Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:38 AM

Chapter 1729

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Back from Apollo, Xiao Yunhai came to his bedroom. After some consideration, Xiao Yunhai dials his uncle Xiao Chongyang's private mobile phone.

A few rings, Xiao Yunhai hung up.

Xiao Chongyang is busy every day. If he is free, he will take over.

If you don't, you're working. When you have a rest, you'll come back to him.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Xiao Chongyang called him back.

"Aren't you in America? Is there anything I can do for you Xiao Chongyang seemed to be in a good mood and spoke in a relaxed tone.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, I really have something to do. I don't know if you can operate it?"

Xiao Chongyang said without being angry: "I know you have something to do. Go ahead. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I bought some gold in South Africa and wanted to transport it to Shanghai through our Chinese army. What do you think?"

"How much?" said Xiao Chongyang

Xiao Yunhai said: "not much. That is, 1140 tons. "

"Pooh." On the other side, Xiao Chongyang sprayed tea directly from his mouth and said with a smile: "1140 tons, not much, are almost catching up with the national reserves. What do you want so much gold for? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "my bank is going to open all over the world. Do you think I can resist future risks without making some gold? Besides, the price of gold is cheap now. It's better to buy more. "

Xiao Chongyang said: "then you can ask the other party to help you transport it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the South African government would like Anders gold company to go bankrupt. It is impossible to help transport gold. And the Bessie family has said that no one can buy Anders's gold. If I look for the people's movement myself, I'm sure I will be robbed by mercenaries. Maybe the South African government will take a hand in it

Xiao Chongyang snorted and sneered: "it's not because you offended too many people."

Xiao Yunhai shamelessly said: "no way, wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it. How are you, uncle? You haven't answered me yet

Xiao Chongyang said, "you are stupid. I'm the prime minister and I don't have the right to command the troops. You should contact chief one directly. He is meeting with the foreign guests. Please call him in an hour. But you'd better be prepared to be blackmailed. "

"Ah. No, I've done so many things for Huaxia. I can't even help these little things. " Xiaoyun Haidao.

"Little things?" Xiao Chongyang said, "you are making eggs by borrowing shells. More than 1100 tons of gold will make any country's Government jealous. Without the help of the Chinese government, you can't bring it back. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I recognize it, but can't I? I hope chief one's knife is not too fast. "

An hour later, Xiao Yunhai called the first chief executive.

Soon, the phone was connected, and the bright voice of the first chief came over.

"Yunhai, I've heard from your uncle. There is no problem in transporting more than 1100 tons of gold from South Africa to Shanghai. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "that's great. Chief, I want to buy it in the name of the people's Bank of China and ship it to Shanghai and Shanghai. "

Chief one said, "no problem. However, we have helped you so much. Is it possible that you, as a large capital, have returned good fortune and contributed to our government? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "chief, look at what you said. I have always fully supported our domestic construction. I can't remember how many roads and railways have been built alone

We are still very sincere. However, the code goes back to the code. It's said that you have found a lot of oil fields in Africa, which is not far away from the one we have developed. It's just that you can transport them to China together. How about paying according to the previous agreement? No problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "chief executive, the development cost of the oilfield is getting higher and higher. If we handle it in the same way as before, I'm afraid Yunqing oil and gas company can't bear it. You have pity on us. It's better to pay a development fee first. "

No. 1 chief said, "don't talk nonsense. Not to mention anything else, WiFi, mobile payment and various clients can bring you tens of billions of profits every month. If you add in other companies, it could be hundreds of billions. You are richer than our government now, and you are still crying in front of me. You're really a government intelligence company. You're a dry cook. In a word, agree or disagree. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a sad face, said, "in addition to agreeing, do I have other choices?"

The No. 1 chief laughed and said, "it's really not. By the way, the army can't work in vain. They have to collect some transportation fees and pay with 40 tons of gold. "

"Forty tons of gold? It's a little too expensive for transportation. " Xiao Yunhai exclaimed.

No. 1 chief said, "is it expensive? I don't think it's expensive. For 1100 tons of gold, the price is quite affordable. If you ask the U.S. government for help, they're asking more. "Xiao Yunhai bit his teeth and said, "OK, I agree."

The first chief said, "well, the whole thing is settled. I'll ask the Ministry of foreign affairs to inform the South African government immediately, send a transport plane to pull gold, and send two fighter planes to escort it, so as to ensure that it can be safely transported to Shanghai

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, chief."

Yanjing, No.1 chief executive put down the phone and said with a smile: "Yunhai, that boy has agreed. Chongyang, isn't it a bit unnatural for us to do this? "

It turned out that Xiao Chongyang had already come to the office of the first chief executive. These two conditions were also his idea.

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile: "the boy is rich now, but our government is very poor because of the development of the western region. This is called robbing the rich to help the poor. "

A glimmer of wisdom flashed in his eyes, pointing to Xiao Chongyang and saying, "it's not just that. You're looking for a talisman for him

Xiao Chongyang laughed and said, "yes. I do have this selfishness. Just because he's developing well doesn't mean he'll never have problems. In the future, if he is really in trouble, I have reason to say a word for him and get the support of our government. "

"Even if he doesn't, our government will support him. It's not easy to get out of Xiao Yunhai. "

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yunhai got up and came to the lawn and stood up in the three postures.

After practicing kung fu to his level and returning to nature, there is no secret about those so-called moves. On the contrary, this most basic thing helps Xiao Yunhai a lot.

After a while, Long Yi and several members of the team also came out and saw Xiao Yunhai standing there with his eyes closed and a very special posture. They all discussed curiously.

"Is Mr. Xiao standing in the three body form of Xingyi Quan?"

"No. It's not supposed to be like this

"The monk in our team is a master of Xingyi boxing. He doesn't stand like this."

The Dragon sighed and said, "Mr. Xiao has practiced Kung Fu to the point of doing everything. Stand at any position

to achieve extraordinary results. In ancient times, it was definitely a great master of a generation. "

Xiao Yunhai woke up and opened his eyes to see that everyone was looking at himself and said with a smile, "do you also come out to do morning exercises?"

Long Yi said: "Mr. Xiao, you are the best master in the world. I want to learn from you."

"Good." Xiao Yunhai has not promised, others are excited to shout.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's have a duel."

Long Yi walked to the place about 10 meters away from Xiao Yunhai. With a dignified look, he put down a shelf and said, "Mr. Xiao, be careful."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "dragon one, you can do your best, if you can let me step back, even if you win." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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