Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:52 AM

Chapter 1719

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Although Xiao Yunhai has not yet guessed the real intention of Elvis Bessie, he reaches out his hand and does not smile. People ask for a reconciliation, and Xiao Yunhai is not good at putting on airs.

Holding out his hand and shaking Elvis Bessie, Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you in advance. I just have a small matter that I need Mr. Bessie's help. I wonder if it can be done? "

On hearing this, Wu Qingbo almost spurted out the red wine he had just drunk in his mouth. He said in his heart, "hit the snake and stick. This boy is really shameless."

Elvis Bessie's expression was also stagnant, said: "Mr. Shaw, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai directly said that he wanted to set up a security company in the United States, and said, "if Mr. Bessie can help me to do this, Yunhai will be deeply impressed."

Elvis Bessie was almost spit out blood by Xiao Yun Hai Qi, and said: "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, this matter needs the approval of the government and the approval of the Congress. I really don't have this right. Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao, we have something else to do with our family, so we'll leave first. "

With that, Elvis Bessie turned and left.

Looking at his back, Xiao Yunhai said with disdain: "do you still try your best to help? I'm sorry

Wu Qingbo didn't have a good temper and said, "you boy is really good enough. You have a thick skin. How can it be easy to have private arms in America. This is still a kind of demeanor. If someone else had changed, he might have scolded him

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "chief, do you know Mr. Bessie?"

Wu Qingbo nodded and said, "when I was a deputy secretary of the Shanghai municipal Party committee, I went to New York to attract investment. At that time, he invested 2 billion US dollars in Shanghai, which was a great help to me. You know, two billion twenty-five years ago was not a small amount. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. No wonder you are going to be the middleman for him

Wu Qingbo said with a smile: "middleman? Sea of clouds, you don't really think that people laugh with you and die of gratitude and hatred? "

Xiao Yunhai now wanted to understand his intention and said with a smile, "do you think I look like a fool?"

Wu Qingbo said, "then tell me why he is like this?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a look of Indifference: "just want to give people here a false impression that I and the Bessie family are reconciled."

Now that Lyle is on the presidency, the impact on the Bessie family is absolutely bad.

Xiao Yunhai is a "meritorious official" of Lyle's successful election campaign. Elvis Bessie asked Wu Qingbo to make peace and take the initiative to "show" to people outside, mainly to show that he did not have much conflict with President lair. Even Xiao Yunhai, the number one meritorious official, can reconcile his words, let alone president lair.

Wu Qingbo said with a smile, "you are not so confused. Did you see the handshake you just had with Elvis Bessie? A lot of people have noticed. Especially the successor of the Anderson family, looking at you frequently. This signal is not a good sign. "

This time, it was Wu Qingbo who called Xiao Yunhai back because of the face of Elvis Bessie, an old friend.

Therefore, he must mention it so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your concern. I know what to do."

Wu Qingbo flashed a trace of approval in his eyes and said, "it's really good enough to make Elvis Bessie attach so much importance to him. I just heard you say that it is very difficult to set up a security company in America. The United States is known as the most open country in the world, which can accommodate all the races in the world, but in fact it is not so. In both political and military circles, people with great power are almost Native Americans. It's hard for you to control a security force like Blackwater. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's up to people. If it wasn't for the Anderson family asking for 300 billion dollars, I would have started to deal with it now. "

As the head of China, Wu Qingbo is very rare to be able to speak with Xiao Yunhai. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai is not willing to hide something from him.

"300 billion dollars? Good guy, it's tough. " Wu Qingbo thought for a moment and said, "I'll show you a bright way. In addition to the two families, there is also one person who can do it. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and asked, "who?"

Wu Qingbo looked at the back of Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "he will come soon."

When Xiao Yunhai turned his head, he saw that the visitor was almost 60 years old, with white hair, deep vision and vigorous spirit. It was Stanley Simon, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Compared with previous lives, the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court has more power, not only to preside over the Senate, but also to impeach the president of the United States.

Stanley Simon has been in this position for ten years, and his prestige among the American people is much higher than that of the president.

If he's running for president, there's nothing about Lyle and Adams."Mr. Wu, long time no see."

Stanley Simon came near and hugged Wu Qingbo. It was obvious that they were old acquaintances.

Wu Qingbo said with a smile: "Mr Simon, it seems that I need to ask you for advice on health preservation. I find you are younger than you were five years ago. "

Stanley Simon chuckled and said, "Mr. Wu, you are really a joke. In terms of health preservation, which country in the world can compare with China with 5000 years of civilization. "

After that, he turned his head and looked up and down at Xiao Yunhai. He exclaimed, "Mr. Xiao is younger than my son in terms of age. However, in terms of achievement, my son, who was not a success, was too far away. To be able to produce such a talented person as Mr. Xiao, Huaxia is really outstanding. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thanks for Mr. Simon's praise, you see my face will be red."

Stanley Simon and Wu Qingbo burst into laughter.

After chatting for a while, Wu Qingbo said, "Mr. Simon, Mr. Xiao is the most outstanding young man in China, and his every move has attracted the attention of the Chinese government. He was attacked twice in a row in Washington last month, which makes us feel very uneasy about his safety. Chief executive No. 12 thinks that the United States government should bear unshirkable responsibility in those two attacks. I wonder how your government will ensure the safety of our citizens in the future? "

With the terrorist attacks as a starting point, and then the establishment of a security company is naturally led out. Xiao Yunhai has to admit that compared with these political figures, he is still far from being. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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