Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:33 AM

Chapter 173

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as soon as the reporter's words came out, the whole scene immediately became hot.


"This kind of thing can happen. How about writing novels?"

"Really? Fake? "

Reporters began to whisper, the camera lens, camera lens, brush to Wu Zixu.

Just wait for Wu Zixu to speak, immediately is a flash bombing!

Xiao Yunhai frowned. How can the outside world know that this matter is so secret.

He squinted and focused on the sign on the reporter's chest.

Although it was a little vague, he found the problem very well.

The reporter's face was obviously not the same as the picture on the sign. The man in the picture is tall and fat, and he doesn't wear glasses, but the man in front of him is a short and thin man with glasses.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai immediately associated with the Oriental entertainment of Li Ran.

I heard Huang Qiusheng say that Li Ran seems to have trouble with the crew. Is this reporter Li Ran's person.

Wu Zixu was a man who had seen big waves. Although he had many doubts in his heart, his face was calm as water, and even showed a smile. He said, "people say that rumors stop with wise men. If such a bloody thing appears in the film and TV series or novels, it can be forgiven. But if it appears in reality, and is still my own crew, it is simply impossible. What this reporter said really baffled me

"May I ask Mr. Xue Ming, is there a member of your class called mouse?"

Another reporter asked Xue Ming.

For these reporters, the questions about the great master were basically asked in the previous publicity. It is not easy to have such a hot topic, they will not let go.

This reporter is over 40 years old and very experienced.

Now there are some troubles. It's strange that the reporters who can make up their stories without going into the bottom of the matter to hear such a powerful news.

Sure enough, a reporter from the film and Television Weekly stood up and asked Xue Ming, "Mr. Xue, I remember that in the process of shooting the grand master, your Xue family class once moved out of the hotel of the crew and finally paid his own expenses. Is it for this reason that you have to make such a decision to get the forgiveness of the crew

As soon as other reporters heard of it, they immediately thought of it. At that time, they felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Now they have found the cause and effect by linking the two things together.

Xue Mingxin read the telegram and said, "nothing. The reason for moving out is mainly because there are too many people in our Xue family class, and a large part of them live in hotels outside, which makes it very inconvenient for us to work. Wu director's "great master" has very high requirements for martial arts. We Xue Jiaban made some mistakes that should not have happened because of the cooperation. In order to facilitate management and coordination, we had to move to another hotel

"As for the problem of self payment, ha ha, I won't save money for Wu director. I've already asked him for reimbursement with the invoice."

Xue Ming's explanation is far fetched. Some experienced reporters are 100% sure that there is something wrong with him, but there is no way. The crew just won't admit it. Do you want to force them to fail.

Wu Zixu said with a cold face: "today is the premiere of the great master. I hope that all the reporters can focus on questions about the film. Please don't dwell on this meaningless topic. Thank you

Wu Zixu has made films and TV plays all his life. He has a very high position in the circle. No media dare not give him face when he makes this statement.

Wu Zixu's strong attitude to the drug time to draw a temporary sentence, reporters this entered a normal stage of interview.

"May I ask Mr. Huang Qiusheng, it seems that the role you played is not very many. What made you take this role?"

According to the general process, reporters should ask the leading actor and heroine after asking the director, but there are exceptions.

Even though they have less part in the play, they have a higher status than the protagonist, so they don't need to abide by this rule.

"The reason is very simple, the director is good, the script is good, the actor is good, and of course, the pay is good, ha ha."

Huang Qiusheng is worthy of being an experienced film emperor. A little joke makes the tense scene suddenly ease a lot.

"Miss Yu Yuexian, I heard that you have a very close relationship with Mr. Xiao Yunhai in the crew, and often ask the agent to send him delicious food. Are you two dating?"

Yu Yuexian heard the reporter's question, he he laughed, pointed to the reporter and said: "you are really omnipresent, even such things you can find, it is really powerful."

The reporter said with a smile, "I can take your words as a compliment to us, but you haven't answered my question directly yet?"

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "in fact, this is not a big deal. Yunhai is an excellent student of our Beijing Film Academy. He is my junior brother. In addition, we get along very well in our normal relationship, so I directly recognize him as my younger brother. In the future, please take good care of it. "After listening to Yu Yuexian's explanation, although Xiao Yunhai still has a faint smile on his face, he is already crying bitterly in his heart.

Dry brother? What a fanciful title.

Xiao Yunhai will bet that there will be many newspapers and magazines with titles like "love between brothers and sisters" written on them.

Although Yu Yuexian is kind and wants reporters to pay more attention to himself, Xiao Yunhai is really grateful for such attention.

"May I ask Mr. Zhang Xiaojing, in the process of filming..."

"Mr. Xue Ming, your performance in the play......"

since all the people on the stage have participated in the national publicity, the reporters have already asked the questions they should have asked, and all the reports have also been reported. As they thought that they could dig out some new things, they all agreed to focus on the interview Xiao Yunhai.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao Yunhai, I remember that you were just a student before you took part in the cast of the grand master, and you did not have such a reputation as you are now. What kind of opportunity did you get the recognition of director Wu and take part in the performance of great master? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's a long story. In short, my teacher recommended me to take part in the audition of romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the audition, director Hong Tianqiao saw that I could do some Xingyiquan. It happened that director Wu was short of such a role here, so I came. It's a great honor that director Wu approved my acting skills and gave me the role. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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