Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:04 AM

Chapter 1710

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Seeing that the audience was so enthusiastic, Guo gang was very happy. He looked at Yu Qianhua and looked at Xiao Yunhai with admiration.

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "Mr. Wang, if you are tired, you can have a rest."

The audience of "Iraq" made a lot of noise.

Xiao Yunhai said: "stop. OK, I'll make it difficult for you. What is the answer to the simple language? "

The Kingdom settled into meditation.

Sun Yanjun's eyes brightened and stood up.

Wang Guoan quickly handed the microphone to him, and sun Yanjun said with a smile: "it's a coincidence that this man, one of my students, has performed. Plain language should be plain


"Shit, that's all right."

"Miss Sun is so good."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "it's over. I find myself playing to death. "

Guo Gang laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao, it seems that we will listen to the song Wukong."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Guo, it's too early to answer two questions. The fourth riddle is that Mingfeng was founded 800 years ago. "

"Well, it's a little difficult." Yu Qianhua said.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this character is just a minor supporting role. Many people don't necessarily know his name. Miss Wang, Miss Sun, can you guess? "

They frowned and thought for a long time, but they didn't think of it.

At this time, a 60 year old man behind them touched sun Yanjun and said, "I know."

Sun Yanjun quickly handed the microphone to the old man.

"Mr. Xiao, Mingfeng is talking about the Zhou Dynasty in the 800 years since its foundation. In a dream of Red Mansions, it should be Zhou Rui. "

"Zhou Rui? Yes, it must be him Cried Wang Guoan.

Xiao Yunhai arched his hands and said, "the old man is very good. Yes, it's Zhou Rui. "

"Thank you, sir. Now we've got four questions, and one last one. Mr. Xiao, do you want to think about it? " Yu Qianhua said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "the master is in the people's house. Zhou Rui's name only appeared three or four times in the dream of Red Mansions, but he was still answered by the old man. It seems that if you don't take out the puzzle at the bottom of the box, it will be difficult for you. Listen to me. The grass looks far away, but there is nothing near. "

As soon as the riddle was solved, the whole scene was quiet, and no one spoke, as if they were baffled.

The old man took the microphone, thought for a long time, shook his head, gave a bitter smile, and sat down.

Half a minute later, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Miss Guo, teacher Yu, it seems that I won."

"Wait a minute." As soon as the voice dropped, a clear voice came from the second floor.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the past, his face changed and said, "wife, what are you doing?"

"Bang, bang, bang." Yue Ming Ming, at the speed of 100 meters and 9 meters, handed over a microphone.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, I'll answer your question."

Xiao Yunhai frowned: "you don't count, go back."

"Hush" Xiao Yunhai's words, caused a hiss.

Guo Gang said with a smile, "Miss Zhao, don't listen to him. Now all of us are standing together, and we are in the process of live broadcast. If we can't answer a riddle, we will be very shameful

Yu Qianhua nodded and said, "yes. Miss Zhao, please say so

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "in fact, my answer is what my father-in-law told me. I'm just a messenger."

Xiao Yunhai yelled, "my dad."

”Pooh. "

" hahaha. "

All the people were about to laugh.

Guo Gang said: "Mr. Xiao, this is to destroy the family."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "he just doesn't want to see someone who is too arrogant. Husband, listen, Dad's answer is BiWen. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai listens, he stops the microphone and turns to go.

Yu Qianhua quickly pulled him up and said, "Mr. Xiao, where are you going?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I feel that there is danger here. Even my father and my wife are against me. If I don't go, it will be OK."

Guo Gang laughed and said, "so Miss Zhao is right. All five riddles have been solved, which means that Mr. Xiao has lost. According to our agreement, what should he do now? "

"Sing." They all cried out in unison.

"What song?"


Guo Gang gave a thumbs up to the audience, then turned to Xiao Yun and said, "Mr. Xiao, if you want to go, you can leave Wukong first.". "

Xiao Yunhai took the microphone and said," nine out of ten things are not going well in life. I didn't lose to you, I lost to myself. I shouldn't have brought my dad. "

"Ha ha ha." Everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "Mr. Guo, it's not that I'm shameful. The main reason is that we don't have a piano here."Guo Gang said, "who said no? I have all kinds of musical instruments here. Xiao Yue, go and carry our piano. "

Xiao Yun Haydn was silly and said, "No. Why do you want a piano for cross talk

Guo Gang said: "I didn't know why I bought the piano at that time? I bought it anyway. Now I know. It's been waiting for you

When the audience heard Guo Gang's reply and saw Xiao Yunhai's subdued appearance, they couldn't help laughing again.

"Cloud emperor, how pitiful."

"I didn't expect to hear a new song from emperor Yun when listening to crosstalk. It's wonderful."

"This time, the emperor was so miserable."

After a while, the piano was lifted up.

Xiao Yunhai took a look and said, "well, the piano you bought is really good. At least it's worth a thousand or eight hundred."

Guo Gang said: "Mr. Xiao, if you can buy such a piano, please tell me. I'll have as many as I want. Maybe I'll be richer than you because of them. "

"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai patted himself on the chest and said, "I'm really pissed off today. Why is it so bad. Originally, I wanted to show my literary skills. As a result, I would like to take a gamble and admit defeat. I'll give you Wukong. "

Sitting in front of the piano, Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and carefully adjusted his mood.

Feel almost, Xiao Yunhai raised his hand, a bit sad piano sound into everyone's ears, after a while, Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth to sing the first paragraph of the lyrics.

"It's a long way to go. The wind and smoke are exhausted and the shadow is fading. Who called me outstanding, who let me love hate dilemma, to later heartbroken

"The world of illusion is in the sky, and the gratitude and resentment are not cherished. The six dust do not change. He is angry, sad and crazy. He is a man, a ghost, a monster, but he has a devil's debt in his heart. "

This is a work called Dai Quan in a previous life. With this song, it has become popular all over the country.

In this song, Monkey King is portrayed as a tragic hero. He wants to resist oppression and get freedom, but he can't do it all the time.

"Let's call Buddha, and turn back without shore. Kneeling as a teacher has nothing to do with life and death. The true and false world of good and evil is indistinct. It's hard to tell. "

Xiao Yunhai used the singing voice of Beijing Opera in this section, which gave people a kind of amazing feeling. In particular, the magnetism in his voice seems to have some magic power, which brings people to the world in the monkey king created by Xiao Yunhai.

They seem to see a monkey in front of them to fight for freedom, want to break free from the shackles, carefree world, but finally was mercilessly suppressed.

And they themselves are not the monkey, the monkey bound by the whole society.

"What's the use of this iron bar? What if I have this change? Still uneasy or melancholy, gold hoop is in charge. If you want to say it, you should rest. "

" I want this iron stick to dance with drunkenness. I have this change and confusion. I can't escape after stepping on the sky, being unruly and rebellious, and dangerous in the world. "

"This is a blow to the dust."

The last part is the climax of the whole song. Xiao Yunhai uses Peking opera aria, which is not only very magnetic, but also has the power to penetrate people's hearts.

When singing the sentence "trampling on the sky, unruly and unruly", Xiao Yunhai stood up directly from his stool. His face was full of arrogance and arrogance. His appeal was so strong that all the audience were stimulated to stand up.

After the whole song was sung, everyone clapped and cheered.

"It's great. It's a mess of yunhuang cattle."

"This song is a combination of Beijing Opera and pop songs. It's very nice to hear."

Ge Wuyou clapped and sighed: "the song of Yunhai really touched me.

Wang Guoan said, "so am I. Wukong, a tragic monkey who dares to fight. Unfortunately, it was lost to fate in the end. "

Sun Yanjun said helplessly, "we are not this monkey. It's too hard to break away from fate and get real freedom. Even if it's a sea of clouds, it can't be done. "

On the Internet, all netizens who hear the song "Wukong" praise one after another.

"Wukong" is really wonderful. "

" I can't help crying. "

" Wukong has always been a hero in my heart. When I heard the song of emperor Yun, I found that he was just a failure of fate. "

"Who said it was not. When you arrive in the west, it seems like a bull to become a Buddha. In fact, it's not as good as spending your whole life in Huaguo Mountain. "

"The world's evil is dangerous, and it is hard to escape. Who of us can escape. "

"It's obvious that emperor Yun can write such a song. Even he can't get real freedom, let alone us. "

Xiao Yunhai's "Wukong" made the whole network forum restless and discussed the issue of freedom one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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