Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:43 AM

Chapter 1725

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After talking with Apollo, Xiao Yunhai directly gave the dragon a dial in the past.

Their numbers are encrypted by satellite, which can effectively prevent the enemy from eavesdropping.

"Long Yi, what are you busy with?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

"Mr. Xiao, everyone is busy training. During this period, we have bought a lot of weapons and equipment, but we haven't arrived yet and have been waiting. "

Long Yi's voice is still calm and powerful.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are there tanks, planes, missiles and so on?"

Next to a sound, from Long Yi's mobile phone into his ears.

"Well, is there anyone over there?"

Long Yi said, "just at the meeting, everyone wanted to hear your voice, so I put my mobile phone into the public address mode."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "is there a brother who listened to my words, felt incredible, and then spouted out the tea in his mouth."

A strong and heroic voice came.

"Mr. Xiao, my name is Dazhuang. I'm sorry. I didn't hold back. Mainly because you think highly of us. As for tanks and mercenaries, you can only say that they have missiles

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "nothing is impossible. I'm calling long Yi to tell you that an agreement is about to be reached between me and the Anderson family, with 800 billion dollars of weapons and equipment to be delivered to you. You'd better discuss what to buy at once and give me a list. "

Xiao Yunhai said, there is no sound on the other side, it seems difficult to digest this matter.

After a long time, long Yicai asked in a trembling voice, "Mr. Xiao, are you not joking?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I never joke. I'm funding you, not for fun, but to make you the most powerful mercenary Corps in Africa. One is to deter my enemies, and the other is to help those who live in Africa. Although Apollo Anderson hasn't answered yet, I'm confident that he will


"My God, I'm going crazy."

"No, twenty tanks, twenty armored vehicles."

"Fart, at least 50."

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, people there cheered and began to discuss.

Long Yi said, "Mr. Xiao, don't blame them. Ten days ago, we were fighting for a gold mine because of lack of weapons. Many brothers died and were forced out of the area by a top mercenary army. Everyone is holding a fire and trying to get revenge. But it will take more than a month for the arms to arrive, so we have to wait. "

"Gold mine? How big is it? " Xiao Yunhai asked.

Only in the morning did he say that he would reserve gold for the bank. In the afternoon, he heard about the gold mine. It was just rain in time.

"Some experts say that the reserves are about 200 tons. This gold mine has always been in our jurisdiction. Unexpectedly, several teams came to fight for the gold mine. We beat back several times, but we didn't keep it in the end. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "they will pay the price. Long Yi, my bank has been buying gold, but the effect is not very good, spent a lot of money, only bought about 30 tons. I'll take care of the ammunition. I hope you can knock down this gold mine for me

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao. As long as the ammunition arrives, we will guarantee you the gold mine."

"Yes. Mr. Xiao, we want revenge. We beat those bastards who don't even know their mother. "

Heard the phone over there a group of angry, Xiao Yunhai: "well, I will give you a chance to revenge."

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Apollo.

"Mr. Xiao, my father agreed. However, we can not provide you with missiles, airplanes and other weapons. "

Xiao Yunhai had already received a military bill from Long Yi and said, "there is no airport in Africa. I want airplanes and missiles for nothing. However, I must be equipped with weapons such as helicopters, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles. "

Apollo said, "Mr. Xiao, the plane includes helicopters and drones."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Apollo, 800 billion dollars, you don't want me to buy some pistol bullets. I know that you are worried about technology leakage. In this way, I will step back and you will only need to provide me with more heavy weapons. "

Apollo thought for a moment and said, "this should be no problem. We have a lot of old helicopters and drones that haven't been destroyed. Do you know if Mr. Xiao is interested

Xiao Yunhai said, "I don't understand. In a few days, I will send experts to check and accept. If they think they can, it's OK. As for the contract, we can discuss and sign it tomorrow. "

Apollo agreed and hung up.

Xiao Yunhai told the news to Long Yi, who immediately said that he would bring people to New York in person.

The next day, Christie took her economic team and Apollo's economic team to start a fight between you and me.The two sides argued with each other, and finally reached an agreement under the negotiation between Xiao Yunhai and Apollo.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, it was Apollo who signed it, not the head of the Anderson family.

After signing, Xiao Yunhai shook hands with Apollo and said thoughtfully, "Mr. Apollo, are you not afraid that the family members will blame you for doing so?"

Apollo said with a smile, "long."

"Thank you." "My father and I control 46% of the shares of Anderson arms company. We are a substantial shareholder. Who dares to oppose it?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it seems that you are the next group leader Anderson."

Apollo smile, suddenly thought of something, said: "there is something almost forgot to tell you. As it happens, it's the Bessie family who drove your dragoon mercenaries out. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly and said, "is it one of the three mercenaries?"

Apollo said, "it's just part of the Viper mercenary army."

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "then bury them there."

See Xiao Yunhai kill infinite eyes, Apollo heart happy flowers.

What they most want to see is the conflict between Xiao Yunhai and the Bessie family? This time is just a chance.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Apollo, my dragon war mercenaries are extremely short of weapons. This is my arms list. You need to send them to them within half a month. I'm going to give a lifelong lesson to those who think of my gold mine. "

Apollo took a look and said, "too much. Half a month is impossible. Thirty percent should be OK. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. I've calculated the value of these weapons. It's 330 billion dollars. The remaining $470 billion will continue to be sought after. "

Apollo nodded and said, "OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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