Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:08 AM

Chapter 1707

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The performance on the stage continued.

Xiao Yunhai: "if you leave a few words, you will blame my mother. If we don't recruit old people, I won't say it!"

Yu Qianhua: "leave a few words for the unit."

Xiao Yunhai: "what do you say? Leaders and masters, when you came out to play on Sunday, you didn't pay attention to let the tiger eat it? It's all my fault. I'm not strong in organization and discipline. I'm not free and loose. I don't think the tiger will eat me."

"Ha ha ha."

"I'm laughing at the consequences."

Yu Qianhua: "it's impossible to estimate!"

Xiao Yunhai: "I'm dead. What else do I check? Forget it, I'll die if I die. Anyway, I haven't died once since I was young... "

Yu Qianhua: "ah? No one alive has ever died."

"I'll go. That's very interesting."

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone's laughing too much.

Xiao Yunhai: "let's be tough when we talk to the leader this time. We told him that we will give you as much as you like, and we will not say anything or wrong you. Industrial injury is not counted, at most a "natural death."

Yu Qianhua: "I think that's what happened."

Xiao Yunhai: "how can't you finish it well, big and small? If you have to let the tiger eat it, I don't think you can recognize anything..."

Yu Qianhua: "I can't recognize you."

Xiao Yunhai: "I'm just thinking about it. All the big guys above give me advice. This one said, "ah Young man, the tiger is very honest. Let's think of a way Wait a minute. "That said," Hey, someone's going to find the zookeeper for you! "And another young man made an idea on the edge:" come on, everybody shout slogans with me, and try to scare the tiger. One, two, three, fight the tiger! One, two, three, fight the tiger! "

Yu Qianhua:" Oh, does this work? "

Xiao Yunhai:" scared me! "Stop yelling, stop shouting! You are going to kill the tiger Wake up? You're going to shout slogans. I'll come. "

Yu Qianhua: "you shout?"

Xiao Yunhai: "I'm close, it can hear you clearly, really..."

"One" Xiao Yunhai called a "one", then covered his mouth and said in a low voice: "one, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to fight tigers. Tigers don't eat, they only eat big bad guys!"

Yu Qianhua: "well, children's songs are out."

Xiao Yunhai: "Hi! It doesn't work to shout slogans, and the tiger can't understand it! Hi! You are really heroic. How many of you come down!"

"ha ha ha."

Yu Qianhua: "what? Let others down?"

Xiao Yunhai: "what's the matter?"

Yu Qianhua: "if you feed a tiger, you have to give yourself up to save people, and you deserve to die.". I'll give you a newspaper or something. What do you think I'm dead? It's not worth feeding a tiger. "

Yu Qianhua: "no, no, no, you can be in the newspaper if you die."

Xiao Yunhai: "in the newspaper, at most two sentences. When a young man accidentally fell into the tiger's mouth and died, the relevant authorities reminded visitors to pay attention to safety... "


"Ha ha ha."

Some people hear this and laugh at it.

Xiao Changfeng in the box said: "this boy is really good. The burden is ringing."

Yu Qianhua: "you've been thinking about it for a long time, but it doesn't work at all!"

Xiao Yunhai: "don't worry, you allow me to discuss with the tiger!"

Yu Qianhua showed a startled look and said, "where are you going to discuss with the tiger?"

Xiao Yunhai: "tiger, tiger, sleep for a while. Hey, open your eyes and look at me. I'm very thin and have no meat. If you want to eat, there is a Guo gang in Dexin society who is quite fat. "

As soon as this sentence came out, the biggest laughter from the beginning of the program suddenly rang out.

The camera also timely shot Guo Gang, at this time, he really shook his head and grinned bitterly.

"Shit, that's funny. Even Guo Gang appeared in the story. "

"If you want to say that emperor Yun doesn't understand cross talk, I have to shoot him to death."

"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy."

The crowd laughed up and down.

Yu Qianhua: ah? What do you always think about him?

Xiao Yunhai: "if I just tease him up, we don't really send it. Tiger, tiger, if you don't bite me, I promise - I promise I won't bite you either!

Yu Qianhua: "it's all true!"

Xiao Yunhai: "if you let me out, I will live well. Let's listen to the leader's words and do a good job. At home, we are filial to our parents and respect our younger brothers and sisters. When we go out, we obey the traffic rules and don't spit everywhere!

Yu Qianhua: "hi What a mess you have!

Xiao Yunhai: "don't look at this mess. You may not remember it at this time."

Yu Qianhua: "Oh, you are still proud of this?"

Xiao Yunhai: "what's the matter?"Yu Qianhua: "you should find a way to get out now!"

Xiao Yunhai: "find a way out? It's easy for you to say, what's this place? This is the place where tigers are locked! Can I get out?"

"ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai: "look at this fence. It's more than 3 meters high. It's not a bit pedaling. How did you design it at the beginning? Don't make an elevator!

Yu Qianhua: "I haven't heard of it."

Xiao Yunhai: "Hey, what do you want What? Did you go to the zoo keeper? The keeper had a rest on Sunday. He had a rest, but the tiger didn't rest. Forget it, you all go! You go out of the zoo and ask the TV station to send a film crew to take a picture of how the tiger eats me later!

Yu Qianhua: "what are you doing with this?"

Xiao Yunhai: "shoot a film of tigers eating human beings, and sell them to foreigners for exchange Children's foreign exchange is also considered as my brother's contribution to China before he died. "

"Ha ha ha."

Yu Qianhua: "your consciousness is still very high!"

Xiao Yunhai: "you said that for a long time, the tiger only gasped and did not open its eyes Has the tiger degenerated? "

Yu Qianhua:" this tiger can't degenerate! In order to keep the tiger wild, people often throw some live chickens and rabbits into the tiger hole. "

Xiao Yunhai: "why throw live chickens and rabbits?"

Yu Qianhua: "train tigers to catch live food! Especially on Sundays, they have to starve tigers."

Xiao Yunhai's face of fear: "bad! Today is Sunday! The tiger has not eaten yet! Just caught me this live food."

Yu Qianhua: "let him catch up with all of them!"

Xiao Yunhai clenched his teeth and said: "this hateful zoo, I will not finish with their leadership after I die!"

Yu Qianhua nodded and said: "yes! Let them have a good inspection!"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it must be checked!"

Yu Qianhua said: "never again!"

Xiao Yunhai: "next Don't do it again? That's OK this time, right? "

" Puchi. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Laozi is a life. After I died, the head of the zoo was dismissed from his post! The administrator checked it! The bonus was deducted for six months! I was just thinking of this place when a beautiful voice like a silver bell came from above:" ah Big guy, untie the belt quickly, twist it into a rope, and pull the young man up! "

Yu Qianhua:" Oh, this is a good way! "

Xiao Yunhai:" I heard, tears came down! What a good idea! I looked up and saw, ooh! A call, more than 30 people were there to untie the belt! Ouch, this is really a good style. Look at this girl. She's wearing a green skirt. She's undoing a yellow one. This girl It's so beautiful!

Yu Qianhua: "ah? It's this time, you still have this mind?"

Xiao Yunhai: "no, I mean, you said that a girl in someone else's life stood up to rescue a stranger at this critical moment. Does that mean that this girl It's a little interesting to me? "

Yu Qianhua said angrily," you are so evil. "

Xiao Yunhai: "hey? How do you talk? Why don't she look at me when there are so many young men standing around her?" Yu Qianhua: "nonsense! Who let you fall into the tiger hole? She doesn't look at you?"

Xiao Yunhai: "no matter how you say it, I can't see the size from the top down. Maybe my marriage is big It's a blessing in disguise. Usually heroes save beauties. Today, beauties save heroes. Haha... "

Yu Qianhua: "don't laugh! When is it? You still want to make a partner!"

Xiao Yunhai: "what eyes do you stare at? Why don't you have any sympathy? As the saying goes, a gentleman doesn't do anything. If I don't move my mouth and I don't do it, I'll move my mind. I'm going to die. What's the truth with me?"

Yu Qianhua: "yes, I still do It's too loud, come on, you can get some activities!

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