Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:33 AM

Chapter 1733

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After putting down her mobile phone, Zhao Wanqing said to Bai binglu, Meng Xuewei, Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shuwen, "wait a minute. I have an emergency to deal with."

Bai binglu said, "sister Wanqing, do you want me to accompany you?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I just went to the bank to transfer money. It's no use if you go. I estimate that this trip will take

three hours

Escorted by several bodyguards, Zhao Wanqing quickly arrived at Huaxia commercial bank and China Construction Bank, respectively, drawing 40 billion US dollars and calling Zhao Guangting.

As a result, the purchase of 1700 tons of gold became Xiao Yunhai's bag.

At 9 a.m. on May 2, Xiao Yunhai and several villa bodyguards arrived at the airport in a luxury business car and three black SUVs.

After waiting for about half an hour, Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing and others with sunglasses and more than ten bodyguards coming out.

"Wow, isn't this the goddess Zhao who sings" my heart will last forever "

"Yes, yes, why did she come?"

"Nonsense, why can't people come?"

"She should be here for the premiere of" Zhu Xian "tonight

"Who are the two beauties behind her? It's beautiful. It seems that it's no worse than goddess Zhao. "

Most of these people are men. When they see the three beauties, their eyes are immediately locked on them.

As for Zhang Guoyang and his writings, they were sadly ignored.

If it wasn't for Zhao Wanqing's group of security guards, who were too scary, I'm afraid they would have crowded in and asked for autographs and photos. Maybe, I will try to take advantage of it.

Xiao Yunhai's bodyguards went up and took them to the business car.

"Ladies and gentlemen, long time no see." Xiao Yunhai said hello with a smile.

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "don't waste time, go back quickly. It's the premiere of the film in the evening, and we have to try on the dress

"Try on the dress?" Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "it's just a red carpet. You don't need to be too formal. At that time, as the main creators, after walking the red carpet, we will directly stand at the gate of the cinema to welcome the guests. If you don't dress properly, you will suffer. "

Bai binglu said: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, we can wear a long skirt at most. We won't wear that kind of special clothes to attract people's attention."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's good. When Chinese actors come to Hollywood, the most important thing is solemnity. We represent China outside, and we can't disgrace the Chinese people. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "we all know that. Let's go."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and started the car.

On the way, Xiao Yunhai asked, "wife, have you done everything yesterday?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't worry. Mr. Zhao should have taken the money with him today. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good. Ladies and gentlemen, what would you like to eat at noon

Zhang Guoyang said with a smile: "you have to eat the most expensive western food. Like Lafite in 1982, steaks in Italy, foie gras in France and so on

Xiao Yunhai said, "you are really ready. Yes? You don't want to make me poor

Bai binglu said with a smile: "even if we eat the most expensive things every day for ten lives, I'm afraid we can't afford to eat you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "people's potential is infinite. Maybe it doesn't take two years for you to eat and I'll be ruined."

They laughed and soon came to the villa.

Zhang Guoyang, Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei, who came for the first time, gave a voice of praise.

"It's so beautiful here." Bai binglu's eyes are going to shine.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "American villas are not expensive compared with China. As long as you work hard, you can buy one in three or five years at most. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "actually, it's not very useful for you to buy a villa here, unless you want to come to Hollywood to develop."

Zhang Guoyang asked, "Mr. Xiao, if we really intend to work here, will marvel accept us?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. Manwei and Hanhai are brother companies. It is only a matter of one sentence whether the directors and actors of Marvel go to China or the actors and directors of China come to marvel. But you have to understand that Marvel can not have too many resources for you, after all, Hollywood is the world of Westerners. No matter how powerful I am, I can't change this. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "in Hanhai, you are choosing scripts. At marvel, you need to wait for the script. In Hollywood movies, it's not a simple thing to add a Chinese part. "

Zhang Guoyang said with a smile: "I'm just asking. We are so comfortable in Hanhai now. Who knows what will happen if we change the environment. However, if Hollywood has the right movie characters, I'm very interested

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "tonight, we invited a lot of Hollywood directors. After you go, maybe they can really like you. Luck is really hard to sayAt noon, Xiao Yunhai took them to one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Los Angeles and had a delicious meal.

In the afternoon, all the clothes they ordered arrived.

Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shuwen's clothes are very simple. They are a suit of tailored suits, one gray and one black. They are very handsome.

The three beauties are not the same. They are full of jewels. They may have agreed in advance. All of them are long skirts, but the colors are different.

Zhao Wanqing is red, white binglu is white, and Meng Xuewei is green.

The three beauties themselves are all suffering from calamity for the country and the people. They are slender and slim. Xiao Yunhai only feels dizzy when they come out.

Next to Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shu Wen are not much better.

Zhao Wanqing saw the three people's gaping appearance and burst out laughing.

Xiao Yunhai came back to his senses and exclaimed, "are you going to kill those Hollywood and lecherons?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "this is our elaborate design. What do you think? Can it cause a sensation? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's worth saying. Originally, I planned to take the red carpet with a man and a woman. Now, you can get out of the car and get on the red carpet together. I think the scene is absolutely stunning. "

Zhang Guoyang nodded and said, "I guess those male fans must be crazy."

People laugh for a while. Xiao Yunhai looks at his watch and says, "OK, it's almost time. Let's go."

At the gate of Yanhuang cinema in Los Angeles, the lights are bright and dazzling.

A long red carpet stretches straight to the intersection. On both sides are countless media reporters, holding cameras and cameras in readiness.

In the distance are thousands of fans, holding various banners, billboards, a face excited waiting for the stars to appear.

"Have you heard that Mr. Xiao's" Zhu Xian "has already exceeded 18 billion US dollars in Asian box office." One reporter said.

"Who doesn't know about this in Hollywood. It's 180 dollars. I've worked for a thousand years, and I can't make so much money. "

"In Europe and the United States, pre-sale box office broke the record, with a total of $4.5 billion. This box office appeal is really frightening. "

" is another "2012". No, it's much better than 2012. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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