Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:03 AM

Chapter 1711

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On the stage, Guo Gang clapped his hands and came up and said, "thank you. Thank you for the monkey king. Wukong, Wukong, all methods are empty. The image of monkey king had been shaped in my mind. When I heard Mr. Xiao sing, I suddenly found that monkey king was just a loser. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "everyone is looking at the journey to the west, but if you look carefully, you will find it more appropriate to look backward."

Guo gang was stunned and said, "look backward? What do you mean

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the story is like this. The Tathagata sent four masters and disciples to preach in the eastern Tang Dynasty with eight heavenly books and little white dragon. On the way, they met all kinds of monsters. They beat back and forth and found that they all had backstage. No matter how evil they did, they would not be punished. "

"Bajie and Sha Seng felt it was too dark. They had no choice but to escape into gaolaozhuang and Liusha river. Only Wukong killed the demons and Demons all the way and escorted the master to preach in the East. As a result, the heavenly court could not bear to reach an agreement with the Tathagata - we can guarantee Tang Sanzang's safe arrival in Chang'an, but you have to deal with the monkey king. The Tathagata agreed. Under the conspiracy, little white dragon was seriously injured and fell into the mountain stream. Wukong was defeated and was crushed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. However, Tang Sanzang abandoned Sun Wukong and came to Chang'an alone. After teaching in Chang'an, he was granted the title of imperial brother and enjoyed the glory and wealth. "

"After five hundred years, Wukong finally escaped from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain without saying a word, and upset the heaven. Tianting was forced to promise to turn Zhu Bajie into a human being, to be Marshal Tianpeng, and to be a general of rolling curtain, as long as they could kill Monkey King. Finally, Wukong, frustrated by his brothers' fraternity, went to find Bodhi master to solve his puzzles. Then he sealed his accomplishments. Ruyi's golden cudgel was thrown into Donghai and turned into a sea god needle. He went back to Huaguo Mountain and spent his ordinary life with monkey and monkey grandson. Finally, he turned into a stone on the top of Huaguo Mountain Don't you think it's interesting to read this way? "

" shit, that's OK. "

”Don't tell me. I really think that Wu Chengen deliberately disordered the order. "

" well, it seems that the cloud emperor's looking backward seems to be more able to reflect the social state at that time than looking forward. "

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone in the audience fell into the discussion one by one.

Guo Gang sighed: "Mr. Xiao, I finally know why you can create so many excellent works. Because your view of a thing is so different. "Journey to the west" is interpreted like this, and I have a feeling of being overwhelmed by it. "

Looking backward in journey to the west, it has been well known in previous lives.

But it's the first time in the world.

Even Xiao Changfeng, who has read the four masterpieces for many times, is a little confused.

Think about it carefully, the truth really makes sense.

"This boy is really divine. Wanqing, do you see that he often reads books Xiao Changfeng asked.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "there are many classics at home and abroad in the study, but he has hardly looked through them."

Xiao Changfeng said with a bitter smile, "that boy is really a genius."

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile, "brother Xiao, you just know that."

Ten minutes later, the ten year celebration party of Dexin society was over.

Due to the appearance of Xiao Yunhai and the movie queens of the great movie emperors, a huge response has been set off on the Internet.

That night, the number of people watching the live broadcast reached 8 million, 10 yuan per person. According to the previous contract, Guo gang was able to get 40% of his income, that is, 32 million yuan. After deducting the miscellaneous taxes, 24 million yuan was steadily put into his pocket.

Next, with the generation of word-of-mouth, more and more people will watch. Even if the price is cheaper, the income will still be higher and higher.

After the performance, Guo Gang invited dozens of stars such as Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing to drink.

For Xiao Yunhai, Guo Gang is very grateful.

He is very clear, live broadcast can obtain such a result, can say all depends on Xiao Yunhai.

The world's richest man, an international superstar, came to Dexin society to talk about cross talk. Just such a topic can arouse the curiosity of countless people.

What's more, Xiao Yunhai's performance is still so good, whether it's "reverie at the mouth of the tiger", "four famous works" or that song "Wukong", all are top good programs.

At the banquet, Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "Yunhai, I really want to look at you with a new look. It's amazing to say cross talk like this. Mr. Guo, how do you teach? "

Guo Gang said with a wry smile, "I don't have that level. I don't believe it myself. Mr. Xiao often goes to Xiangzi with common sense at the beginning of a week. But as long as you say it, it can be corrected immediately, and it will never be committed again. Add up, a total of two days to learn. But as soon as Mr. Xiao went up today, he was a good master of crosstalk. At that time, my eyes were almost staring out. This learning ability was absolutely frightening to death. "

Mr. Yu said, "I admire Xiao qiantai. It's not a scene, it's not polite. I'm sincere. Fortunately, you don't mix with crosstalk. Otherwise, Yanjing would not have anything to do with our Dexin society. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "two teachers, don't make fun of me. I stand on the stage almost nervous to death, my back is full of cold sweat. It's not easy to have a good cross talk

Everyone on the main table was full of praise for Xiao Yunhai's performance.

It took about two hours to eat a meal, and when we were well fed, we left.

Before he left, Guo Gang gave a red envelope to him, which means to stick to happiness. In fact, this is the publicity fee for everyone.

If you don't give a penny, you'll let people go back so dry, and you won't be able to ask these stars to help again in the future.

After getting on the car, Xiao Yunhai gives the red envelope to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing opened it and found that it was a bank check, with 666666 yuan written on it.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it's said that Mr. Guo is a bit stingy, but it's really generous to have a look at other people's handwriting."

Of course, 600000 yuan is nothing to Xiao Yunhai, but for cross talk clubs like Dexin society, it will be a week's income.

The reason why they made a lot of money this time was that they were famous enough, and Xiao Yunhai and those big stars gave him support, which made Dexin society make a lot of money. In the past, if you could make 600000 a week, you would be burning Gaoxiang.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this performance of Dexin society, with the publicity of us and Xianyue, at least we can win 50 million, and 600000 is not much."

If it wasn't for Xiao Yunhai to perform on stage and Zhao Wanqing, the famous international film queen, was driving in person, it would be impossible to win six sixes. Other actors, even the movie queen, are 200000 at most.

Back home, Xiao Yunhai went to take a bath, while Zhao Wanqing turned on the computer and read the comments.

Xiao Yunhai is really in the limelight this time. In the major comment areas, especially in Xiao Yunhai's space, there are posts from fans everywhere. Without exception, it's all praise.

"Yunhuang's" reverie at the mouth of a tiger "is better than what Guo gang and uncle Yu said

"That's great. Like Uncle Yu, I admire Mr. Xiao very much. "

"Four famous works, the emperor of cloud is next to the comments once, almost did not laugh me to death."

"It's the first time I know that monkey king belongs to horse, Zhuge Liang is a medical expert, Song Jiang is the general manager of the group, ha

ha ha ha."

"Let me say that the five riddles in a dream of Red Mansions are the most obvious. If you think about it, it's so hard just to figure out the answer, let alone the people who make it. "

"What impresses me most is the song" Wukong ". The main song is popular singing, and the minor song is totally Peking Opera. It's amazing. It's like the monkey who dares to fight between heaven and earth

"And the story of emperor Yun looking backward at" journey to the west "is absolutely amazing."

For Xiao Yunhai's performance, everyone gave a good comment.

With the extension of word-of-mouth, the number of people who bought the performance video of Dexin society soon exceeded 10 million.

After taking a bath, Xiao Yunhai comes out of the bathroom and sees the spring light in Zhao Wanqing's pajamas. His eyes are straight.

Although they are both old husbands and wives, it has to be said that Zhao Wanqing's attraction to Xiao Yunhai has not been reduced, but made him more infatuated.

That night, of course, there was a fierce battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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