Published at 11th of May 2022 05:12:01 AM

Chapter 1712

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai sent two children to school.

As soon as they were sent to school, they received a call from Chu Wenqing, the boss of fantasy wolf novel network.

"Mr. Chu, what can I do for you so early in the morning?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Chu Wenqing said: "Mr. Xiao, we are calling for help this time."

"For help?" Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Mr. Chu, what do you mean by this? What happened to your website? "

"It's not our magic wolf, but most of the websites that work with you have an accident." Chu Wenqing said with hatred.

It turns out that since Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing novel app has cooperated with these websites, they have been very happy with each other. Their income is several times higher than before.

More importantly, the popularity has been significantly improved, and the market share is increasing with each passing day.

But I didn't expect Shengshi to steal at this time.

Not only are the great gods of online novels, but even the editors with great gods have not let go, and they are directly poached with high prices.

By the time they know, it's late.

Among them, the most serious losses are magic wolf, Tenglong and Shuhai.

They were the key targets of the flourishing age. They ran 30% of the gods. Even the chief editors of magic wolf and Shuhai followed them.

Xiao Yunhai was speechless to Chu Wenqing and other people's hindsight. He said, "Mr. Chu, I'm not talking about you. It's too late for you to know such a big thing."

Chu Wenqing sighed and said, "I have been on business in other places these days. Besides, the chief editor is blinding me, so I was cheated. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "what are you looking for me for? What can I do for you? "

Chu Wenqing said: "Mr. Xiao, in fact, we arrived in Yanjing yesterday and held a full day's meeting. If you say what you say, I say mine, you can't achieve unity at all. We are partners, but also competitors. If you want to unite as one and fight against the flourishing age, only you can bring these websites together. Therefore, I discussed with Mr. Cai of Tenglong novel network and Zeng of Shuhai literature network, and wanted to invite you to preside over the meeting for us

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized that, looking at the time, it was still two hours before the child left school, so he said, "OK. But I have only one hour. I'll go over there and see where you are

Chu Wenqing quickly told Xiao Yunhai the location.

It is not far from the kindergarten, less than 10 minutes, Xiao Yunhai came to the hotel Chu Wenqing said.

Chu Wenqing finished the phone call and waited outside with CAI Pei and Zeng Jiang.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's car slowly driving in, three people rushed to meet up.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm really ashamed." The three were embarrassed to see Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's normal for Sheng Shi to be rich and powerful. It's normal to use such a method to dominate the online literary world. Let's not waste our time. Let's go straight to the meeting. After a while, I have to pick up the children from school

Accompanied by Chu Wenqing, Xiao Yunhai walked into the conference room. There was a smell of smoke everywhere. The boss of more than ten small websites was talking wildly there.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, one by one stopped, stood up and said hello to Xiao Yunhai respectfully.

These people are not like the three magic wolf websites. Since the cloud Qing novel app channel, they have focused their work on it. Their website has become a shell directly.

Chu Wenqing opened the window and let off the smell of smoke. He said, "ladies and gentlemen, it's not a matter for us to discuss this. I've invited Mr. Xiao to preside over the meeting. In any case, we can't let Shengshi monopolize the whole Chinese culture world. "

Xiao Yunhai sat down on the throne and said, "everyone, I'm not familiar with the Internet culture. Let's talk straight. Shengshi novel client has to give you a green light on the website, agree to accept your novels. "

The reason why Xiao Yunhai asked this is that many novel websites in previous lives did not rely on their own websites, but on clients.

Magic wolf, Teng long and Shuhai are the biggest enemies of flourishing age. It is impossible to accept their novels and make wedding clothes for them. However, the small website is not like that.

Their website traffic is not good at all. They are not qualified to be the enemy of flourishing age. To give them a green light, it is not harmful to Shengshi.

Not only can make money, but also can divide the flow of Yunqing novel client, why not.

Xiao Yunhai's words, several website owners all face a change, seems to be a little embarrassed.

Chua peidun got angry, patted the table and said angrily, "it's true. Mr. Wang, Mr. He, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhang, are you digging us up

Chu Wenqing was also very angry, and said, "I finally understand why we can't talk about how we can talk about it. It's strange that you can make trouble in it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Cai zongchu doesn't need to be angry. The benefits of two channels are much greater than that of one channel. Mr. Wang and Mr. He chose to make money. Businessmen, there's nothing wrong with that. If it was for me, it would be the same. I just want to know what price Shengshi gave you? Is it better than our Yunqing app? "A red faced boss said, "Mr. Xiao, we can't help it either. Before coming to Yanjing, the new boss of Shengshi called us. We are allowed to publish the book on Shengshi app and share it with you. "

Another boss said: "Mr. Xiao, since our book entered the cloud clear app, the income has increased several times than before. Now there is a channel no less than Yunqing app. We really don't want to miss it. "

To Cai Pei and Chu Wenqing, they are not birds, but to Xiao Yunhai, they dare not.

Magic wolf three major websites and they are all competitors, has the benefit certainly will not share with them, but Xiao Yunhai is their God of wealth, naturally can not offend.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. You don't need to feel blushing. In the future, there will be more and more channels for novel websites. Whether it's prosperous or not, it's at most a relatively large one. "

Chu Wenqing said in a hurry: "Mr. Xiao, if you let the prosperous age do that, it is absolutely not a good thing for us. Without competition, Shengshi will completely monopolize the novel industry. At that time, all of us should look at their faces. Now they give us 50% of the share, and even if they give us 20% in the future, we can only accept it, because our main station is not good, and there is no force to fight against it. "

The old managers who cooperated with Shengshi suddenly changed their faces.

What Chu Wenqing said is not wrong. He only pays attention to the channel and does not pay attention to his own main station.

When the time is right, they will be stuck in their necks with a word.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Chu is right. Once Shengshi monopolizes the whole market, all of us here will suffer huge losses. There is no doubt about this. You want to rely on Shengshi channel to make money, but if you want to make Shengshi bigger, it is a big mistake. I think you should think about how you can not only make money, but also avoid Shengshi monopolizing the industry. To be honest, I don't know about this industry and can't think of any effective way. It's up to you. "

No one spoke in the whole conference room, and the atmosphere became more dignified with Xiao Yunhai's problems.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think you'd better think about it when you go back and come back to the meeting in the afternoon."

Chu Wenqing asked, "Mr. Xiao, will you come back this afternoon?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "just tell me the result. There's something important about my company this afternoon. "

Accompanied by all, Xiao Yunhai left by car. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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