Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:57 AM

Chapter 1715

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In a cheap room in Shanghai sea, Zhang Tingting is tired for a day and returns to her cabin.

She is a rural girl with a poor family background. She has a younger brother who is going to school and a mother who is paralyzed at home. After graduation, she has been working in Shanghai. Every month, I have to send the money I earn to my father in the countryside. My life is very bad.

"Tingting, go to the cloud emperor's personal space. There is a song called" Fu Zhu ", which is the MV of" Zhu Xian ". God, that's great. I'm going to the cinema tomorrow. "

Calling is her good friend Wu Fang, also from the countryside, the family is not very good, usually than Zhang Tingting province.

"Xiao Fang, what do you smoke? 200 yuan for a movie ticket?"

Both of them are fans of the emperor of cloud. Because they have no money, they can download and watch the movie on the Internet.

Apart from the blockbuster 2012, they have never been to the cinema.

Wu Fang said excitedly: "Tingting, seeing those pictures in the MV, I really can't resist its temptation. The original "2012" is far less than it. If you don't watch it in imax3d cinema, it's a lifelong regret. I tell you, when I bought the ticket, I also bought you one. "

Zhang Tingting was furious and said, "Wu Fang, you are..."

before she scolded her, Wu Fang had already hung up the phone, as if knowing that Zhang Tingting had no good words in her mouth.

Zhang Tingting sighed, thinking of the MV, immediately opened the laptop.

If it was not for her work, she would not have bought it.

Come to Xiao Yunhai's space, Zhang Tingting opened the MV that has reached 12 million hits.

At the beginning of MV, it was a piece of intense and high music. Countless rainbow like sword light, from an old man's sword, rushed out, dazzling. The whole earth was shaking, and the cool special effects directly attracted Zhang Tingting's eyes.

"My God, this picture is too magnificent and domineering." Zhang Tingting looks at the picture in the computer, and there is nothing in her mind but admiration.

Soon, the prelude was over, and Xiao Yunhai's magnificent voice came into her ears.

"The sandstorm across the xuancha mountain breaks the myth that has not changed for thousands of years. An ambush in the sky. One side is bloodthirsty, the other side is robbing. Step by step, you can break through the obsession. Floating Life surging heart Xiaoxiao, how can the river and lake be sharp but a sword scabbard. Fate laughs at heaven and earth proud, who said the heart does not suffer when resentment. This life is hard to predict, the soul chases the dawn. It's hard to predict. The soul is around the present. "

After the first song, Zhang Tingting is already in a fever of blood. She is shocked by the extreme beauty of "Zhu Xian".

"This is a unicorn, this is a crane, and this is a mysterious snake. It's amazing." Zhang Tingting is totally confused.

"No wonder" Zhu Xian "is so popular. Even today, the score of the movie watching website is still above 9. Such a picture, even if the plot is no longer rubbish, there will definitely be a large number of people to buy it. "

MV continues, Xiao Yunhai's second lyrics also appeared.

"Once a nightmare I never met before, the ghost like erosion of the top of the green cloud. Test with blood, the secret of ancient sword. The long-standing agreement, fate changes. Half a life for respect, infatuation to turn the world around. In this passage, people are dazzled by all kinds of mysterious magic weapons, all kinds of powerful magic arts, fierce fighting between people and animals, and between people.

In the end, Wang Tianming stood on the top of the cloud and drank a lot to kill the immortal.

This is the end of the entire MV.

After watching, Zhang Tingting looked back several times before stopping.

"This is the real world of Xianxia. Yunhuang is so powerful." Zhang Tingting murmured.

The previous half minute trailer was just a glimpse for the fans. People who didn't go to the cinema could not understand how good it looked.

But now this "Fu Zhu" MV, from the beginning to the end, has more than four minutes. The beautiful and shocking pictures in it make fans including Zhang Tingting gape.

Even some fans who have seen it once are going to see it again.

On the same day, there were lots of people shopping on the Internet.

When the second day that "heart of the sword" also appeared in front of the world, "Zhu Xian" became more popular.

Some directors who showed new films didn't expect that the second spring of Zhu Xian would break out suddenly, which made them want to cry without tears.

Xiao Yunhai's strategy is completely successful.

Wu Yifa called him and said, "Lao Xiao, you are too good. With the current momentum, the box office of "Zhu Xian" has exceeded 10 billion US dollars in China, which is a certainty. "

"What is the situation in the rest of Asia now?" Xiao asked

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "cinemas are full, attendance is over 90%, and pre-sale box office has reached 7 billion US dollars. Well, if you only give us Yanhuang courtyard line "Zhu Xian."Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "you have said this eight times. If you have so many 3dimax studios, I can't find anyone else. "

"Lao Xiao, I heard that you are going to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new president in the United States, aren't you?"

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "how do you know?"

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "I learned from my father. This time, he will represent the Chinese government and you will be on the list. "

Speaking of this, Wu Yifa sighed and said, "it's true that people compare with people, which makes people angry. You make movies and play music all day long, and you are easily invited by President Lyle. And I work in the office every day. I get up early and come back late. I'm as tired as a dog. As a result, I can't even get an invitation. By comparison, I'm just pathetic

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what is this. I don't want to go if I don't want to talk to Lyle

Hearing Wu's game method, he said with hatred: "you're a typical one. You're a good seller when you get cheap. Being able to go to the inauguration ceremony of the president of the United States shows that you have been recognized by the whole world, and you are at the top of the pyramid and have the right to make rules of the game. Are you trying to piss me off by saying this now? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, as long as you develop Yunyi shopping network well, it won't take long for you to come to this step."

The two chatted for a while, and hung up in Wu's endless resentment.

That night, Xiao Yunhai flew to Washington by personal plane.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai came out of Washington International Airport.

It was Kristi who came to pick up the plane.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai looked at the familiar street, pointed to the dense forest, and said, "isn't this where we were attacked? If it wasn't for this forest last time, I'm afraid I'm having coffee with God now. "

Christie's eyes flashed a little heavy and said, "it's really God's blessing to be able to escape that assassination. Mr. Xiao, there is a saying in China that there is no death in case of disaster. Now that Lyle is in the seat of president of the United States of America, it is absolutely a hundred profit and no harm to us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good. In a word, should he thank me? In any case, Adams was not elected president, but I also contributed to it

Kristi said: "it's not a credit. It should be said that you played a decisive role in this presidential election. Otherwise, President Lyle will not invite you to his inauguration

The inauguration ceremony of the president of the United States is very sacred, that is, the political leaders of several major countries and the business leaders of Europe and the United States are eligible to participate.

Basically, no Asian businessman can receive the invitation. Xiao Yunhai is the only one who has created a history.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Kristi, after the last attack, I think America is too unsafe. I plan to set up an organization like Blackwater security company here to protect our company and industry. What do you think? "

"It's not hard to set up a security organization, but like Blackwater, it's not an easy thing," Kristi said

There are many security organizations in the United States. Blackwater can become the most famous one in the United States because they have the qualification to be equipped with submachine guns and hand grenades.

In the United States, handguns are available in almost every family, and security companies must be equipped with weapons much stronger than pistols if they want to give people a deterrent.

This requires an application to the U.S. government. Only with the government's consent can they equip it.

Since the founding of the United States of America, there have been only three or four security companies, including Blackwater, which are supported by large arms dealers.

Xiao Yunhai as a Chinese, want to set up such a security company, is really not an easy thing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I came here to talk about this matter with President lair. For this, I don't care even if it costs US $180 billion. "

The reason why the Bessie family and the Anderson family are able to have the supreme status in the United States is that in addition to the outside mercenaries, there are also these security companies that can be equipped with submachine guns, grenades and other weapons.

As a matter of fact, these weapons are very common for families like them who are engaged in arms business. Who knows whether there are missiles or other things in the powder magazine of these security companies.

Last time, if it wasn't rocket launcher, but missile, Xiao Yunhai would have died long ago and can't die any more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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