Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:50 AM

Chapter 1720

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Stanley Simon looks dignified. After all, Wu Qingbo's status is there.

He nodded and said, "I understand your concern about Mr. Xiao. People like him will receive the highest level of attention in any country. At the same time, I feel sorry and sorry for those two terrorist attacks. After taking office, President Lyle will immediately order the Washington police department to thoroughly clean up the whole city and eliminate all risk factors. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what about other places? Like Los Angeles, New York? Mr. Simon, the people who want me to die, let alone the police department. I'm afraid even the American government or the Supreme Court led by you can't help them. "

Stanley Simon frowned and said, "Mr. Shaw, I know what you mean. Some people have gone too far."

"Mr. Simon, most of my industry is in the United States of America. According to the current situation, I will pay at least 300 billion dollars of huge taxes to the Ministry of finance of your country this year. But you can't even guarantee my safety. Don't you think it's inappropriate? "

Stanley Simon's eyes narrowed slightly, took a look at Xiao Yunhai, and then looked at Wu Qingbo, who was smiling. He seemed to understand something and said, "there is an idiom in China, which is called opening a skylight to speak up. Do you want me to help you with this old man

Wu Qingbo said with a smile: "Mr Simon is really wise. Come on, Yunhai. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr Simon, for the sake of my safety, I would like to set up an security company like Blackwater."

Stanley Simon frowned and said solemnly, "Mr. Shaw, your request is a little overwhelming. With my ability, I can't do it at all. Not even the president. "

Xiao Yunhai glanced around, saw no one, then whispered: "can someone help me do it."

Stanley Simon turned pale.

When Xiao Yunhai said this, the hidden meaning was to tell him that the Senate was controlled by others.

As the head of the Senate, it's strange that Stanley Simon is happy.

"Why didn't Mr. Xiao look for them instead of me, a useless old man?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Simon, you are really joking. In America, only a fool thinks the chief justice of the Supreme Court is useless, and I am just a little bit smarter than a fool. "

"Ha ha ha." Stanley Simon was happy.

Originally some tense atmosphere was diluted by Xiao Yunhai's words.

"Mr. Xiao, have you not answered my question? Why didn't you look for them? " Stanley Simon continued.

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you want to get a special weapon use certificate, it will cost 300 billion US dollars. Would you like to change you, Mr. Simon? "

Stanley Simon flashed a little anger on his face, sneered and said, "it's really hard to accept such a price. Ha ha, unexpectedly, our Senate has become a tool for some people to collect money. If it goes on like this, America will be OK. "

In fact, people like Stanley Simon are disgusted with the Bessie and Anderson families who can influence the American government and the Senate. Because their rights have been constrained by each other, and they can't command them easily. I'm afraid no one can stand it.

Xiao Yunhai also felt this, added strength again, and said, "Mr. Simon, to tell you the truth, I have offended the Bessie family. They did the first two terrorist attacks. The Bessie family has its own arms company, its own security company and three mercenaries in Africa. Hehe, you can imagine how my final outcome will be. I've already thought about it, but I can't. I'm going back to China for development. There, the Bessie family couldn't reach in. Of course, if there is a security company that protects me and my industry, that's another matter. "

Stanley Simon looked at Xiao Yunhai tightly. After a long time, he said, "even if you have such a security company, what can you do? And how can you guarantee that you won't use it to do bad things? "

Seeing that there was a door, Xiao Yunhai even said, "what I want is to protect myself, to deter others from taking reckless actions against me and my industry, rather than using it to harm people. For this, I am willing to control the scale. Blackwater company has 12000 security personnel, and my security company only needs a fraction of its 2000 people. If you can help me, as long as I am not bankrupt, I am willing to donate $10 billion to the Supreme Court every year. "

When Stanley Simon heard the speech, his eyes flashed and he said, "Mr. Xiao, you're not kidding US $10 billion a year?"

The Supreme Court of the United States has great power and seems to be superior. In fact, the daily expenses received by the Supreme Court every year are not high.

If Xiao Yunhai can really donate 10 billion yuan a year, it will definitely help them.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "Mr Simon, compared with the 300 billion dollars, do you think I will cheat you for 10 billion dollars a year?"

Stanley Simon nodded and said, "I can give you a try."Xiao Yunhai said happily, "great. Mr. Simon, I thank you very much, whether it's a success or not. Thank you

The three talked for a while, and Stanley Simon left.

Wu Qingbo looked at his back and said, "don't underestimate this old man. Now that he has promised, there will be no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, chief."

Wu Qingbo patted him on the shoulder and said, "do well. I hope to see you one day really surpass the Bessie and Anderson families

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I will try my best."

As soon as he left Wu Qingbo and had been staring at him, Anderson immediately came to him and said, "Mr. Xiao, it seems that you have a good talk with Mr. Bessie and Mr. Simon."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Simon is a judge with great wisdom. It is my honor to hear his teachings. As for Mr. Bessie, do you think hatred will be eliminated in such a short time? With your wisdom, I believe you can understand his intention? "

Apollo Anderson said: "patriarch Bessie is a man who can do anything for profit. I don't believe him, but I trust you. Mr. Shaw, our Anderson family is willing to make friends with you and fight against our enemy, the Bessie family. "

Xiao Yunhai held out his hand and said, "in your words, I don't believe in Anderson family, but I believe in you, Apollo."

Apollo Anderson chuckled, "thank you. Mr. Xiao, I wonder if you are free this afternoon. I'd like to treat you to a meal

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've always been willing to come to dinner."

After staying in the Capitol for more than an hour, Xiao Yunhai left with Apollo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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