Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:58 AM

Chapter 1714

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After dinner, Xiao Yunhai drove the child to the kindergarten again, and then went directly to the hotel.

By this time, it was already two forty-five in the afternoon.

Before he arrived at the meeting room, Xiao Yunhai heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. Zeng, Mr. Cai and Mr. Chu, why don't you have to deal with money. In today's society, both benefits are achieved by combining and harm is caused by division. Cooperation with us in Shengshi is definitely better than Yunqing novel client. After all, they are not very professional. "

Jiang said, "we are not at ease because they are professional. On the contrary, if we cooperate with your flourishing age, we may be eaten with meat and bones in less than a year. "

The other two presidents have also expressed their positions one after another.

It's not impossible to have Xiao Yunhai, who is worth more than 10 trillion US dollars, to support them and compete with the prosperous times.

One is completely dependent on the prosperous times, the other is equal cooperation, and the financial resources are countless times stronger than the heyday. Let alone the three of them, even a fool knows how to choose.

"That's a pity." The man inside sighed.

"No regrets." Xiao Yunhai finished, opened the door and went in.

Except for the young man sitting on the throne, all the other bosses stood up and said hello to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and asked them to sit down with a pair of eyes fixed on the face of the boss of Shengshi and looked at it carefully.

Although the other side conceals very well, but the hatred deep in the Mou son, still did not escape Xiao Yunhai's eyes.

Moreover, this man's face is very unnatural. It is obvious that he has undergone plastic surgery. His eyebrows are very similar to Wang Yangqiu. In addition, his height is not much different. Xiao Yunhai's heart immediately has an answer.

"Mr. Xiao, when we meet for the first time, please take good care of it." It seemed that he couldn't stand Xiao Yunhai's sharp eyes. Wang Yang stood up and held out his hand.

Xiao Yunhai laughed, held his hand and said, "meet for the first time? Mr. Wang Yang is really a great man who forgets much. I haven't been able to confirm your press conference. Now that I see a real person, I finally get rid of a worry. Welcome back, Mr. Wang. "

Wang Yang's pupils shrunk slightly and said quietly, "Mr. Xiao, how can I not understand your words?"

Other people also listen to the clouds, do not know what Xiao Yunhai means.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "listen to understand or pretend to be confused, some things, I can't forget, you can't forget. Not long after coming back from South Korea, he took the flourishing novel network which was popular all over China in one fell swoop. It must have used some intrigue. It doesn't matter. Since we are together again, let's play slowly. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai sat opposite Wang Yang and looked at him without saying a word.

Similarly, Wang Yang also sat down and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

The air in the whole conference room seemed to be heavy.

Cai Pei coughed and said, "Mr. Xiao, other bosses have promised to put their novels on the client side of Shengshi novels."

Xiao Yunhai had a smile on his face and said, "very good. I still say that, after the novel client world. It's not just Yunqing and Shengshi, but other clients will spring up in a short time, and there will be more opportunities for everyone to make money. Mr. Wang, it's said that you have recently dug up a lot of great gods from other websites. Ha ha, you have dozens of great gods in your flourishing age. Why are you not satisfied? Do you have to kill other websites or depend on you to stop? This kind of thinking is not acceptable. "

Wang Yang said, "Mr. Xiao, you may be mistaken. My surname is not Wang, but Wang. I didn't want to monopolize the whole online novel industry, but those gods who saw the welfare of our website were so good that they had to write novels on our website. I couldn't help but accept it. "

Xiao Yunhai let out a cry and said, "it turns out that they took the initiative to go there. It seems that the welfare of the website they were in before will change. By the way, has Mr. Wang ever thought about putting Shengshi's novels on our Yunqing client for sale? "

Wang Yang said expressionless: "you all have the support of general manager Zeng, general manager CAI and general manager Chu. We won't join in this bustling time."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's really a pity."

Wang Yang stood up and said, "ladies and gentlemen, if you are willing to cooperate with our Shengshi website, please contact customer service at 9:00 tomorrow morning. If you don't want to, please help yourself. I'd like to announce one thing to you. The headquarters of Shengshi novel network will be moved to Yanjing next month. Please support me more in the future. Goodbye. "

Wang Yang deeply looked at the opposite Xiao Yunhai, and left without looking back.

Several website managers rushed to send him out.

"It's cheap enough." Cai Pei looked at the dog legs with disdain on his face.

Xiao Yunhai said in a soft voice: "everyone has his or her own will. You can't ask for it."

After the people came back, Xiao Yunhai said, "everyone, things have developed to this point. I don't think it is necessary to continue this meeting. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. "

Xiao Yunhai came here to see if Wang Yang was Wang Yangqiu. Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need to stay.When boarding, Xiao yunhaidao: "three presidents, it is better to have a cooperation plan as soon as possible, and then implement it as soon as possible according to our previous deployment. I hope you can all grow up to be such a website as Shengshi novel network. "

The three looked at each other and nodded together.

From the hotel, Xiao Yunhai drove to the headquarters of dreameffect.

When he walked into his office, Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed Wu Yifa.

"I saw the new president of Shengshi fiction network today, Lao Wu."

Wu Yifa was stunned and said, "how about it? Is it him? "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I can be 100% sure that this person is Wang Yangqiu. He should have had a cosmetic surgery in South Korea, and he has no face to do too much expression. But the voice of the speech is too similar, and my eyes are full of malice. Ha ha, I didn't expect him to come back with a change of face, and also have his own career, Wang Jia is really strong enough

Wu Yifa said: "by the way, this boy is very brave. Unfortunately, we have no evidence, otherwise we will never run him this time. Old Xiao, you should be careful. He and Wang family you hurt are so miserable. He can't forget this account. "

xiaoyunhaidao:" I know. Some things need to be done first. I can't wait for him to shoot

Wu asked curiously, "what are you going to do?"

Xiaoyun Haidao: "Wang Yangqiu is renamed Wang Yang, so we will go and check him. I am sure he has used some means of being invisible to him. I hope you can find the old man of the prosperous age and ask me to understand. If not, it is best to find out why the other party sells the prosperous life to him? "

Wu Yifa said: "today, the online novel is booming. Even if the old man in the prosperous age is kicked by the donkey, he can't sell the website to Wang Yangqiu. The only explanation is that he has a handle in Wang Yangqiu's hand. OK, I know. I'll arrange someone to check it out right away. "

after having made a call with Wu chess, Xiao Yunhai called Gao Xiangfeng again. It was also for him to look for the old man of the great times.

At five in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and two children returned home.

When eating, Xiao Yunhai changed Wang Yangqiu and said once again what happened in Yanjing.

Zhao Wanqing some not calm, asked: "husband, he so hate you, will do some dangerous things?"

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "do you know what dogs can't change to eat shit? This guy can't hold up any good farts. Don't worry, it's OK. "

"Hum, dad said dirty words, not good."

Xiao tengyang next to hear Xiao Yunhai, immediately put forward a protest.

Xiao Yunhai said with a quick smile: "baby is right. Dad is not good, should not say dirty words, I review to you, I am wrong. Can you forgive dad? "

Xiao tengyang thought, and said, "if you buy me a toy plane, I will forgive you."

Xiao Jinyu said in a voice: "I want a doll."

Xiao Yunhai laughed, and pinched the two children's face eggs and said, "OK, no problem."

"I will pay attention to speaking in front of the children later," Zhao said. Teachers all said, adults' words and deeds, children will imitate. I don't want them to be dirty in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know, one hand. Ah, I am so poor now. I have become four hands. Everyone can manage me. "

"Don't be poor," said Zhao. Wang Yangqiu, you pay attention to some. Now "Zhuxian" has been in China for a while, and the momentum seems to have gone on a lot. Don't you release the MV of Zhuxian yet? "

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "I have called Wanzong. At 8 this evening," Fu Zhu "is online, and tomorrow morning at 8:00, sword heart is online. I want to see how much potential there is in the hell

Originally, at the beginning of the "Zhuxian" release, Xiao Yunhai did not carry out full publicity. Because he is very clear, with his popularity and so many superstars joining, he didn't have to worry about the box office of "Zhuxian" in the early stage, so he only made a trailer for one and a half minutes, and nothing else was leaked.

In fact, he made two versions of "Zhuxian" MV before, one of which is the first piece of the former "Zhuxian" the "floating kill", the other is the Xianxia drama "the ancient sword Qitan" theme song "sword heart", with Xiao Yunhai editing, is absolutely a tool of propaganda.

Now the momentum of "Zhuxian" is weak. In two days, there will be a big diving in the box office. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is ready to release both MVs for free, and try to attract fans who have not seen the film to the cinema.

Zhao Wanqing said: "no one has more ghost ideas. When will I go to Washington? "

Xiao thought about it and said, "tomorrow night. In the past, many work related matters need to be dealt with. I may not be back until "Zhuxian" is released in Europe and America. We'll take the children to the tour then. "

"Good," said Zhao with delightAfter dinner, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took the children to slip around outside.

When I came back, "Fu Zhu" was released on Yunqing mobile app, Xianyue video network, Yunqing TV station and the personal space of all the creators of Zhuxian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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