactly what it is like. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "cross talk can't be learned in a day or two. As long as the sea of clouds can come down from the beginning to the end, it will be a victory. "

On the stage, after Xiao Yunhai and Yu Qianhua stood in their positions, they made a bow as if they were under the stage, and the audience suddenly screamed.

Yu Qianhua said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, do you hear me? It's all cheers for you."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know. They're waiting to see me make a fool of myself. I dare say that if I forget the words in the middle, the cheers will be even louder. You say, don't you? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

Guo Gang, who had been hanging his heart behind the scenes, saw Xiao Yunhai so free and easy. He put down his heart a little and said to his apprentice, "see. Mr. Xiao is much better than us in setting off the atmosphere. "

Yue Ming Ming Ming said: "the key is that Mr. Xiao seems not nervous at all. I remember the first time I said cross talk, I almost peed in my pants

Guo Gang said: "I haven't seen anything before. A concert of more than 100000 people, Mr. Xiao can still get down. If you are allowed to speak cross talk in front of 100000 people, you may not be able to open your mouth. "

Yue Ming Ming smiles at him. A hundred thousand people look at you, and the pressure is terrible.

On the stage, Yu Qianhua pointed to the audience and said, "you are too bad."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's nothing. If it was me, I would be. To tell you the truth, cross talk is an art that I can't do without being nervous when I'm a big girl on the sedan chair. Just now I heard a lot of people ask the emperor in a low voice whether cross talk is OK or not? My answer is that men never say they can't


"Ha ha ha."

Yu Qianhua said, "how can I listen to this? It tastes a bit wrong."

"Ha ha ha."

Yu Qianhua is indeed an excellent comic dialogue actor. In just one sentence, the same burden made everyone laugh twice.

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. Mr. Yu, let's begin formally? "

Yu Qianhua said, "OK. However, I would like to tell you in advance that the next cross talk is called "reverie at the mouth of a tiger", which was created by Mr. Xiao in two days

"Wow, great."

"Two days to write a paragraph, the cloud emperor is indeed cattle."

Xiao Yunhai interface: "Teacher Yu said this means to tell you that those comrades who are waiting for me to forget my words should give up this idea completely."

"Ha ha ha."

Guo Gang clapped his hands and said approvingly, "see, there is no such words in the book. If Mr. Xiao is willing to talk about cross talk, he will become the best cross-talk actor in less than a year. "His disciples all looked at Xiao Yunhai on the stage with admiration and said in secret, "it's really powerful."

Yu Qianhua said, "well, Mr. Xiao, let's start."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, thought for a long time, suddenly asked: "Teacher Yu, what is our first sentence?"


"I'll go, ha ha."

"The first sentence is forgotten. How do you say it next?"

Yu Qianhua, of course, knew that Xiao Yunhai was not really forgetting his words. Hearing his words, he said, "think about it. It's OK. It's a big deal. Let's wait until dawn. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "we can afford to wait, but the audience can't. Just joking with you, we'll start now. "

"Let me ask you a question, Mr. Yu Qianhua?"

Xiao Yunhai: "have you ever tumbled?"

Yu Qianhua was stunned and said: "do you mean work or life?"

Xiao Yunhai said helplessly: "what work life is, that is, the ordinary corridor is not attentive," beecha "! Dogs eat excrement, gnaw on the mud, big horse prone, upside down!" "I fell a somersault more than this, not to mention a little international level, at least fell into the world's advanced ranks."

"Ha ha ha." The crowd laughed.

At the beginning of their performance, Xiao Yunhai immediately entered into a state of state. His tone of speech also changed. His speed of speaking was a lot faster. However, his articulation was very clear and his breath was calm. He was quite like a master of cross talk.

Ge Wuyou gave a voice and said, "Yunhai, this guy has really learned crosstalk."

As an old cross-talk fan, you can basically see at a glance whether the cross-talk on the stage is a layman or an expert.

Xiao Yunhai's fan'er is very pure and can't be practiced in a short time.

Wang Guoan shook his head and said, "I should have studied these days. You know his "the devil" is on.

Some time ago, I was engaged in wind and rain in the United States. I have no time to learn. "

Ge Wuyou said: "that boy is very good. After a few days of learning this way, it also made the voice of the other talks less lively. "

When Guo Gang's disciples saw the performance of Xiao Yunhai, they were all dumbfounded.

"Master, did Mr. Xiao learn crosstalk before? That's amazing. "

Guo Gang said: "people have learned these three days. Fortunately, he doesn't act as a cross-talk actor. Otherwise, he will not have enough food for us

On the stage, Yu Qianhua said, "Oh! That's too much!" Xiao Yunhai said: "it's mainly because I fell there."

Yu Qianhua asked: "where?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "we Yanjing Zoo lion tiger mountain. On Sunday, a man went up there to watch the tiger play. He was looking at the tiger. He did not know who was evil. He pushed forward and yelled: "the tiger is out of the mountain!" he pushed me down from the edge of the wall! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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