Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:49 AM

Chapter 1721

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In Apollo's car, they came to an Italian steakhouse.

Before that, Apollo had asked people to package the whole restaurant, so when they arrived, there was no one in it.

Choosing a window seat, Apollo casually ordered a seven ripe steak and a cup of coffee.

Xiao Yunhai ordered ten pieces of eight ripe steak and a bottle of red wine. He didn't eat it for nothing. Anyway, it wasn't his treat.

Apollo seems to know that Xiao Yunhai is a big stomach king. He just smiles and gives the menu to the waiter.

"Mr. Xiao, I have a detailed investigation of all your industries. I find that you seem to have a sense of crisis. Almost all the shares of the company are in your hands. This is not a good thing for the development of a company. I don't know if you've ever thought about a part of it? " Apollo asked with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Apollo, which company do you like?"

Apollo shook his head and said with a wry smile, "what if I say I like it all?"

Xiao Yun Haydn was happy and said, "that's my pleasure. I've been thinking about it, actually. In the past, because I had no ability, I had to tightly hold the controlling right of the company, so as not to be acquired. Now I'm not willing to. Like Yunqing network company, its potential is far from reaching its maximum. There is also Yunqing oil and gas company. With restrictions on exports from the Arab world and Russia, the price of oil will only get higher and higher. You said, I am now financing, is not a big loss? "

Apollo said, "it's true, but it depends on whether it's worth it. Mr. Xiao, I'm very optimistic about your Yunqing network company. I want to buy some shares. "

Today, Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing network company has completely surpassed stell network company because of the global fire of twitter client and Yunqing client, with a market value of US $250 billion. What's more, its potential has not yet fully exploded.

Kristi once did a market survey for Xiao Yunhai. She thought that in only one year, the market value of the whole Yunqing network company could increase by 60% at least, more than $4 trillion.

Don't mention Apollo. Businessmen all over the world want to buy its shares, but Xiao Yunhai doesn't give them this opportunity at all.

"Mr. Apollo, you know I'm not very short of money. I don't need financing." Xiao Yunhai did not want to make a refusal.

Apollo said: "Mr. Xiao, my interest in Yunqing network company is that it can provide me with a strong capital flow. As long as you can sell me 20% of the market price, I can help you with the security company. "

If Apollo had proposed such a condition, maybe Xiao Yunhai would have agreed.

But now that he had Stanley Simon's help, he didn't have to pay so much for Apollo.

However, the Anderson family also has what Xiao Yunhai needs, that is, ammunition.

Anderson arms company, international aerospace company and queer Internet search engine are the three core industries of Anderson family.

Queer search engine and previous generations of Google, no search engine can compare with it.

Arms companies needless to say, America's most famous rattlesnake missile is its masterpiece, small to bullet, large to aircraft carrier, no problem in manufacturing. The market value has reached a terrible $23 trillion, which is even better than that of the Bessie family.

International Aerospace Corporation was independent from arms companies ten years ago. It can manufacture civil aircraft, bombers, fighter planes, satellites, rockets, etc., and its position in the American military can be imagined.

In other industries, the Anderson family may not be comparable to the Bessie family, but in the military industry, it is far stronger than them.

That's why the Anderson family is still standing.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Apollo, I have completely lost interest in security companies, but I am very optimistic about your arms companies."

Apollo's face changed and said, "Mr. Xiao, your appetite is too big. The arms company, the Anderson family, will never sell even one percent of the shares. That's our core industry. Nobody can move. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said with a smile, "don't be so nervous. If you can't, you can't. Like you, Yunqing network company is also my core industry. Now it has not developed and I will not sell it. "

Speaking of this, almost into the dead end, Apollo's face has no trace of a smile.

At this time, the waiter brought up what they ordered.

Xiao Yunhai picked up the red wine and said, "there is a saying in China that business can not be done in a benevolent and righteous way. Mr. Apollo, you're not going to get angry about this

Apollo took a sip of coffee, the corners of his mouth cocked up and said with a smile, "I haven't been stingy to this extent. Mr. Xiao, I'd like to know what you're going to do with our arms company? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it's to build our own army. I spent 20 billion dollars on the black market to buy Terence's life, but there was no terrorist organization that dared to take over. Why? It's not that the Bessie family has three legions of mercenaries to support them. I don't want to be threatened or attacked again, so I need arms to arm my menApollo's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "if so, you don't need to buy shares in our arms company. As long as you have money and want any kind of weapons, we can make them for you. Tanks and missiles are OK. "

"What about the price?" Xiao asked

Apollo thought about it and said, "if you can sell me 20% of the shares of Yunqing network company, I will give you 30% discount for all the arms you need."

The Anderson family has a lot of weapon factories all over Africa.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I remember. However, this matter is not small, I need to go back and discuss with my economic team. You know I don't know much about these things. "

Apollo said, "I hope Mr. Xiao can bring me good news."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai and Apollo are enough to stop talking about business matters.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai returned to the hotel.

Ask Kristi, Xiao Yunhai to tell us about Stanley Simon's help in setting up a security company.

Christie said happily, "great. Mr. Simon has a great influence in America. He has never failed to do what he promised. It's worth 10 billion dollars a year to get involved with him

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't come to you for this. I want to talk to you about Yunqing network company. Apollo wants to buy 20% of the shares. What do you think? "

Kristi frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, Yunqing network company is booming. It will take another year to reach its peak. I don't think it's a good idea to sell shares now. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know what you mean, but I have to agree with him. Arms, I want to buy arms from them to arm the dragon war mercenaries in Africa

Kristi is well aware that since Xiao Yunhai was attacked, he has had a great interest in the armed forces, which is not a bad thing.

When the business is big, we must have the strength to protect it. Otherwise, the final result can only be for others to do wedding dress.

"Mr. Xiao, what kind of price does the other party offer?" Christy measured it and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I haven't talked about it yet. However, he promised to provide me with missiles, tanks and other military equipment, which was 30% cheaper than the market price. How much do you think a 20% stake can sell for? "

Christie thought for a while and said, "the value of cloud clear network company can be said to be immeasurable. One year later, the most conservative estimate is that the market value will reach 4 trillion yuan. Apollo wants 20% of the shares. I think it's just a wild price. We can repay the money on the ground. Let him sell US weapons, but only give him 10% of the shares. I am sure he will agree. As for the price, 500 billion dollars. This money, we can not cash, let him use weapons to pay back. What do you think? "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened, he gave Kristi a thumbs up and said, "it's very powerful. That's it. Tomorrow, Apollo will definitely call me, and I will tell him

"When are you going to Los Angeles, Mr. Shaw?" Christie asked

Xiao Yunhai's biggest purpose of coming to the United States this time is for the release of "Zhu Xian". Wen Yan said: "after we have finished the affairs of Apollo, we will return immediately. But I'm going to New York first to see our company. "

Christie nodded and said, "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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