Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:55 AM

Chapter 1717

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In a villa, Apollo Anderson talked with Xiao Yunhai and came to the hall.

"Apollo, what is Kung Fu Xiao looking for?" Asked an old man in a wheelchair and glasses.

This is Alan Anderson, the head of the Anderson family. Although he seems to have problems in his body, his momentum is still extraordinary, and the essence of Taoism is shining from time to time in his eyes.

Apollo Anderson, with a charming smile, said respectfully, "father, Kung Fu Xiao wants to build a security company."

Alan Anderson's eyes lit up and said, "what do you say?"

Apollo held out three fingers and said, "300 billion dollars."

Alan laughed and said, "300 billion dollars, you are really cruel. However, for Kung Fu Xiao, the tycoon, it is not impossible to take it out. But is it really good for him to master such an armed force? "

Apollo knew that his father was testing him, and said with a smile, "father, our enemy is the Bessie family, not Kung Fu Xiao. No matter what kind of achievements and strength Kung Fu Xiao has in America, he is an outsider to the United States. Even if you have American nationality, you are still an outsider. "

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since he is at odds with the Bessie family, why can't we use him to deal with the Bessie family. What's more, once this is done, our Anderson family will be able to make at least 250 billion dollars. It is not easy to come across such a thing as to have the best of both worlds. "

Alan laughed and said, "you did a good job. However, you should also be careful of Kung Fu Xiao. The young man is so fast that he has to guard against it. "

Apollo nodded and said, "father, don't worry. I know Kung Fu Xiao very well. Compared with the Bessie family, Kung Fu Xiao's desire to attack is not strong. Most of them attack first. He has to resist in order to protect himself. Such people are the best partners for our Anderson family. "

Aaron said, "Apollo, you've done a good job. I have been studying Kung Fu Xiao. The final conclusion is that we can only be friends, not enemies. He is not the kind of person who does anything to achieve his goal, nor is he a businessman who is only for profit. He doesn't seem to be particularly keen on money. If you get along well with him, it will help you a lot in the future. My health is getting worse and worse. It will be good to support me for another five years. I hope you can redouble your efforts and make achievements in this period of time. Even if I give you the position of patriarch by force, no one dares to say anything. "

Apollo solemnly said: "father, you can rest assured that I will work hard."

At ten o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai arrived at the Capitol on time.

This is a 230 meter long three story building, the whole body is white marble, the top has a bronze statue of liberty, similar to previous generations.

The inauguration ceremonies of American presidents have been held on the lawn east of the Capitol.

After a series of strict security checks, Xiao Yunhai, under the guidance of a waiter, walked in.

At this time, a reception was being held on Caiping, most of which were political leaders of various countries and famous businessmen in the world.

Xiao Yunhai also saw Wu Qingbo, the father of Wu Qifa, who was talking with the new president of the United States, Lyle. From time to time, he gave a burst of hearty laughter.

The inauguration ceremony is at 11:30, Xiao Yunhai should be late. Many people arrive half an hour ahead of schedule. Many people spend a lot of time to get to know some big people.

Xiao Yunhai's arrival quickly attracted many people's attention.

More than 90% of them are middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s. When you suddenly see a young man, you will naturally be concerned.

"Kung Fu Xiao is really young."

"I saw one of his concerts and it was really hot."

"I really don't understand why he's filming and singing because he's a 13 trillion dollar millionaire."

"It may be his interest. It is said that a lot of oil fields have been discovered in Africa recently. If it goes on like this, it won't take long to catch up with TMC energy company of Bessie family. "

"This man is so good. I can't imagine what will happen to him in another ten years? Maybe we can surpass the Bessie and Anderson families

Although Xiao Yunhai is young, his status here is definitely a small group of people who belong to the top of the pyramid.

Those politicians rely on the country behind them to have a noble identity, while Xiao Yunhai completely depends on himself.

"Mr. Xiao, meet again." Apollo Anderson, dressed in suits and leather shoes, walked past with a glass of red wine and a smile on his face.

Xiao Yunhai picked up a glass of wine from a waiter's plate, touched him and said, "Mr. Apollo, you are really early enough."

Apollo Anderson said, "it's a routine. For the first time, Mr. Xiao may not be familiar with it. By the way, how did you think about yesterday's incident? "Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "my financial consultant, Ms. Kristi, only told me two words, no money."

Apollo Anderson said in surprise, "no money? Mr. Xiao, you are a real joke. Businessmen all over the world, who don't know your liquidity is the most. Even if we Anderson family, if we don't sell the property, we don't necessarily have more than you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "rumor is absolutely a rumor. If I really have money, why should I borrow $1.5 trillion from Citibank. All of my previous working capital has been invested in Yunqing oil and gas company, which is not worth 300 billion yuan. Hehe, let alone 300 billion, even if it is 200 billion. Well, I can only talk about the security company later. "

After thinking about it all night, Xiao Yunhai decided to set up a security company first.

Buying a security company for 300 billion dollars is a big mistake.

In the future, Xiao Yunhai can use other methods to achieve his goal.

Apollo Andre changed his face slightly and said with a smile, "that's a pity."

Apollo was disappointed.

Now he has some regrets, asking too much, which frightens Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and suddenly found an acquaintance. He laughed and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Elvis, the patriarch of the Bessie family, also arrived."

Apollo took back his mind and looked at Xiao Yunhai's eyes. He snorted and said, "can he not come? Adams, who supported by himself, was defeated. If he could not make good use of this opportunity to make friends with President Lyle, the future would not be easy. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if he comes today, what can he do? President Lyle is not stupid enough to believe this old fox

Apollo's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "I'll bet Elvis didn't come here empty handed. If he wants to make up for his mistakes, he has to pay a huge price. "

Xiao Yunhai asked suspiciously, "is it necessary for a family like Bessie to please the president so much? Before Adams, there was nothing wrong with you Anderson family

Apollo shook his head and said, "on the face of it, no president dares to do anything to us? But if the relationship is not good, the government will give it to the other party as soon as it is beneficial. Over time, the balance between the two sides will naturally be broken. In Adams's four years, our Anderson family lost at least three trillion dollars

Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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