Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:53 AM

Chapter 1718

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Just then, a waiter came up and whispered, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. President and Mr. Wu invite you to have a drink."

Xiao Yunhai is stunned and looks at Laier and Wu Qingbo. They smile at him at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai confessed to Apollo, came to lair and Wu Qingbo, and said with a smile, "Mr. lair, congratulations on your defeat of Mr. Adams and your successful seat as president."

Lyle took the glass and touched Xiao Yunhai fiercely, and said, "Mr. Xiao, thank you. I will never forget what you have done. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of his wine and said, "Mr. Lyle, your success is because the American people believe that you can bring them a good life. It has little to do with me."

With that, he turned to Wu Qingbo and said, "chief, long time no see."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Listen to my boy, one of your movies, Zhuxian, has sold 10 billion dollars at the box office in China. It's unbelievable. "

Lyle said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, such a box office is no big deal for Mr. Xiao. My family and I are all fans of Mr. Xiao. I have watched every film of his, which is very wonderful. I don't know when "Zhuxian" will be released in America. My children just watched one trailer and couldn't wait to see it, shouting that they must go to the cinema. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your kindness. "Zhu Xian" will be shown at 8:00 p.m. on May 2. Unfortunately, the recent pre-sale box office is very mediocre. "

On April 22, when "Zhu Xian" was shown in Japan and South Korea, movie tickets from Europe and America began to be pre sold on Yunyi shopping website.

Up to now, it has been three or four days, only 30 million copies have been sold, far less than in Asia, let alone compared with China.

However, such achievements have made Hollywood companies envious.

Compared with Asian fans, European and American fans are more rational. It may be that they have been persecuted by Hollywood movies for a long time. Even if the director is more powerful, they will not believe the propaganda easily.

Xiao Yunhai's "killing the immortals", a film from all over China, has won the trust of more than 30 million people, which is very remarkable.

The ticket price of "Zhuxian" is 100 US dollars, which is 20% discount before the premiere, that is, 80 dollars, and 30 million movie tickets is 2.4 billion dollars.

It was the first time in the history of Hollywood that it won $2.4 billion before it was released.

Lyle said with a smile: "if the pre-sale performance of $2.4 billion is not good, I really don't know what kind of performance is good in Mr. Xiao's mind."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said: "I didn't expect that the president paid so much attention to" Zhu Xian ". He was not worried that I would not pay taxes to the government."

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, lair and Wu Qingbo couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai talking and laughing with them, the participants were not calm.

Many people have come, but they are not qualified to talk to the leaders of the world's two largest countries.

It's good to touch a glass and say hello.

Besides the Bessie and Anderson families, there are not many businessmen like Xiao Yunhai who have no scruples about talking and laughing.

Elvis Bessie, who was talking to members of Congress, glanced at Xiao Yunhai, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face seemed dignified, but in a flash, he turned back with a smile.

The congressman knew about Xiao Yunhai and the Bessie family and said with a smile, "Mr. Bessie, this is the red man in front of the president. If you want to ease your relationship with Mr. Lyle, you'd better not be too hard on him in the near future. "

Elvis Bessie was stunned and said helplessly, "this Mr. Shaw is not bread. We can pinch it as we like. Even if I want to embarrass him, I have to be able to do so. "

The councillor has been with Elvis for decades. Apart from the Anderson family, he has never seen him so afraid of a person. In his heart, Xiao Yunhai's status has been raised to several levels.

He knew very well that the man who could make Elvis Bessie so afraid was no ordinary businessman.

After chatting with lair and Wu Qingbo for a while, Xiao Yunhai took the red wine and went to other places.

In an hour, Xiao Yunhai met many people, most of them members of the United States Congress.

When these politicians saw Xiao Yunhai eat so much in front of lair and Wu Qingbo, they basically took the initiative to make friends.

Half an hour before the inauguration ceremony, the reception is over.

Those who can attend the reception need to be at least 100 billion rich. However, there are no restrictions on those who attend the inauguration ceremony of the president of the United States. Even the poor can attend. The number is about 500. People from all walks of life are required to have them. The only thing in common is that they must support the president and ensure that there is no disturbance.

Half an hour later, the National Anthem of the United States sounded on the lawn of the Capitol building, which was sung by Este, an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai.After playing the national anthem, Lyle stepped onto the stage with a smile and delivered his inaugural speech for half an hour.

It has to be said that Lyle was elected president because of his outstanding eloquence and humorous language, which made everyone laugh from time to time.

At the end of the speech, under the chairmanship of the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, Lyle made a solemn oath with his left hand Bible and right hand constitution.

The president's oath is over, and the vice president goes on.

It's already afternoon when all kinds of processes have come down.

At three o'clock sharp, judges of the court, members of Parliament, members of the president's cabinet and invited guests dined in the Capitol building, which ended in only half an hour.

After dinner, the president and the vice president hold an inaugural parade, which requires no guests.

Xiao Yunhai saw that he could go. Without saying a word, he tried to leave.

"Mr. Xiao, please come over."

After only five or six steps, Xiao Yunhai was stopped by a burly, sharp eyed young man.

Xiao Yunhai knows him as the bodyguard next to Wu Qingbo. Even if Wu Qingbo is chatting with Laier, the other party is on guard less than 10 meters away from his side.

When the chief summoned him, Xiao Yunhai naturally had to go.

He followed the bodyguard to Wu Qingbo and took a look at Elvis Bessie. Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "chief, what instructions do you want me to have?"

Wu Qingbo said with a smile: "I dare not instruct you, this rich man. Mr. Elvis, there is a deep misunderstanding between the two of you. I wonder if Mr. Xiao will give me this face? "

Xiao Yunhai obviously didn't expect Wu Qingbo to come out like this, and even less did he expect Elvis Bessie to acquiesce in Wu Qingbo's doing so. He was very surprised, but his face was still and said with a smile: "chief, there is no deep hatred between Mr. Bessie and me. The only contradiction is that Mr. Terence died. Before that, I had vowed in front of the media reporters that it was definitely not me. It's just that Mr. Elvis and the Bessie family regard me as enemies, and I have nothing to do with it

Elvis Bessie said, "so Mr. Shaw is willing to live in peace with our Bessie family?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Huaxia stresses harmony and wealth. I'm a businessman, and of course I don't want to make enemies, especially enemies like the Bessie family. "

Elvis Bessie, with a smile on his face, reached out his hand and said, "I'm very grateful that Mr. Shaw can forget the past. If Mr. Shaw needs my help in the future in America, let me just say that we Bessie family will do our best. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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