Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:37 AM

Chapter 1730

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Dragon a big drink, body micro motion, 10 meters distance is instantaneous, a punch to Xiao Yunhai's chest.

Long Yi knows that Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu is much higher than his own, so he uses all his strength.

The air seemed to make a hissing noise, and the lawn under his feet was pushed out of a big hole by his powerful explosive force.

"Good guy, boss, it's all you can do."

"I don't know if Mr. Xiao can take it."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed, his right fingers pinched together, and he pecked longyi's wrist as fast as lightning.

Long Yi's face changed greatly. He heard the howling sound of Xiao Yunhai's five fingers. He had goose bumps all over his body, wandering on the edge of life and death all year round. He knew that according to this situation, he would break the tendon of his wrist before he hit Xiao Yunhai.

Helpless, the Dragon suddenly stomped on the ground with his right foot, and the original forward body retreated backward.

At the same time, make a defensive posture to avoid Xiao Yunhai seizing the victory.

But Xiao Yunhai did not move, as if he had never done anything, standing there, smiling at him.

"Damn it, don't you?"

"The elder brother's Kung Fu can be said to be invincible in Africa. I didn't expect to have a big loss in the first round with Mr. Xiao. "

"Too soon. Mr. Xiao's hand is as fast as lightning. If the eldest brother doesn't retreat, I'm afraid he can't lift his right hand now. "

Long Yi's face is dignified to the extreme. Although he knows that he is not Xiao Yunhai's opponent, the gap is too big.

If Xiao Yunhai has just chased him out, Long Yi knows very well that he can't stand the two punches from the other side.

Is this the strength of the best master in the world?

Long Yi looks at Xiao Yunhai without flaw, and his confidence is shaken for the first time.

Fortunately, his fighting experience is very rich, and quickly make up for the gap in the heart.

Take a deep breath, the stomach is like a toad, the whole body seems to be supported by the breath of a big circle, like a towering giant, momentum roared up.

Xiao Yunhai flashed a trace of seriousness in his eyes, nodded and said, "it's a bit of fun."

However, he still did not make a move, quietly waiting for the dragon to store momentum to the highest point.

All of them held their breath and widened their eyes, waiting for the dragon's stunning strike.


After a big drink, the dragon finally made a move.

The fist is like an impregnable hammer, carrying the indestructible power, rushing to Xiao Yunhai crazily.

Where they passed, the lawn was thrown to both sides, and the air made a burst sound, and the bones clattered, just like an ancient giant, so powerful.

The people around were stupid and thought, "is this what people can do? It's horrible. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't dare to neglect him. Although he didn't move, his Qi and blood flowed continuously in his body, all of which converged to his right arm.

If it's not for the barrier of clothes, you will see Xiao Yunhai's arm has been a big circle.

When long Yi's fist comes near, Xiao Yunhai raises his arm and throws it forward, using a single whip from Taijiquan.

But different from before is Xiao Yunhai's arm pulls out, does not have a trace of sound, uses all is the soft strength.

After the collision with the fist of Long Yi, there is still no sound. The huge fist power of Long Yi seems to be pouring into the sea and disappearing without a trace.

Long Yi looked at Xiao Yunhai in disbelief, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I thought that even if I was not your opponent, at least I could force out all your strength. Unexpectedly, the gap between us is so big. The world's best master is really worthy of it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in this era, boxing is more for the purpose of strengthening the body, not much use. Touch the current hot weapons of Dudu, even if it is the regeneration of Dharma and Zhang Sanfeng is still alive, it will be finished. "

"That said, but with Kung Fu, the chances of survival are much better than ordinary people." Dragon road.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this is true."

"Good. I thought the boss was already the first in the world, but I didn't expect that the stronger the stronger, the stronger the middle hand. "

"Mr. Xiao is a miracle. As the richest man in the world and an international superstar, he has developed such a kung fu. That's amazing. "

"I used to be a big fan of Mr. Xiao, not to mention now."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "let's go to morning exercise. Long Yi, I have something to tell you. "

When they heard Xiao Yunhai's words, they all nodded. Running, practicing boxing and looking at Xiao Yunhai, they were full of awe.

Mr. Xiaolong, you can't beat up these guys with your strength

"Xiao Yunhai, who is not convinced by what he is, said. Last night, I have contacted Huaxia. Chief executive No. 1 promised to send a transport plane to transport the gold in the name of Huaxia. What I want to say is that it's already like this anyway. Can you buy more and ship them together? "Long Yi said in surprise, "Mr. Xiao, is more than 1100 tons of gold enough?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the more gold, the better. The US dollar and the Chinese currency are worthless, while gold is always valuable. "

Long thought about it and said, "I can ask my friend to help me. Can I buy it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's really good. You tell him that if he buys an extra ton of gold, I can give him a hundred thousand dollars' reward. "

The Dragon nodded and said, "good."

Xiao Yunhai left the gold matter to Zhao Guangting, who would then go as a Chinese government official. As for the capital, the bank will take care of one-third of the money, and Christie will be responsible for the rest.

On that day, Xiao Yunhai flew back to Los Angeles by plane.

His movie "kill the immortals" will be released on May 2, and now it is April 29. If we don't go back, we'll miss the premiere.

"Raul, how much did you spend on the promotion of the immortal?"

In Europe and the United States, Xiao Yunhai entrusted Raul with the publicity of Zhu Xian.

Raul said: "it only cost 200 million dollars. However, the publicity effect is very good, especially the box office breakthrough of 18 billion US dollars in Asia, which has aroused heated discussion among European and American fans. So far, the pre-sale box office of Yunyi shopping website has reached 4 billion US dollars, totally surpassing 2012. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. How is the company doing recently? "

Raul said: "although there are only three films released by our company this month, they are all blockbusters, with a total profit of more than $5 billion and a very high score. Next, it will be shown in Asian countries one after another. I believe that 10 billion will not be a problem. As for the more than ten films invested, there are good and bad, and the profit is only 1.2 billion US dollars. In May, there will be two suspense films, two hero films, a science fiction film and an animated film, besides your "Zhuxian", which should get better results

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Raul, remember. Our company is after the quality of the film, not the quantity. Now that word-of-mouth is hard to establish, we must not let any director relax and discredit us. Still, I'll allow movies that don't make money, but I'll never allow movies that are made in a crude way to capture money. Do you understand? "

Raul said, "don't worry, Mr. Xiao. These directors are very fond of feathers and have the full support of magic, which makes it impossible for them to make bad films

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Hehe, manwei has developed over the past few years, and its market value has increased by dozens of times. The films made by manwei are almost profitable for the Department, which is attributed to the director, actors and all the staff. In this way, take time to hold a celebration banquet. What do you think? "

Raul said with a smile, "of course."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's the decision. Set a time and let me know. This celebration banquet, you want to hold some grand, do not care about the money. Except for the people in our company, the others don't want to. "

Raul said, "yes, Mr. Xiao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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